New Jobs at WaterAid

Invitation for Quotations/Bids Assessment at WaterAid

Invitation for Quotations/Bids





WaterAid is an International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO) with a vision of ensuring Safe Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) for Everyone, everywhere by 2030. WaterAid’s mission is to transform the lives of the poorest and most marginalized people by expanding and improving access to WASH, working with partners and decision-makers to maximize its impact. WaterAid has had its


operations in Tanzania since 1983 under the name “WaterAid Tanzania,” which is registered as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in the United Republic of Tanzania and operates as a Country Programme and a functional office of WaterAid U.K. within the East African Region.

As of recent WaterAid has launched its five-year strategy, with two aims; 1: To attain sustainable, inclusive, and safe WASH services in targeted geographic areas for wider change and 2. To prioritize WASH across the health sector to improve public health. As it implements its 1st aim WAT’s concentration will be on bringing impact and sustainable WASH services in Hanang DC. Focusing on this strategic and evidence-informed geographical location will support WAT in demonstrating models, and approaches and generate evidence that will support the government of Tanzania to deliver Universal access to adequate, safe, and clean water as per WSDP III, 2022-2026 targets. WAT will work in close collaboration with the government while ensuring alignment with the Government’s objectives which focus on sustainable management and development of the nation’s water resources; Improved universal access to adequate, clean, and safe water; Universal access to adequate sanitation and hygiene services improved; Enhanced planning, coordination, monitoring, and evaluation; Enhanced and Improved institutional strengthening and working environment.

WASH service level assessment in Hanang DC is intended to ensure local government has a solid understanding of the status of WASH services in Hanang DC. This will better enable the local government to plan, budget, and direct investments in WASH improvements in Hanang. It would also provide a benchmark against which local government will be able to track improvements in WASH service levels over time. This data can also be used by WAT to understand how WASH services are changing during its Aim 1 programme. The baseline will consist of service level assessment at the Household, Healthcare Facilities, Schools, and public places in each ward and village of Hanang district. This TOR gives the details of the impact baseline assessment to be conducted in Hanang district covering the essential aspects of the assessment. Whilst the TOR outlines a standard methodology, a consultant is expected to explore and propose the existing local monitoring methodologies and data sources that can be used. The assessment will be done in close collaboration with the MOW, MOH, RUWASA, local government authorities, community leadership, service providers, and other relevant actors as part of WAT efforts to strengthen engagements, collaboration, ownership, and their capacity in service level monitoring and enhancing data-driven decision-making.

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WaterAid is looking for the Interested individual consultant, consulting, or research firm to conduct the Hanang Impact baseline assessment; All the Terms of reference documents can be found on the WaterAid Tanzania website:

Bidder Instructions

Interested and qualified consultant (s) should send an electronic Expression of Interest (financial & technical proposals separated in different folders) by 16th February 2024 before 1700hrs to with the subject line “CONSULTANCY – HANANG IMPACT BASELINE ASSESSMENT”. The expression of interest should contain: (a)a technical offer and(b)a financial offer, comprising of:

Technical proposal:

  • Technical proposal detailing understanding of the assignment, and proposed methodology/ approach, (max 8 pages)
  • The consultant should describe their recent experience in similar assignments with at least three traceable references & references for similar assignments successfully delivered.
  • Up-to-date and detailed CVs of the proposed team, highlighting the experience requested above. Included CVs should be for the consultant(s)& all team members who will be available for the assignment.

Financial proposal

The consultant should come up with a detailed financial proposal outlining the assignment’s gross costs, including reimbursable expenditures and any necessary taxes in line with the proposed methodology strictly in Tanzanian shillings.

Invitation for Quotations/Bids

Invitation for Quotations/Bids Consultant at WaterAid



WaterAid Tanzania (WAT) launched its five-year strategy in 2023 focusing on two aims; 1: To attain sustainable, inclusive, and safe WASH services in targeted geographic areas for wider change and 2. To prioritize WASH across the health sector to improve public health. As it implements its 1st aim over the next five years, WAT’s will focus on modeling sustainable WASH services in Hanang DC. Further, WAT will worki in collaboration with a range of actors to strengthen WASH systems at national and sub-national levels in the target district. This is because WAT’s strategy is based on the understanding that by strengthening WASH systems at national and sub-national levels, there will be progressive and sustainable improvement in WASH service levels in the focus geographic areas.

WaterAid intends to engage an experienced and capable consultant to support in conducting baseline assessment of WASH System Building Blocks in Hanang’ district Manyara region. The baseline assessment intends to measure the strength of the WASH system in Hanang district at the start of the Aim 1 programme. This is the level at which government has the mandate and responsibility for delivery and oversight of universal, safe and sustainable WASH at the local level. The assessment, while focused on WASH system in this district, will also incorporate critical barriers to sustainable, safe WASH that lies beyond the district e.g. at the national level. The assessment should put government in the lead to ensure government own and use the results to inform their decision-making and track improvements in sector performance. It is important to note that results of the WASH system building block baseline assessment will not be used to benchmark WaterAid’s performance in Aim 1 but an indication of how WASH system as a whole (which is influenced by all the actors and factors that operate and exist within the WASH system at national and sub-national levels) is becoming stronger over time.

Read Also:

Interested individual consultant, consulting or research firm to conduct this baseline assessment in Hananga District – Manyara Region – Tanzania; the erms of Reference documents can be found on the WaterAid Tanzania website:

Bidder Instructions

Interested and qualified consultant (s) should send an electronic Expression of Interest (financial & technical proposals in separate folders) by 16th February 2024 before 1700hrs to with the subject line “HANANG – SYSTEMS BUILDING BLOCK ASSESSMENT” outlining the exact availability in line with the approximate timeline. The expression of interest should contain: (a) a technical proposal and (b) a financial proposal, comprising:

Technical proposal:

  • Technical proposal detailing proposed methodology/approach. (max 8 pages) – please refer to the methodology proposed in WaterAid’s Aim 1 Baseline – WASH system building block assessment guide and the WASH system building block tool (see ANNEX 1& 2)
  • The consultant should describe their recent experience in similar assignments, with at least three traceable references & references for similar assignments successfully delivered.
  • Up-to-date and detailed CVs of the proposed team, highlighting the experience requested above. Included CVs should be for the consultants) & all team members who will be available for the assignment.

Financial proposal

The consultant should come up with a detailed financial proposal outlining the assignment’s gross costs, including reimbursable expenditures and any necessary taxes in line with the proposed methodology strictly in Tanzanian Shillings. Please note that all workshop-related costs will be borne by WaterAid and should not be included in the financial proposal.