Opportunities at World Vision

With over 70 years of experience, our focus is on helping the most vulnerable children overcome poverty and experience fullness of life. We help children of all backgrounds, even in the most dangerous places, inspired by our Christian faith.

Come join our 33,000+ staff working in nearly 100 countries and share the joy of transforming vulnerable children’s life stories!


Key Responsibilities:


Technical support and Strategic engagement (25%)

  • Ensure Leadership in technical implementation of key project activities.
  • Develop a detailed annual project plan to monitor and track project progress to meet budgetary objectives and adjusts project constraints in consultation with project management team and World Vision Canada’s (WVC’s) grant manager
  • Facilitate technical assistance to the local stakeholders such as regions and districts MoH to implement the projects activities for achieving maximum impact in the implementation of the project.
  • Identify, and manage project risks in a timely manner in consultation with the project management and escalate to Senior Management and grant manager in WVC for those requiring Management and donor’s attention.
  • Work closely with Cluster manager and program development coordinator to integrate the project interventions into the ongoing Health, nutrition and livelihood interventions to enhance scale up and sustainability.
  • Coordinate and work closely with other project implementing local partners to ensure specific activities such as locally appropriate bio-fortified crops production and scaled up in the target regions.
  • Ensure social behavior change communication strategies and interventions are developed and implemented to address barriers to adoption of improved adolescent sexual reproductive health practices and rights among adolescents, youths and young men/women of reproductive age
  • Ensure all key project models are implemented and documented with high fidelity and quality
  • Chair and ensure participation of project stakeholders in related Project Steering committee meetings with other implementing partners.

End Results

  • Established and maintained meaningful partnerships, collaborations and networks in support of the project.
  • Project Activities are implemented as per timelines in Annual work Plan and high standards.
  • Project activities are within the approved budget limit
  • Adequate human resource planning, capacity building, and collaboration throughout the project implementation
  • Low audit risks or minimum audit queries and / or findings whenever an audit is done
  • Activity and output targets achieved on timely manner and with acceptable variance (less than 10%).

Read Also:

Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation (25%)

  • Establish and maintain high quality and timely project reporting, and communications in alignment to the specific donor requirements, WVC and WVT standards.
  • In collaboration with M&E and project coordinator ensure that the project results, and targets are monitored and adjusted as necessary as well as an annual work plans developed, which reflect the objectives of the project. (gathering, reporting and analyzing performance data for impact and sustainability of project implementation in each region.)
  • Ensure proper operational opening/launch and closing of the project as well as dissemination of monitoring and evaluation of programmatic progress. Disseminate project follow- up reports to guide timely action.
  • Work closely with the Project M&E and WVC to develop and maintain program monitoring and evaluation tracking tools to ensure all project indicators report clear linkage of activities to intended outputs and outcomes and that the level of change is clearly tracked.
  • Coordinate the Project M&E and Project Accountant to ensure that donor reports (both financial and narrative) are generated and sent out to WVC and local stakeholders in time. Prior review from NO must be done.
  • Document and disseminate project best practices, lessons learnt and success stories internally and externally.
  • Support all monitoring, evaluation and research tasks and deliverables for the project and ensure that all required reports and documentation for the project’s internal management systems are produced according to WVC and donor’s requirements

End Results

  • Reach is well captured and updated as per the project indicators and data base system.
  • Project steering committee has approved Annual work plan (AWP), M&E plan, Procurement plan, budget among other relevant tools for implementation.
  • Project best practices, lessons learnt and success stories are documented and uploaded in Horizon and WV Central Repository, and shred with WVC and the donors.
  • All key project documents and information are uploaded in Horizon

Project reporting (10%)

  • Lead and facilitate preparation of project narrative and financial reports in accordance with donor designated formats as required. Ensure that draft reports disseminated for review and feedback by senior management team, relevant technical advisors prior to submitting the final report to WVC.
  • Submit timely accurate and quality reports that meet donor requirements (timely preparation and submission of monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual progress reports on the status of project implementation).
  • Lead preparation of project specific information sheets, human impact stories, short video clips and photographs for public engagement. Provide relevant communications information as necessary for dissemination to donors, WVC and media.
  • In collaboration with Compliance and reporting officer, maintain Project and report tracking system to ensure all Project files are organized and well managed for planning and preparation of donor reports and project monitoring.
  • hare lessons learned with local partners, WVT leadership, staff and donors from field reports to enhance local planning and implementation and suggest modifications that might be necessary at the local level based on evidence and lessons learnt.

Read Also:

End Results

  • Donor reports submitted to NO review 10 days before the deadlines for submission to Donor or Support Office.
  • Queries on donor reports responded too timely.
  • MMR is shared to Technical Team Leader, Cluster and Senior Grants & Operations Manager as per set deadlines.
  • Grants Dashboard is updated on monthly basis and quarterly basis by the 25th of each month and shared to Senior Grants & Operations Manager.

Effective Partnership Management, Maintaining & Reviewing (10%)

  • Develop Partner Capacity Building Plan (based on Partner Capacity Assessment Report/gaps identified)
  • Implement the capacity building plan
  • Partner Monitoring (Visits, Reports, meetings, etc)
  • Conduct Annual Partnership Health Check & partner performance reviews.

End Results

  • Timely delivery of Partnership Management indicators
  • Training plan for staff is in place and tracked on implementation
  • Project staff are linked with respective technical leads for technical capacity enhancement while implementing the project.
  • Performance management are well aligned with project requirements

Financial & non-finance resource Management (10%)

  • levels and ensure accurate and timely financial reports to donors and World Vision.
  • In working with financial team ensure project expenses are reasonable, allocated as per assigned budget, prudent and spent in accordance with donor rules and regulations to ensure low risk audits
  • Manage program assets, materials and financial resources to ensure Stewardship and accountability in the project.

End Results

  • Meet the burn-rate standards for the Donor and World Vision – Green – 90% – 100%.

Networking, visibility and donor recognition

  • Ensures the program interventions and the donor are recognized by the government, partners and communities
  • Develop and support effective linkages and collaborate with Key structures to include CHMT, Community Based Organizations, other implementing partners and NGOs.
  • Represent WVT and Participate in networking meetings/workshops/conferences with GoT and other stakeholders at the district, regional and national level
  • Facilitate documentation and sharing of processes, challenges, good practices and lessons learnt among partners.
  • In collaboration with Senior Grants and Operation manager, ensure WV Canada and donor queries and requests are effectively, timely and effective way.

End Results

  • Share the best practice of the project to partners
  • Share Project impact story in quarterly, semi-annual and annual reports.


Required Professional Experience

  • A minimum of 5 years excellent and relevant experience in leading, coordinating and managing integrated health and nutrition projects
  • Demonstrated experience in a Project Management role and use of project management cycle in the delivery of development projects is required.
  • Experience in implementing international donor funded projects and working with implementing partners /local CSOs and WROs is an advantage;
  • Experience in delivering technical assistance and/or institutional capacity building is an asset
  • Familiar with current Advocacy issues around adolescent sexual reproductive health
  • Experience in implementing projects in sectors of ASHR, MNCH, Nutrition, Livelihoods and working with children under 5 and women of reproductive age

Required Education, training, license, registration, and certification

  • Master degree in Public Health and/or Project Management and any related discipline from a recognised institution

Preferred Knowledge and Qualifications

  • Excellent communication skills; Ability to communicate with internal and external stakeholders,
  •  Excellent presentation skills
  • Excellent coordination and planning skills
  •  Report writing skills: Ability to write complex reports
  •  Demonstrate high levels of integrity
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Excellent team player with minimum supervision
  • Significant experience of working with government officials, multiple partners, community groups and communities.
  • Proven experience in facilitating effective project documentation and dissemination of results to a wide range of audiences.
  • Experience in working with international donor funded grants
  • Ability to maintain effective working relationships with all levels of staff
  • Good planning and Excellent organizational skills, ability to determine priorities and attention to detail a must
  • Work in a multisectoral/ multicultural team- patience, cultural sensitivity and application of contextual understanding in day to day work
  • High-level of knowledge and practice with Word, Excel, Outlook, etc. required
  • Ability to work with tight deadlines for information needs

Read Also:

Travel and/or Work Environment Requirement

  • The position requires ability and willingness to travel domestically up to 50% of the time to the field in Nzega Cluster-Simiyu and occasionally internationally if need be.
  • Ability to work in a multicultural context as a flexible and respectful team player
  • Willingness to travel to the field as and when needed

Physical Requirements

To base in Shinyanga / Simiyu

Language Requirements

Excellent written and spoken English is essential


Contact (within WV or outside WV)

Senior Grants and Operations Manager

Reason for contact

Line Manager & administrative support and oversight of day to day implementation

Frequency of contact


Contact (within WV or outside WV)

Cluster Manager

Reason for contact

Direct field office supervision and integration of program into Cluster

Frequency of contact


Contact (within WV or outside WV)

Cluster Specialists

Reason for contact

Direct field office Technical support

Frequency of contact


Contact (within WV or outside WV)

Health & Nutrition and other Technical Team Leaders at NO

Reason for contact

Matrix Relationship on Technical support

Frequency of contact


Contact (within WV or outside WV)

Operations Director and Senior Management Team

Reason for contact

Advice on related management functions

Frequency of contact

As required

Contact (within WV or outside WV)


Reason for contact

Coordinate with P&C on staff related benefits and staff issues

Frequency of contact


Contact (within WV or outside WV)

NO Departmental/Unit Managers

Reason for contact

Execute WVT strategy

Frequency of contact

As required

Contact (within WV or outside WV)

WVT Partners (Government, Community)

Reason for contact

Planning, implementation and collaboration

Frequency of contact


Contact (within WV or outside WV)

Other NGOs

Reason for contact

Collaboration and Joint work

Frequency of contact

As required

Contact (within WV or outside WV)

WV Support Office

Reason for contact

Program Implementation Technical Support and donor engagements

Frequency of contact

As required

Read Also:


Project Manager makes decision on project management in consultation with the direct supervisor and WVC’s grant manager.  Project Manager is guided by authority levels matrix on key approval levels and is guided by WVT policies and guidelines.


☒ Deliver Results

☒ Be Accountable

☒ Improve and Innovate

☒ Partner and Collaborate

☒ Model Self-Management

☒ Engage, Influence, Lead and Grow Others

Applicant Types Accepted:

Local Applicants Only


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