Research and Insights Consultant at UNDP
UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.
UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.
The United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) is the United Nations’ flagship catalytic financing entity for the world’s 46 Least Developed Countries (LDCs). With its unique capital mandate and focus on the LDCs, UNCDF works to invest and catalyze capital to support these countries in achieving ?the sustainable growth and inclusiveness envisioned by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Doha Programme of Action for the least developed countries, 2022–2031.
UNCDF builds partnerships with other UN organizations, as well as private and public sector actors, to achieve greater impact in development; specifically, by unlocking additional resources and strengthening financing mechanisms and systems contributing to transformation pathways, focusing on such development themes as green economy, digitalization, urbanization, inclusive economies, gender equality and women’s economic empowerment.
A hybrid development finance institution and development agency, UNCDF uses a combination of capital instruments (deployment, financial & business advisory and catalyzation) and development instruments (technical assistance, capacity development, policy advice, advocacy, thought leadership, and market analysis and scoping) which are applied across five priority areas (inclusive digital economies, local transformative finance, women’s economic empowerment, climate, energy & biodiversity finance, and sustainable food systems finance).
Inclusive Digital Economies
UNCDF manages initiatives to develop inclusive digital finance ecosystems which offer a wide range of financial services especially for low-income vulnerable communities. Specifically, UNCDF provides a mix of policy, technical and financial support to a range of government and private sector actors in each country, as well as invests in research and other public goods to benefit all market actors. By supporting the development of digital finance ecosystems in these countries, UNCDF aims to increase the financial security of low income and rural households through access to appropriate, affordable and secure means to receive, manage and save money.
Recently, UNCDF has formulated its strategy ‘Leaving no one behind in the digital era’ based on over a decade of experience in digital finance in Africa, Asia and the Pacific. UNCDF recognizes that reaching the full potential of digital financial inclusion aligns with the vision of promoting digital economies that leave no one behind. The vision of UNCDF is to empower millions of people by 2024 to use services daily that leverage innovation and technology and contribute to the SDGs. UNCDF will apply a market development approach and continuously seek to address underlying market dysfunctions. For more information, please see: https://www.uncdf.org/article/4567/uncdf-launches-digital-economy-strategy-leaving-no-one-behind-in-the-digital-era
Read Also:
Tanzania Inclusive Digital Economy
With support from the European Union’s Digital 4 Tanzania Program, and in line with the UNCDF strategy to ensure “no one is left behind in the digital era,” UNCDF is currently implementing the Tanzania Inclusive Digital Economy (TIDE) project. Launched in September 2022, TIDE is a four-year project that aims to increase access to and usage of digital payments and digital financial services in Tanzania, while enabling the innovation ecosystem to better support entrepreneurs and further drive digital innovation. The project contributes to the development of policies and regulations that enable innovation, supports small digital financial service providers’ digitization and integration to the national payment system (TIPS); and promotes inclusive and locally-driven innovation.
The TIDE project has a strong focus on research and knowledge dissemination woven throughout the activities. Over the course of the project UNCDF has committed to researching and publishing findings, insights, and lessons learned to relevant stakeholders in the financial sector and the fintech startup and innovation ecosystems. Publications/knowledge products include: 2 fintech mappings, state of the innovation ecosystem focusing on 4 fintech relevant issues, 2 publications on MFI digitalization, 2 publications on corporate/fintech partnerships, 2 publications on last mile distribution of financial products, 2 publications on effective use of data for public and private sector decision-making, 3 publications on catalyzing investment for startups and early-growth technology firms, 1 publication on effective support to hubs, 2 publications on facilitating access to markets for fintechs, 4 policy briefs for regulators. In addition to producing research and knowledge products, support is required to review and edit communications-related content (e.g., social media posts, newsletters), of which there are a minimum of 5 per month over the course of the project.
East and Southern Africa (ESA) Project Development
UNCDF’s Inclusive Digital Economy (IDE) practice has teams in six countries in East and Southern Africa (ESA): Ethiopia, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia). These teams vary in size and budget, all supporting their respective governments and public- and private-sector stakeholders to build inclusive digital economies that improve the quality of life for marginalized populations and decrease the digital divide.
In order to realize UNCDF’s mission and vision for the region, all country operations need to grow. This involves growth in country-specific and multi-country programming into our focal sectors (i.e. fintech and financial health, MSME digitalization and financing, ag-tech and rural economies, digital transformation policy, digital skills, climate & green-tech), expanding the development finance tools we use to support ecosystems (i.e. convening, advocacy, grants, technical assistance, concessional loans, guarantees), and expanding to segments of importance (low skilled, women, MSMEs, technology start-ups, forcibly displaced people, small holder farmers).
The region has several concepts and ideas for this programming growth but needs support refining and editing existing concept notes and pitching them to relevant internal and external stakeholders, including donors and potential partners.
Duties and Responsibilities
Scope of Work
UNCDF seeks to engage a consultant to develop and implement a research and knowledge management strategy and generates insights to:
Increase international visibility of Tanzania’s fintech and
innovation ecosystems, and UNCDF’s role in growing an inclusive digital
Support UNCDF to better-understand and share lessons learned about the effectiveness of TIDE activities;
Increase UNCDF partners’ capacity to leverage data for financial and digital inclusion in Tanzania;
Position UNCDF as a technical thought leader in the digital economy space;
Develop new and refine existing concept notes for new IDE programming in the ESA region.
Specifically, the scope of work can thus be understood as falling in four categories:
Read Also:
Design and implementation of a research and knowledge management agenda for the TIDE project
Deepen technical knowledge of and overall familiarity with TIDE project
activities, including their objectives, contribution to the project
theory of change, data, and key partners/stakeholders
Collaborate with project managers to conceptualize value-added research
and knowledge management products; lead writing and manage production of
publications in a diverse range of formats, e.g., research papers,
technical notes, learning briefs, and blogs that leverage primary and
secondary data
Work with results measurement (RM) colleagues to ensure research
insights are captured in donor and HQ reporting; co-lead reflection
sessions to ensure project managers apply lessons learned to refine
project implementation and create a culture of continuous learning
Engage with local, regional, and global partners and colleagues to
promote and disseminate results and learnings in various formats, e.g.
stakeholder dialogues, webinars, and/or workshops
Communications support
Consolidate, review, and finalize donor reports for the TIDE project and UNCDF’s activities under the UN Kigoma Joint Program.
Project management
Manage ongoing activities for the project “Data Driven and Gender-Smart
Product Design to Increase Access to Finance and Digital Inclusion for
Women in Tanzania.” This includes managing the RFA and RFP processes and
overseeing implementation to ensure deliverables are completed on-time
and in-line with the project workbook (PWB), grant agreements, etc.
Work with partners and other relevant colleagues to document and share
lessons learned, in line with the research and knowledge management
Concept note development
Provide ad-hoc support to UNCDF IDE Tanzania on the design and
development of concept notes and program proposals, leveraging research
insights to support fundraising efforts as opportunities present
Support ESA Regional Manager and relevant regional colleagues to draft new and refine existing concept notes
Attend meetings, as needed to inform concept notes, with relevant stakeholders including potential partners and donors
The consultant will mainstream gender equality and women’s economic
empowerment (GE-WEE) throughout his/her work. The consultant will have
experience in the design and implementation of research projects focused
on financial and digital inclusion and GE-WEE in Tanzania and East
Key Deliverables and Payment Terms:
Scope of Work Category
Deliverables to be delivered
Target Due Date
Acceptance/ Condition for Payment Disbursement
% of Contract Price to be Paid
Design and implementation of the research and knowledge management agenda for the TIDE project
final Research and KM Agenda Year 2
Nov 2023
Read Also:
Approved final agenda by IDE Tz.
Design and implementation of the research and knowledge management agenda for the TIDE project
Draft publication 1 – State of innovation Policy
Country Lead
Approved draft of publication by IDE Tz.
Project/business development and program design support for IDE Tanzania
Tanzania draft concept note 1 – MSME digitalization 1
Country Lead
Approved draft concept note by IDE Tz.
Consolidation, review and editing of donor reports for the TIDE project and Kigoma Joint Project (UN RCO)
EU Donor annual report 1
Country Lead
Approved EU annual donor report by IDE Tz Country Lead
Design and implementation of the research and knowledge management agenda for the TIDE project
Final publication 1 – State of Innovation Policy
Dec 2023
Approved final publication by IDE TZ Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE Tanzania
Tanzania final concept note 1 –MSME digitalization 1
Approved final concept note by IDE Tz Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE ESA
ESA draft concept note 1 – MSME digitalization for MCF
Approved draft of publication by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Project management for “Data Driven and Gender-Smart Product Design to Increase Access to Finance and Digital Inclusion for Women in Tanzania” (“gender-data project”)
Notes from gender-data project kick-off meeting
Notes reviewed and approved by IDE Tz Country Lead
Design and implementation of the research and knowledge management agenda for the TIDE project
Draft publication 2 – MFI digitalization
Jan 2024
Approved draft of publication by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Design and implementation of the research and knowledge management agenda for the TIDE project
Draft publication 3 – Assessing Tanzania cross-border remittance policy and regulatory framework
Approved draft of publication by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Consolidation, review and editing of donor reports for the TIDE project and Kigoma Joint Project (UN RCO)
KJP donor report 1
Approved KJP annual donor report by IDE Tz Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE Tanzania
Tanzania draft concept note 2 – agtech acceleration
Approved draft concept note by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE ESA
ESA final concept note 1 – MSME digitalization for MCF
Approved final concept note by IDE Tz Country Lead
Design and implementation of the research and knowledge management agenda for the TIDE project
Final publication 2 – MFI digitalization
Feb 2024
Approved final publication by IDE TZ Country Lead
Design and implementation of the research and knowledge management agenda for the TIDE project
Final publication 3 – Assessing Tanzania cross-border remittance policy and regulatory framework
Approved final publication by IDE TZ Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE Tanzania
Tanzania final concept note 2 – agtech acceleration
Approved final concept note by IDE Tz Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE ESA
ESA draft concept note 2 Agtech for Ethiopia/Uganda
Approved draft concept note by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Project management for “Data Driven and Gender-Smart Product Design to Increase Access to Finance and Digital Inclusion for Women in Tanzania” (“gender-data project”)
Approved inception report for gender-data project
Inception report reviewed and approved by IDE Tz Country Lead
Design and implementation of the research and knowledge management agenda for the TIDE project
Draft publication 4 – Agtech
Mar 2024
Approved draft of publication by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Read Also:
Design and implementation of the research and knowledge management agenda for the TIDE project
Draft publication 5 – Case study on Tanzania adoption and approach to suptech initiatives
Approved draft of publication by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE Tanzania
Tanzania draft concept note 3 – impact investment for early stage technology firms
Approved draft concept note by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE ESA
ESA final concept note 2 – Agtech for Ethiopia & Uganda
Approved final concept note by IDE Tz Country Lead
Tanzania draft concept note 3 – impact investment for early stage technology firms
Final publication 4 – Agtech
Apr 2024
Approved final publication by IDE TZ Country Lead
Tanzania draft concept note 3 – impact investment for early stage technology firms
Final publication 5 – Case study on Tanzania adoption and approach to suptech initiatives
Approved final publication by IDE TZ Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE Tanzania
Tanzania final concept note 3 – impact investment for early stage technology firms
Approved final concept note by IDE Tz Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE ESA
ESA draft concept note 3 – Zambia WEE
Approved draft concept note by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Project management for “Data Driven and Gender-Smart Product Design to Increase Access to Finance and Digital Inclusion for Women in Tanzania” (“gender-data project”)
Approved report on data diagnostic for gender-data project
Data diagnostic report reviewed and approved by IDE Tz Country Lead
Tanzania draft concept note 3 – impact investment for early stage technology firms
Draft publication 6 – Angel acceleration
May 2024
Approved draft of publication by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE Tanzania
Tanzania draft concept note 4 -Znz digital economy 1
Approved draft concept note by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE ESA
ESA final concept note 3 Zambia WEE
Approved final concept note by IDE Tz Country Lead
Tanzania draft concept note 3 – impact investment for early stage technology firms
Final publication 6 – Angel acceleration
Jun 2024
Approved final publication by IDE TZ Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE Tanzania
Tanzania final concept note 4 – Znz digital economy 1
Approved final concept note by IDE Tz Country Lead
Tanzania draft concept note 3 – impact investment for early stage technology firms
IDES for Zanzibar 1
IDES for Znz reviewed and approved by IDE Tz Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE ESA
ESA draft concept note 4 – SIDA Climate Uganda
Approved draft concept note by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Tanzania draft concept note 3 – impact investment for early stage technology firms
Draft publication 7 – Fintech regulatory sandbox approach
Jul 2024
Approved draft of publication by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Tanzania draft concept note 3 – impact investment for early stage technology firms
Draft publication 8 – corporate fintech partnerships
Approved draft of publication by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Project management for “Data Driven and Gender-Smart Product Design to Increase Access to Finance and Digital Inclusion for Women in Tanzania” (“gender-data project”)
Approved final report on data diagnostic for gender-data project
Final report on data diagnostics reviewed and approved by IDE Tz Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE Tanzania
Tanzania draft concept note 5 -Znz digital economy 2
Approved draft concept note by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE ESA
Read Also:
ESA final concept note 4 – SIDA Climate Uganda
Approved final concept note by IDE Tz Country Lead
Tanzania draft concept note 3 – impact investment for early stage technology firms
Final publication 7– Fintech regulatory sandbox approach
Aug 2024
Approved final publication by IDE TZ Country Lead
Tanzania draft concept note 3 – impact investment for early stage technology firms
Final publication 8 – Corporate fintech partnerships
Approved final publication by IDE TZ Country Lead
Project management for “Data Driven and Gender-Smart Product Design to Increase Access to Finance and Digital Inclusion for Women in Tanzania” (“gender-data project”)
Approved final report describing results of TA implementation for gender-data project
Final report on TA implementation reviewed and approved by IDE Tz Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE Tanzania
Tanzania final concept note 5 – Znz digital economy 2
Approved final concept note by IDE Tz Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE ESA
ESA draft concept note 5 – Regional WEE
Approved draft concept note by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Tanzania draft concept note 3 – impact investment for early stage technology firms
Draft publication 9 – Facilitating access to markets
Sep 2024
Approved draft of publication by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Project management for “Data Driven and Gender-Smart Product Design to Increase Access to Finance and Digital Inclusion for Women in Tanzania” (“gender-data project”)
Approved report/roadmap for further scaling data-driven and gender-smart product development
Roadmap for scale-up reviewed and approved by IDE Tz Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE Tanzania
Tanzania draft concept note 6 EAC interoperable payments
Approved draft concept note by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE ESA
ESA final concept note 5 Regional WEE
Approved final concept note by IDE Tz Country Lead
Tanzania draft concept note 3 – impact investment for early stage technology firms
Final publication 9 – Facilitating access to market
Oct 2024
Approved final publication by IDE TZ Country Lead
Project management for “Data Driven and Gender-Smart Product Design to Increase Access to Finance and Digital Inclusion for Women in Tanzania” (“gender-data project”)
Webinar/learning session for gender-data project
Webinar presented on gender data project, reviewed and approved by IDE Tz Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE Tanzania
Tanzania final concept note 6 EAC interoperable payments
Approved final concept note by IDE Tz Country Lead
Consolidation, review and editing of donor reports for the TIDE project and Kigoma Joint Project (UN RCO)
EU donor annual report 2
Approved EU annual donor report by IDE Tz Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE ESA
ESA draft concept note 6 Zambia fintech
Approved draft concept note by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Tanzania draft concept note 3 – impact investment for early stage technology firms
Research and KM Agenda 2
Nov 2024
Approved final research agenda 2 by IDE TZ Country Lead
Tanzania draft concept note 3 – impact investment for early stage technology firms
Draft publication 10 – catalyzing investments for fintechs
Approved draft of publication by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Tanzania draft concept note 3 – impact investment for early stage technology firms
Draft publication 11 – MFI digitalization
Approved draft of publication by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Project management for “Data Driven and Gender-Smart Product Design to Increase Access to Finance and Digital Inclusion for Women in Tanzania” (“gender-data project”)
Blog on lessons learned for gender data project
Blog reviewed and approved by IDE Tz Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE Tanzania
Tanzania draft concept note 7 – Fin’l education
Approved draft concept note by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE ESA
ESA final concept note 6 Zambia fintech
Approved final concept note by IDE Tz Country Lead
Tanzania draft concept note 3 – impact investment for early stage technology firms
Final publication 10 – catalyzing investments for fintechs
Dec 2024
Approved final publication by IDE TZ Country Lead
Read Also:
Tanzania draft concept note 3 – impact investment for early stage technology firms
Final publication 11 – MFI digitalization
Approved final publication by IDE TZ Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE Tanzania
Tanzania final concept note 7 Fin’l education
Approved final concept note by IDE Tz Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE ESA
ESA draft concept note 7 regional fintech acceleration
Approved draft concept note by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Tanzania draft concept note 3 – impact investment for early stage technology firms
Draft publication 12 – Gender-smart product design and achievement in women financial inclusion
Jan 2025
Approved draft of publication by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE Tanzania
Tanzania draft concept note 8 – data for digitalization
Approved draft concept note by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Consolidation, review and editing of donor reports for the TIDE project and Kigoma Joint Project (UN RCO)
KJP donor report 2
Approved KJP annual donor report by IDE Tz Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE ESA
ESA final concept note 7 – regional fintech acceleration
Approved final concept note by IDE Tz Country Lead
Tanzania draft concept note 3 – impact investment for early stage technology firms
Final publication 12 – Gender-smart product design and achievement in women financial inclusion
Feb 2025
Approved final publication by IDE TZ Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE Tanzania
Tanzania final concept note 8 – data for digitalization
Approved final concept note by IDE Tz Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE ESA
ESA draft concept note 8 – EAC regional retail payments
Approved draft concept note by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Tanzania draft concept note 3 – impact investment for early stage technology firms
Draft publication 13 – Capacity building for innovation hubs
Mar 2025
Approved draft of publication by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE Tanzania
Tanzania draft concept note 9 ITC upskilling
Approved draft concept note by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE ESA
ESA final concept note 8 – EAC regional retail payments
Approved final concept note by IDE Tz Country Lead
Tanzania draft concept note 3 – impact investment for early stage technology firms
Final publication 13 – Capacity building for innovation hubs
Apr 2025
Approved final publication by IDE TZ Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE Tanzania
Tanzania final concept note 9 ITC upskilling
Approved final concept note by IDE Tz Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE ESA
ESA draft concept note 9 – Regional impact fund for early growth tech firms
Approved draft concept note by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Tanzania draft concept note 3 – impact investment for early stage technology firms
Draft publication 14 State of Innovation Capital
May 2025
Approved draft of publication by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE Tanzania
Tanzania draft concept note 10 – WEE
Approved draft concept note by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE ESA
ESA final concept note 9 – Regional impact fund for early growth tech firms
Approved final concept note by IDE Tz Country Lead
Tanzania draft concept note 3 – impact investment for early stage technology firms
Final publication 14 State of Innovation Capital
Jun 2025
Approved final publication by IDE TZ Country Lead
Read Also:
Tanzania draft concept note 3 – impact investment for early stage technology firms
Draft publication 14 – Case study on the achievement of the fintech regulatory sandbox
Approved draft of publication by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Tanzania draft concept note 3 – impact investment for early stage technology firms
IDES for Zanzibar 2
IDES for Znz 2 reviewed and approved by IDE Tz Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE Tanzania
Tanzania final concept note 10 – WEE
Approved final concept note by IDE Tz Country Lead
Tanzania draft concept note 3 – impact investment for early stage technology firms
Draft publication 15 – Case study on the achievement of the fintech regulatory sandbox
Jul 2025
Approved draft of publication by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Tanzania draft concept note 3 – impact investment for early stage technology firms
Draft publication 16 -agtech 2
Approved draft of publication by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE Tanzania
Tanzania draft concept note 11 MSME Digitalization
Approved draft concept note by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Tanzania draft concept note 3 – impact investment for early stage technology firms
Final publication 16 – agtech 2
Aug 2025
Approved final publication by IDE TZ Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE Tanzania
Tanzania final concept note 11 – MSME Digitalization
Approved final concept note by IDE Tz Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE ESA
ESA draft concept note 10 – regional upskilling for ITC
Approved draft concept note by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Tanzania draft concept note 3 – impact investment for early stage technology firms
Draft publication 17 – Fintech startup mapping
Sep 2025
Approved draft of publication by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE Tanzania
Tanzania draft concept note 12 – fintech regulatory sandbox
Approved draft concept note by IDE Tz. Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE ESA
ESA final concept 10 – regional upskilling for ITC
Approved final concept note by IDE Tz Country Lead
Tanzania draft concept note 3 – impact investment for early stage technology firms
Final publication 17 – Fintech startup mapping
Oct 2025
Approved final publication by IDE TZ Country Lead
Consolidation, review and editing of donor reports for the TIDE project and Kigoma Joint Project (UN RCO)
EU Donor Annual Report 3
Approved final EU donor report by IDE Tz Country Lead
Project/business development and program design support for IDE Tanzania
Tanzania final concept note 12 – fintech regulatory sandbox
Approved final concept note by IDE Tz Country Lead
Payment shall be disbursed only if all outputs due for the timeline indicated are completed/accepted
Institutional Arrangement
The consultant will work under the supervision of the IDE Country Lead for Tanzania for TIDE-related projects and the ESA Regional Manager for concept note development and fundraising-related work. The consultant will have weekly calls with the IDE Country Lead for Tanzania to provide progress updates and exchange feedback on draft reports and other deliverables.
Duration of the Work
The assignment is expected to commence 13 November 2023, with engagement ongoing for approximately 24 months.
Duty Station
The assignment is home-based. The assignment could require travel to Tanzania and/or other countries in the ESA region for the purpose of gathering primary data for research and meeting project partners in-person.
Payment of travel costs including tickets, lodging, and terminal expenses should be agreed upon, between the respective business unit and Individual Consultant, prior to travel. The UNCDF travel policies relevant to individual consultant shall apply.
UNCDF cannot guarantee residence permits or visas for consultants. Consultants are responsible for securing work documentation.
Qualifications of the Individual Consultant
Academic Qualifications
Read Also:
Master’s degree in public administration/public policy, economics, social sciences, or related discipline
At least 5 years of experience working in international development,
either with the UN, NGOs, or private sector organizations with a focus
on financial inclusion, digital/innovation, and/or women’s economic
At least 2 years of experience working in the private sector – financial services industry
At least 3 years of experience designing and implementing different types of research on financial inclusion in Tanzania
At least 1 article published by the UN
Technical Competencies
Understanding of key issues relating to inclusive digital economies
in Tanzania and LDCs relevant to donor community or the development
Proven skills in the production of knowledge products in a variety of
formats; demonstrated ability to translate complex technical ideas to a
non-technical audience verbally and in writing
Strong research, analytical, and writing skills; proven skills in the production of evidence-based recommendations
Excellent presentation and representation skills in multicultural contexts;
Functional Competencies
Proven ability to manage and effectively lead a global research
agenda and research team, including conceptualization of research
approaches, research design, and implementation
Ability to articulate ideas clearly and coherently and ability to translate technical terms for non-technical audiences
Anticipates constraints in the delivery of services and identifies solutions or alternatives
Makes effective use of UNCDF resources and comparative advantage to strengthen knowledge partnerships
Strong ability to communicate and function effectively in
local/international/multicultural environment; well-developed
interpersonal skills
Ability to meet deadlines and work under pressure
High level planning, organizational and time management skills,
including flexibility, attention to detail and the ability to work under
pressure to meet changing deadlines
Analytical and problem-solving skills of a high order, including the ability to formulate recommendations and advice
Pro-active, constructive attitude, open to feedback
Creates networks and promotes knowledge exchange initiatives between member organizations
Required Skills and Experience
Qualifications of the Individual Consultant
Academic Qualifications
Master’s degree in public administration/public policy, economics, social sciences, or related discipline
Minimum 5 years of experience working in international development,
either with the UN, NGOs, or private sector organizations with a focus
on financial inclusion, digital/innovation, and/or women’s economic
Minimum 2 years of experience working in the private sector – financial services industry
Minimum 3 years of experience designing and implementing different types of research on financial inclusion in Tanzania
Minimum1 article published by the UN
Fluent in English with excellent writing and communication skills
Scope of Price Proposal and Schedule of Payments
Offerors interested in this assignment must submit an all-inclusive financlal proposal using the standard template for financial proposal. The contract price shall be fixed for the duration of the contract regardless of changes in the cost components over time.
Recommended Presentation of Offer
Offerors interested in this assignment must submit the following documents:
Duly accomplished Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability using the template provided by UNDP;
Personal CV or P11, indicating all past experience from similar
projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of
the Candidate and at least three (3) professional references;
Brief description of why the individual considers him/herself as the
most suitable for the assignment, and a methodology, if applicable, on
how they will approach and complete the assignment. A methodology is
recommended for intellectual services, but may be omitted for support
services [Note: this is optional for support services];
Financial Proposal that indicates the all-inclusive fixed total contract
price, supported by a breakdown of costs, as per template provided. If
an Offeror is employed by an organization/company/institution, and
he/she expects his/her employer to charge a management fee in the
process of releasing him/her to UNDP under Reimbursable Loan Agreement
(RLA), the Offeror must indicate at this point, and ensure that all such
costs are duly incorporated in the financial proposal submitted to