New Opportunities at USAID T-MELA


Annual Program Statement:
USAID T-MELA Youth Research & Internship Grants Program
Opportunity Number: TZ-APS-23-001
Issuance Date: December 1, 2023
Email for Written Questions: [email protected]
Deadline for Submission of Concept Papers: The application period is open for 12 months and until November 30,2024
Eligibility Criteria Eligibility requirements are listed under Section 4
Submit Concept Papers To: [email protected]


To Interested Applicants:

The purpose of this Annual Program Statement (APS) is to solicit applications from interested parties wishing to receive co-funding and technical assistance from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the Tanzania Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and Adaptation (T-MELA) Activity, which is being implemented by International Business Initiative (IBI).

T-MELA aims to issue grants for (1) research and dissemination of findings about key youth development issues in Tanzania, (2) youth involvement in innovative development ideas, and (3) internships for MEL students and recent graduates.

The selection process will involve a multi-step evaluation, allowing IBI and USAID to be highly involved in cocreating and co-designing the award structure. The process will consist of three stages:

  • Phase 1: Initial review of concept notes against USAID T-MELA Youth Research & Internship Grants Program evaluation criteria.
  • Phase 2: Co-creation with selected concept notes & applicants to refine the concept note(s) and develop a detailed application including a program description and objective goals/milestones.
  • Phase 3: Applicants who have successfully completed the co-creation process will proceed to Phase 3 where IBI will request a cost proposal for a fixed amount award/grant (see definitions below) to fit the cocreated structure of the grant.

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Applicants may submit concept notes during an open application period from December 1,2023 to November 30,2024. All concept notes will be reviewed against Phase 1 evaluation criteria set by the IBI Grant Evaluation Committee, and successful applicants may be invited to the co-creation stage. During the Phase 2 co-creation stage, IBI will work with the applicants to develop a detailed application and complete a scope of work for proposed activities.

Based on the outcome of co-creation, the applicant may be asked to submit a financial application to support the implementation of the grant (Phase 3). This may result in the provision of a fixed amount award/grant (FAA), as defined further below. IBI anticipates funding up to $80,000 per applicant concept in response to this notice on behalf of USAID. However, IBI reserves the right to fund any or none of the applications submitted.

For this announcement, a funded Fixed Amount Award (FAA) is defined as a grant agreement by IBI to support the grantee on a fixed-amount basis to implement an innovative concept that may or may not produce a desired final objective or result. The grantee will be expected to complete certain progress or other types of milestones in accordance with the grant-specified criteria to receive payment. All grant agreements will be negotiated by estimating the amount of funds required to responsibly complete the identified scope of objectives and achieve negotiated milestones.  Once the price is negotiated, no additional information on the actual costs of the grantee will be needed during implementation. Grants shall not include any profit or fee when priced.

This APS includes the following sections:

  1. Program Summary
  2. Funding Opportunity Announcement
  3. Award Information
  4. Eligibility Requirements
  5. Application & Submission Information
  6. Application Review Information
  7. Annex 1: Concept Note Template

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Applicants must provide all required information in their application to be eligible for consideration. Submitted late, incomplete, or non-responsive applications will not be considered. Awards will be made to the responsible applicants whose application or concept best meets this announcement’s requirements and the evaluation criteria.

Questions relating to this notice should be addressed to [email protected] and will be reviewed and answered on the ongoing basis.

IBI requires that concept notes be submitted electronically (e-mailed to [email protected]) no later than the deadline of November 30,2024.

Issuance of this announcement does not constitute an award commitment on the part of IBI, nor does it commit IBI to pay for any costs incurred in preparing and submitting an application. Further, IBI reserves the right to reject any or all applications received. Applications are submitted at the risk of the applicant, and all preparation and submission costs are at the applicant’s own expense.



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