New Vacancies at Jhpiego

Consultant - Videography and Photography Services at Jhpiego

The Challenge Initiative (TCI) funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population

and Reproductive Health, focuses on scaling up the success in increasing family planning

(FP). TCI aims to assist Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania to scale up FP services to reach


additional women and girls. The project is breaking ground in developing a technical

assistance model that incentivizes governments and local and global donors to buy into

the most successful and high-impact FP interventions. Governments then rapidly adapt

the interventions into their local context and support countries and districts to scale them


In Tanzania, the project covers Arusha, Dar es Salaam, Mwanza, Mbeya, Morogoro, and

Geita. Jhpiego, through The Challenge Initiative (TCI) program plans to engage a

videographer that will highlight major project accomplishments. The activity aims to

increase project visibility by publishing some significant program implementation

accomplishments. The materials will be used for donor reports and digital platforms,

(website and social media pages).

In the supported region of Geita, specifically Geita Town Council, the communication

team, along with a few outside journalists, is eager to create stories that highlight the

beneficial effects of the aforementioned project on the local community and health sector.

Read Also:


  • To produce one video documentary to highlight the role of health providers in saving lives through the TCI program.
  • To produce 20 high resolution quality photographs for use in program visibility.

Proposed Location: Geita Town Council

This position will be closed on March 15, 2024

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