New Jobs at TANROADS


Cad Technician at TANROADS



Tanzania National Roads Agency (TANROADS) is an Agency under the Ministry of Works and Transport which is responsible for the Development and Maintenance of the Trunk and Regional Roads Network in Tanzania Mainland. Apart from this is also responsible in conduction Axle load Control Operations and Airport Construction.


Tanzania National Roads Agency (TANROADS) on behalf of the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania entered into a Contract for the UPGRADING OF KIBONDO – MABAMBA (47.925KM) ROAD TO BITUMEN STANDARD CONTRACT NO: TRD/ HQ/1023/2022/23

As a measure to strengthen Capacity of discharging TANROADS’ functions effectively the Regional Manager’s Office TANROADS – KIGOMA, on behalf of Chief Executive, seeks to recruit qualified and competent Tanzania Citizen to fill Vacancy posts for the specific duties on short term basis.

Applications are invited from suitably qualified and competent Tanzania to fill Vacancies in the Region. Successful applicants must be ready to work for considerable Length of time in Kigoma Region within the project area when situation warrant.


Appointment will be on Contract Terms of Six (6) month renewable subject to satisfactory performance, efficiency and effectiveness.

Cad Technician

The CAD Expect shall be fully responsible for roads and bridges CAD Drawings, preparing and running Animations for the projects.

She/He must possess a minimum of Diploma in Civil or Highway Engineering from recognized Institution. She/He must be a registered with ERB as Civil Technician. She/he must have five (8) years specific experience in drawing and drafting of Road/Highway Works and construction. She/He must have served in a similar capacity on at least two (3) road construction projects in the last 5 years. In addition, He/She must have a working experience of at least 5 years in Sub-Sahara countries. Proficiency in written and spoken English is mandatory.

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  • Applicants must attach an up – to date Curriculum Vitae (CV) having reliable contacts: postal address/post code, e – mail and telephone numbers.
  • Applicants should apply on the strength of the information given in this advertisement:
  • Applicants must attach their certified copies of the following certificates:
  • Degree/Advanced Diploma/Diploma:
  • Form IV and Form VI National Examination Certificates;
  • Professional Registration and Training Certificates from respective Registration Regulatory Bodies, (where applicable);
  • Birth Certificate;
  • Submission of the following documents is strictly not acceptable;
  • Form IV and Form VI results slips;
  • Testimonies and all partial transcripts
  • An applicant should indicate three relevant referees with their reliable contacts;
  • Certificates from foreign examination bodies for Ordinary, Advanced level or Universities/Colleges should be authenticated by the National respective organs (NECTA.NACTE or TCU),
  • A signed APPLICATION LETTER should be in English.
  • Deadline for the submission of application is 19th August ,2023
  • Only short-listed candidates will be informed for interview and;
  • Presentation of forged certificates and other information will render to necessitate legal action;

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Regional Manager,


P.O BOX 97,



NOTE: Hand delivery shall NOT be accepted.




Tanzania National Roads Agency (TANROADS) is an Agency under the Ministry of Works and Transport which is responsible for the Development and Maintenance of the Trunk and Regional Roads Network in Tanzania Mainland. Apart from this is also responsible in conduction Axle load Control Operations and Airport Construction.

Tanzania National Roads Agency (TANROADS) on behalf of the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania entered into a Contract for the UPGRADING OF KIBONDO – MABAMBA (47.925KM) ROAD TO BITUMEN STANDARD CONTRACT NO: TRD/ HQ/1023/2022/23

As a measure to strengthen Capacity of discharging TANROADS’ functions effectively the Regional Manager’s Office TANROADS – KIGOMA, on behalf of Chief Executive, seeks to recruit qualified and competent Tanzania Citizen to fill Vacancy posts for the specific duties on short term basis.

Applications are invited from suitably qualified and competent Tanzania to fill Vacancies in the Region. Successful applicants must be ready to work for considerable Length of time in Kigoma Region within the project area when situation warrant.


Appointment will be on Contract Terms of Six (6) month renewable subject to satisfactory performance, efficiency and effectiveness.

Assistant Surveyor

The Assistant Surveyor shall be fully responsible for conduction and supervising the survey team. He/She will be responsible for planning of the fieldwork, select known survey reference points, and determine the precise location of important features in the survey area. He/She shall be responsible for searching legal records, look for evidence of previous references survey points (geodetic reference points and national benchmarks) and analyses the data to determine the location of boundary lines and record the results of the results of the survey, verify the accuracy of data, and prepare plans, maps and reports.

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She/He must have a holder of Diploma (NTA Level 6) in Land Surveying. She/He must have five (5) years specific experience in road design and construction. She/He must have served in a similar capacity on at least two (2) road construction projects of similar magnitude and complexity within the last 2 years. In addition, He/She must have a working experience of at least 3 years in Sub – Sahara countries. Proficiency in written and spoken English is mandatory.


  • Applicants must attach an up – to date Curriculum Vitae (CV) having reliable contacts: postal address/post code, e – mail and telephone numbers.
  • Applicants should apply on the strength of the information given in this advertisement:
  • Applicants must attach their certified copies of the following certificates:
  • Degree/Advanced Diploma/Diploma:
  • Form IV and Form VI National Examination Certificates;
  • Professional Registration and Training Certificates from respective Registration Regulatory Bodies, (where applicable);
  • Birth Certificate;
  • Submission of the following documents is strictly not acceptable;
  • Form IV and Form VI results slips;
  • Testimonies and all partial transcripts
  • An applicant should indicate three relevant referees with their reliable contacts;
  • Certificates from foreign examination bodies for Ordinary, Advanced level or Universities/Colleges should be authenticated by the National respective organs (NECTA.NACTE or TCU),
  • A signed APPLICATION LETTER should be in English.
  • Deadline for the submission of application is 19th August ,2023
  • Only short-listed candidates will be informed for interview and;
  • Presentation of forged certificates and other information will render to necessitate legal action;


Regional Manager,


P.O BOX 97,



NOTE: Hand delivery shall NOT be accepted.

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The Tanzania National Roads Agency (TANROADS) on behalf of the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania entered into a contract for the Upgrading of KABINGO – KASULU – MANYOVU (260KM) Road Project.

The Rigional Manager’s Office TANROADS – Kigoma, on behalf of the Chief Executive, TANROADS, intend to recruit qualified and competent Staff to fill the following vacant posts on specific duties short – terms contracts within the Region.

Only successful applicants will be notified to attend the interview at their own cost at Kigoma town.

Environmental And Social Staff

The Scope of the staff shall include the following activities:

  • Ensure the project specific Environmental and Social studies adequately address project impacts and mitigation measure as well as mitigation costs.
  • Ensure road and airport projects specific tools such as ESMP and HSMP are prepared timely as per requirements of contractor’s Contract.
  • Follow up day to day implementation of the EMSPs and HSMPs for all lots as well as complementary projects of the Kabingo – Kasulu – Manyovu road and report on monthly basis as requirements if the AfDB
  • Follow up the implantation of mitigation measure for other road and airport project’ environmental impacts ad proposed in the ESMP and HSMP are adequately adhered to by Contractor(s) and also suggest for improvement or proper mitigation measures to replace those proposed mitigation measures found failure during its implementation
  • Follow up the preparation of site specific ESMPs and HSMP for road and airport project to ensure that they are approved by TANROADS for implementation by Contractor throughout the project cycle.
  • Review and comment on the Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Reports for road and airport projects are submitted by Contractors and Consultants.
  • Follow up on proper management of natural resources, climate change adaptation and mitigations for the projects under TANROADS Kigoma.
  • Follow up on good cooperation between TANROADS, Contractors’ Local, Regional and Nation Authorities regarding environmental issues, climate change adaption and natural resources management;
  • Ensure that, all the necessary assessments, recommendation and analysis are undertaken by the Contractor(s) and Consultants during project implementation as recommended by authorities; including the assess of waste dumping sited, borrow pits, sand pits, quarry sites used by the Contractor(s); water quality, air quality and noise pollution; etc.
  • Supervise the Contactor(s) and Consultant(s) Environmentalists for project implementation as guided by the specific ESMP and HSMP throughout the project cycle.
  • Follow up on the compliance with the requirements of the Environmental Management Act 2004 and the AfDB’s Integrated Safeguards System;
  • Monitor and co-ordinate effective implementation and compliance with the environmental and social safeguards, including visits to inspect project sites, and prepare monitoring report on projects’ environmental and social management procedure and their effectiveness.
  • Review schedule of Contractor(s) works and proactively provides timely notification to the key stakeholder and the general public prior to the execution of construction works.

  • Monitor Contractor(s) compliance to worker’s safety by having appropriate working gears/ personal protective equipment.
  • Prepare the Kabingo – Kasulu – Manyovu project completion report as per requirement of the AfDB and the Client.


The Environmental and Social staff shall report to the TANROADS Kigoma Regional Manager and shall be responsible for:

  1. Compiling regular reports on Environmental, natural resources and social management for the Kabingo – Kasulu – Manyovu road project and compile any other special reports relating to specific issues relevant to the scope of works.
  2. Preparing monitoring reports on monthly/ Quarter basis on the implementation of ESMP and HSMP for Kabingo – Kasulu – Manyovu road project in accordance with the AfDB E&S period report and NEMC formats;
  • Prepare Annual Summary Report on the Kabingo – Manyovu road in compliance with the requirements of the projects’ Environmental and social Management Plans (ESMPs) and Health and Safety Management Plan (HSMP).

Note: All prepared report shall be submitted to Chief Executive for review by the Environmental and social section before further preceding.

  1. The Environmental and Social staff shall be a Holder of Degree in Environmental Management, Environmental Science, Climate Science or Environmental Engineering discipline.
  2. He/She must have at least five (5) years’ experience cumulative in addressing environmental and social issues for development projects’.
  • He/She shall have at least three (3) year experience in the infrastructure sector, covering preparation of Environmental and social Impact Assessments, preparation of Environmental and social Management Plant (ESMP), Monitoring of the implementation of Environmental Social Management Plants (ESMP) and health and Safety Management Plan (HSMP) in infrastructure project. The Environmental and Social staff should be computer literate with competency in word processing, spreadsheets, and slideshow program. Proficiency in written and spoken English and Swahili in mandatory.


The Employer will provide the following facilities to the Environmental and Social staff.

  • Office accommodation including office furniture and equipment
  • Work-related transport to project sites
  • Relevant information and documents necessary for proper execution of the assignment.

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The Environmental and Social Staff will work for a duration of the project implementation period and upon satisfactory performance.


Payment will be made to the Environmental and Social staff on monthly basis as per TANROADS salary scales TRDS/5.1. The Environmental and Social staff shall be entitled to social Security Fund – Pension (15/%) and Workers Compensation Fund (0.5%) the monthly remuneration shall be deducted Pay as you Earn (PAYEE) tax and contributions to Social Security Fund and health Insurance.


The Environmental and social staff shall be entitled for annual leave as per TANROADS Kigoma Personnel Manual.


  • Applicants must attach an up – to date Curriculum Vitae (CV) having reliable contacts: postal address/post code, e – mail and telephone numbers.
  • Applicants should apply on the strength of the information given in this advertisement:
  • Applicants must attach their certified copies of the following certificates:
  • Degree/Advanced Diploma/Diploma:
  • Form IV and Form VI National Examination Certificates;
  • Professional Registration and Training Certificates from respective Registration Regulatory Bodies, (where applicable);
  • Birth Certificate;
  • Submission of the following documents is strictly not acceptable;
  • Form IV and Form VI results slips;
  • Testimonies and all partial transcripts
  • An applicant should indicate three relevant referees with their reliable contacts;
  • Certificates from foreign examination bodies for Ordinary, Advanced level or Universities/Colleges should be authenticated by the National respective organs (NECTA.NACTE or TCU),
  • A signed APPLICATION LETTER should be in English.
  • Deadline for the submission of application is 19th August ,2023
  • Only short-listed candidates will be informed for interview and;
  • Presentation of forged certificates and other information will render to necessitate legal action;

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Regional Manager,


P.O BOX 97,



NOTE: Hand delivery shall NOT be accepted.

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