New Jobs at FSDT


Consultancy Opportunity

Gender Norms Market Diagnostic Study
Terms Of Reference (Tor)


Established in 2004, the Financial Sector Deepening Tanzania (FSDT) is a donor-funded financial sector market facilitator that aims to achieve poverty reduction through a transformative financial sector that offers inclusive and sustainable financial solutions to improve the livelihood, wellbeing, and


empowerment of underserved Tanzanians. Currently, our main target markets are women and youth, who have been identified as the most financially excluded market segments in the country. Gender norms are often the root cause of financial exclusion specifically for women. Understanding gender norms will help in identifying barriers and opportunities which can potentially be addressed through financial inclusion interventions.


A gender norms diagnostic seeks to understand how gender norms influence the behaviour of women and other market actors, and how that behaviour contributes to the ability (or inability) of women to access, use, and benefit from financial services.

The deadline for submission of the proposal is Friday 5th April 2024.

All proposals are to be submitted electronically through the following email:

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For the detailed Terms of Reference of this consultancy opportunity, including scope of work, deliverables, and other contents of the bid proposal, visit current opportunities:

Any queries relating to this TOR should be submitted in writing to FSDT under the address below. The deadline for any queries is 2 days before the proposal submission deadline date.