Bank of Baroda Tanzania entered Tanganyika way back in 1956 and remained till nationalization of financial institutions up to February 1967. The Bank had three branches in Dar es Salaam, Mwanza and Moshi at the time of nationalization under Arusha declaration. The Bank had come back to play its role in the United Republic of Tanzania in 2004. The Bank of Baroda Tanzania Ltd . was opened on 13th October
2004. Second branch was opened at Arusha on 10th August 2007,
Third branch was opened at the Kariakoo Market, Dar Es Salaam on 11th
June 2013 and 4th branch was opened at Mwanza on 21st July 2014. The
Bank is providing full fledge banking operation and serving the people
in all walks of life. We have Deposit products like Saving Accounts for
Individuals and Salaried people, Current and Premium Current Accounts
for Businesses and Term deposit accounts with attractive and competitive
interest rates for all depositors. We have financing products for
businessmen, traders, manufacturers, retailers, individuals,
employees of well established companies, institutions, Government
departments, SME etc. We also have Debit cards, Mobile Banking and
Internet Banking facility for our customers.
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The bank is inviting applications from suitable candidates to apply for new vacant positions. READ FULL DETAILS THROUGH THE PDF DOCUMENT BELOW: