Call For Work Community Development Officers

Call For Work Community Development Officers 2023,Waliopangiwa Vituo vya Kazi Afisa maendeleo ya Jamii 2023

The Public Service Recruitment Secretariat (PSRS) is a government organ with a status of independent Department established specifically to facilitate the recruitment process of employees to the Public Service. Public Service Recruitment Secretariat was established by the Public Service Act No. 8 0f 2002 as amended by Act No. 18 of 2007, section 29(1).


To undertake recruitment of Public servants using modern approaches by adhering to principles of equity, transparency and merits as well as providing advice to employers on employment related matters.

Functions Of Public Service Recruitment Secretariat

The major role of PSRS is to facilitate recruitment in the Public Service. According to the Public Service Cap. 298 of 2002 as amended by Amendment Act No. 18 of 2007 section 29 (1), the functions of PSRS are:-

  • Search for various professionals with special skills and prepare database for such professionals for easier recruitment;
  • Register graduates and professionals for purposes of ease of reference of filling vacant posts;
  • Advertise vacant posts occurring in the public service;
  • Engage appropriate experts for purposes of conducting interviews
  • Advise employers on various matters related to recruitment, and
  • Do any other act or thing which may be directed by the Minister responsible for Public Service.

Core Values

The core values of PSRS cornerstones of work performance and conduct in adaptation to changes in society, government, politics, and technology. The following were PSRS core values:-

  • Pursuit of excellence in service delivery.
  • Loyalty to Government.
  • Diligence.
  • Integrity.
  • Courtesy to all.
  • Respect for the law, and
  • Proper use of official information

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Human resource is an ankle and significant factor in public service delivery, thus, PSRS has been given a role of recruiting public servants in fair, transparent, and timely manner; while observing and guaranteeing quality and access to all applicants in order to deliver equitable Public Service in Tanzania. Our aim is to improve government public Service on issues concerning recruitment process According to our rules and regulations and at the same time enhance good relations with Our stakeholders.

As we all know that the government motto is to enhance transparency and accountability to the public. The PSRS will enable Ministries, Independent Departments and Agencies, Regional Secretariats, Local Government Authorities and other Public Institutions to acquire human resources with relevant competencies by adhering to principles of fairness, impartiality, transparency and meritocracy in the public service of Tanzania. It is therefore expected that, by adhering to the above principles; the public service in Tanzania will be of high standard and hence contribute to the growth of the national economy in line with the Vision 2025.