Job Description – Public Health Officer (2402707)
Public Health Officer – (2402707)
Grade: NO-C
Contractual Arrangement: Fixed-term appointment
Contract Duration (Years, Months, Days): Two years
Job Posting: Mar 20, 2024, 12:42:43 PM
Closing Date: Apr 4, 2024, 12:59:00 AM
Primary Location: Tanzania, United Republic of-Dodoma
Organization: AF_TZA Tanzania
Schedule: Full-time
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that the deadline for receipt of applications indicated above reflects your personal device’s system settings.
The World Health Organization (WHO) Africa region is the hardest hit
where about74% of the estimated 1.2 million TB patients co-infected with
HIV occurred in 2014. For many years, efforts to tackle TB and HIV have
been largely independentof each other, despite their overlapping
epidemiology. The risk of progression from latent to active TB is
increased by infection with HIV. Likewise, TB is the most important
opportunistic disease that increases the progression to acquire dimmune
deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and the number one killer in HIV-positive
individuals. Thus, effective TB control can contribute to better
HIV/AIDS control by reducing the TB burden in people with HIV as well as
providing anentry point to HIV prevention and care for people with
TBThe HIV prevalence in the general population in Tanzania was 4.7% in
2016/17, however, there are geographical variations across Tanzania,
ranging from 11.4 percent in Njombe to less than one percent (<1%) in
Lindi and Zanzibar. The number of AIDS related deaths continue to
decline. The EMTCT rate remains high at 11%(UNAIDS). Accordingto the
Tanzania HIV impact survey 2016/2017, the number of new HIV infections
stands at 81,000 new cases of HIV annually among adults ages 15 to 64
years and the 2021 HIV Estimates sows a decline to 68 000 new
infections. Of concern is that the new infections are in among young
peopleWHO estimates that over 2 billion people have been exposed to
hepatitis B virus and approximately 350 million people are chronically
infected with HBV. In Tanzania HBV prevalence is estimated at 4 % among
people aged 15 – 49 years. However there are geographical variation
among blood donors, ranging from 3,5% in Mbeya to ashigh as 9,2% in Mara
region and even higher is key populations (KPs)Chronic HBV infection is
the risk factor for the development of HCC. The progression of
chronicity and the associated pathogenesis directly correlate with
active viral replication demonstrable by serological markersSTIs though
closely related to HIV is also facing challenges in its management due
to unavailability of medicines.
Support the Health Sector, including the Ministry of Health in
strengthening national capacity and building partnerships for the
control of HIV/AIDS, STI, TB and VH in URT; Act as focal person in the
WHO Country Office to manage Hep, TB, STI and HIV related work through
coordination with Health Sector (MOH) counterparts, donors and health
partners in these areas; Provide technical support in the development of
TB and HIV/Hep/STI national strategic and operational plans in addition
to, coordination, supervision of interventions related to their
implementation, monitoring and evaluation at both national and
subnational level; Provide technical support to improve integrated
health information system, especially increased demand, generation and
use of quality data/information related to TB, STI, HIV/TB and Hep.
Participate in resource mobilization and contribute to proposal
development and implementation of, but not limited to, the Global Fund
grants, PEPFAR; Assist the Health Sector in ensuring the real-time
monitoring of the epidemiological trends of Hep, TB, STI and HIV, in
addition to the progress of the response; Provide technical support to
recommend programme initiatives and priorities, including
operational/implementation research, based on analysis of technical and
policy problems identified during the programme implementation; Liaise
with the government counterparts to facilitate and support adaptation
and implementation of the national TB, STI and HIV/Hep programmes in
line with the WHO normative guidance and international best
practice;Assist in the interpretation and translation of relevant
documentsEnsure a brokering role of main actors involved in the health
sector and advise the WHO Representative for policy dialogue aimed at
addressing bottle necks limiting progress of the response related to
Hep, TB, STI and HIV and Perform any other tasks assigned by the
Essential: Medical degree or Degree in Public Health or Epidemiology or other related fields
Desirable: Post graduate training of Masters’ Degree in public health or
epidemiology. specialized training in communicable diseases.
Essential: At least five years related experience in public health.
Extensive knowledge and experience in HIV and TB prevention and control
programming and implementation. Proven experience in HIV and TB
technical and programme management at country level.1.Knowledge of Viral
Hepatitis and STI Programming.2.Knowledge of the Tanzania health system
– management and strategic planning atnational level.3.Ability to
develop and facilitate the development of HIV, STI, TB and VH guidelines
and effectively monitor progress in use of guidelines.4. Excellent
interpersonal skills with ability to cooperate and negotiate with
technical and funding agencies, and to establish and maintain effective
working relationships with all levels of staff.5.Experience with Global
Fund proposal development, grant management and implementation
processes.6. Excellent communication skills, including presentation
skills, ability to write strategically and speak clearly
WHO Competencies
Respecting and promoting individual and cultural differences
Use of Language Skills
Essential: Expert knowledge of English.
Remuneration comprises an annual base salary starting at TZS 145,847,000
(subject to mandatory deductions for pension contributions and health
insurance, as applicable) and 30 days of annual leave.
This vacancy notice may be used to fill other similar positions at the same grade level
Only candidates under serious consideration will be contacted.
A written test may be used as a form of screening.
In the event that your candidature is retained for an interview, you
will be required to provide, in advance, a scanned copy of the
degree(s)/diploma(s)/certificate(s) required for this position. WHO only
considers higher educational qualifications obtained from an
institution accredited/recognized in the World Higher Education Database
(WHED), a list updated by the International Association of Universities
(IAU)/United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO). The list can be accessed through the link:
http://www.whed.net/. Some professional certificates may not appear in
the WHED and will require individual review.
Any appointment/extension of appointment is subject to WHO Staff Regulations, Staff Rules and Manual.
Read Also:
For information on WHO’s operations please visit: http://www.who.int.
WHO is committed to workforce diversity.
WHO prides itself on a workforce that adheres to the highest ethical and
professional standards and that is committed to put the WHO Values
Charter into practice.
WHO has zero tolerance towards sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA),
sexual harassment and other types of abusive conduct (i.e.,
discrimination, abuse of authority and harassment). All members of the
WHO workforce have a role to play in promoting a safe and respectful
workplace and should report to WHO any actual or suspected cases of SEA,
sexual harassment and other types of abusive conduct. To ensure that
individuals with a substantiated history of SEA, sexual harassment or
other types of abusive conduct are not hired by the Organization, WHO
will conduct a background verification of final candidates.
WHO has a smoke-free environment and does not recruit smokers or users of any form of tobacco.
This is a National Professional Officer position. Therefore, only
applications from nationals of the country where the duty station is
located will be accepted. Applicants who are not nationals of this
country will not be considered.