New Opportunities at Aga Khan Health

Aga Khan Health Service, Tanzania


Aga Khan Health Service, Tanzania (AKHST) is not for profit organization and has been providing services in Tanzania for more than 80 years and established credible track record for providing quality and safe healthcare with highest standards. The Aga Khan Hospital Dar es salaam has recently completed a major phase II expansion in July 2018 improving the hospital’s quality of facilities and infrastructure as an ultramodern 170 bed high quality tertiary medical facility. The Phase II


development is focused on expanding key clinical services including comprehensive cardiology program, Oncology services, and neurosciences, as well as the expansion of orthopedics and trauma, diagnostic imagining critical care, and women and child health programs. AKHST has developed a strong and integrated health system focusing on key thematic areas including population health, Services delivery, and capacity building as part of the Integrated health systems approach, AKHST has begun establishing 35 outreach health facilities that are located across Tanzania of which 26 such clinics are already established.

Today, Aga Khan Hospital, Dares salaam, is one of three Aga Khan Hospitals Globally to be accredited by joint Commission International (JCI), – achieved a level of quality and patient safety that its equal to the best hospital in the world is the only hospital in Tanzania to achieve this significant international gold standard distinction of quality.

AKHST is looking for qualified, interested, eligible and highly motivated LAUNDRY SERVICE PROVIDERS to give proposals to provide LAUNDRY services at Aga Khan Hospital, Dar es salaam.

A complete set of RFP documents in English with terms and conditions can be purchased by interested service providers upon payment of non-refundable fee of TSH 100,000/- to our finance office. Final Date of submission of SEALED proposal is February 15th, 2024, at 5:00pm in a tender box outside room # 6 Procurement office, admin block. Proposal submitted via email or after the due date will be disqualified.

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For further details and guidance kindly contact below: –

Material Management Division
Aga Khan Hospital Dar es Salaam
Barack Obama Drive P.0 Box 2289
Admin Block,

Tel:+255 22 2115151 Ext:4112
+255 754 544 922

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