Hardship Level (not applicable for home-based)
Family Type (not applicable for home-based)
Staff Member / Affiliate Type
June 18, 2023
UNHCR Operation in Tanzania is managing majorly a camp-based Persons of Concern (PoCs) population of 206,350 refugees of whom 67.4% of the population are Burundians and 32.4% are Congolese as of December 2022. The refugees are currently situated in two camps namely Nyarugusu (129,703 PoCs) and Nduta (76,647 PoCs), located in northwestern Tanzania.
UNHCR Tanzania, in collaboration with the Government of Tanzania and representatives of the donor community, over the years has also been providing durable solutions for thousands of refugees through voluntary repatriation, local integration through naturalization and resettlement.
As part of the basic needs for refugees, Public Health including Reproductive, HIV/AIDS, Nutrition services remains crucial and significant making it one of the key sectors of UNHCR refugee operation. This is in addition to other basic services including Shelter, water, and sanitation facilities and etc. It is important to ensure effective delivery of health services and ensure that refugees receive the required services and are involved in delivery and management of services. In view of this, the incumbent will need to support the operation to good coordination among the stakeholders in the health programme to minimize avoidable illness and mortality rates through proper programming.
The incumbent will also work closely with the Ministry of Health, Health partners and other UN agencies on matters related to the entire health programs of the refugees. In addition, he/she would identify and address issues of public health importance to all UNHCR programs including care and maintenance, reception of new arrivals, resettlement, and repatriation.
With funding from World Diabetes Foundation (WDF) the operation is in the second year of the three-year Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) project that is having interventions in prevention, diagnosis, and control of NCDs in refugee camps. The public health officer will specifically support this project (planning, implementation of activities, monitoring and reporting) working with the Regional Bureau focal person, program, and public health team in Tanzania.
The incumbent will be based in Kigoma Sub Office covering the refugee camps in Northwestern Tanzania and the country at large. Kigoma is a municipality and capital of Kigoma region. Basic health and education services are available. There are no international schools. Commercial banks and mobile money services are available for all financial transactions.
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2. Purpose and Scope of Assignment
(Concise and detailed description of activities, tasks and
responsibilities to be undertaken, including expected travel, if
The Public Health Officer is a member of a multidisciplinary team and will ensure that UNHCR’s public health programmes meet minimum UNHCR and global health standards in order to minimise avoidable morbidity and mortality among populations of concern (POC) and towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The incumbent provides strong and timely technical guidance to UNHCR senior management and partners including on the design and scope of UNHCR’s responses in health and nutrition, catalyses the engagement of other actors, supports resource mobilisation efforts, including with the private sector, and monitors the response. S/he has close contacts with internal and external stakeholders such as government counterparts, UN Agencies and embassies/donors.
The Public Health Officer should also ensure consultation with communities seeking the diverse views of men, women, girls and boys, adolescents, youth, older persons, LGBTI persons, persons with disabilities, including people with psychosocial and intellectual disabilities, in assessing needs, designing, implementing and monitoring responses in line with UNHCR’s policy on age, gender and diversity mainstreaming.
Public Health programmes include primary health care, secondary health care, community health, reproductive health (including HIV), nutrition, MHPSS and health information systems. In addition to public health staff, major operations may also have dedicated staff focusing on any of these components, but public health officers are expected to be very conversant with reproductive health programming and ensure that minimum standards are met. Depending on the size of the operation the incumbent may be expected to have major responsibilities for nutrition and MHPSS responses.
The Public Health Officer will work with the (Senior) Programme Officer (or other designated staff member) to support operational collaboration and joint programming with WFP on nutrition and food security.
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Accountability (key results that will be achieved)
Strategic planning and development
– Contribute to development and/or implementation and monitoring
of UNHCR’s Strategic Plan for Public Health and adaptation at country
– Work with others in UNHCR to advocate for refugees, returnees
and other POC’s access to local public health, reproductive health (RH)
and HIV, MHPSS, nutrition (including food assistance where relevant) and
water and sanitation services and lobby for inclusion of refugees,
returnees and other POC as a specific group in government policies and
plans related to health, RH and HIV as well as major donor programmes
such as the Global Fund for HIV, TB and Malaria.
– Provide guidance and make recommendations on the overall
strategy and focus of public health and nutrition programmes within the
Area of Responsibility (AOR), including ensuring public health strategic
approaches are developed in a multi-sectoral and co-ordinated manner in
co-operation with government, UN agencies, NGOs and other humanitarian
partners with due consideration to the approaches outlined in the Global
Compact on Refugees and in support of the Sustainable Development
Goals, including SDG3.
– Provide up-to date assessment and identification of needs for
public health strategies, recognise and support the contributions of
governments and other actors align with and support national health
system as much as possible; include curative, preventive, promotive,
rehabilitative and palliative care; recognise the different approaches
required for the stage of the humanitarian response (preparedness,
emergency, stabilisation and longer term inclusion) as well as for
settlement or camp-based POC and those in urban or non-camp situations.
– Contribute to public health strategies addressing known gaps in
health and nutrition programming based on country/field-specific needs
assessments with due consideration to neonatal and maternal health care,
TB, HIV and viral hepatitis, non-communicable diseases including mental
health, palliative care, health services for LGBTI individuals, health
and protection services for persons selling sex and programming for
persons with disabilities including access to assistive technologies and
appropriate associated services, adolescents and the elderly.
– Support the development and monitoring of country specific
medium to long term inclusion plans in support of the Ministry of Health
and other relevant Ministries (e.g. Social Welfare) and in partnership
with development and other actors.
– Work with stakeholders, including Ministries of Health, UN
agencies, NGOs, academic institutions, POC and other relevant partners
in the development of public health preparedness and response plans
associated with refugee movements (including in repatriation
– Maintain and update contingency/ preparedness and response plans
within the AOR for potential public health events including disease
outbreaks and public health aspects of refugee and returnee movements.
Technical integrity and risk mitigation
– Update and disseminate standard practices on public health, MHPSS, nutrition, HIV and reproductive health among partners.
– Support the prioritization of primary health care (including
preventive, promotive, curative, rehabilitative and palliative care)
– Ensure, in close co-ordination with other humanitarian actors,
that health care services provided to POC are based on Ministry of
Health, UNHCR and/or internationally recognized and most up-to-date
standards and policies.
– Establish and/or adapt UNHCR internal operating procedures to
ensure they are in line with UNHCR and/or international standards and
improve efficiency of programme activities; this includes – but is not
limited to – referral health care, medicines and medical supplies
procurement and management, medical resettlement and resettlement of
persons with health needs, cash-based assistance for health care
coverage and referral between units and inter-sectoral collaboration.
– Monitor and support compliance with, and integrity of, all
Public Health standard operating procedures in conjunction with Project
Control and Programme staff and in line with delegated authorities,
including flagging to senior managers when these are not in line with
global guidance or not being followed.
– Work closely with UNHCR programme, technical, field and
protection staff to identify priority health issues and key data
requirements for programme planning and monitoring to ensure that
minimum UNHCR and international standards are being met.
– Support linkages of public health to WASH programmes throughout
all stages of the programme cycle including in outbreak preparedness and
response, emergency responses to refugee influxes, WASH in health
facilities, community health education and menstrual hygiene management.
– Support inter-sector collaboration throughout all stages of
programme cycle between public health and nutrition with WASH,
education, energy, environment, shelter, and protection in order to
promote synergies and maximise impact.
– Participate in the review and analysis of relevant project
proposals and budgetary submissions presented by UNHCR partners within
the context of the UNHCR programming cycle.
– Ensure that project plans or proposals submitted to UNHCR for
funding adhere to internationally accepted standards, and are based on a
comprehensive PHC strategy, rights based and meet the needs of
vulnerable persons.
– Ensure consultation with communities seeking the diverse views
of men, women, girls and boys, adolescents, youth, older persons,
persons with disabilities and LGBTQI in assessing needs, designing,
implementing and monitoring responses in line with UNHCR’s policy on
age, gender and diversity mainstreaming.
– Ensure implementation of the UNHCR Health Information System and
other relevant data collection tools including the balanced scorecard,
maternal and neonatal death audits, Health Access and Utilisation Survey
and other corporate tools where relevant; support the analysis,
interpretation, dissemination and use of public health data.
– Advocate for the inclusion of refugees and other POC in national
surveys such as demographic and health surveys, multi-indicator cluster
surveys, AIDS indicator surveys including where possible a separate
sample/oversampling to include refugees thus allowing for comparisons
and trend analysis over time.
– Support national health systems to disaggregate data by refugee
and nationals in key areas based on country specific needs in line with
the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
– Monitor public health and nutrition programmes against standard
UNHCR and international indicators, to ensure that programmes are
evidence-based and implemented in a comprehensive, cost-effective and
efficient manner.
– Support the planning, implementation, analysis, dissemination
and use of nutritional surveys (Standardized Expanded Nutrition Surveys,
SENS), health-related surveys and post-distribution monitoring
exercises (in collaboration with WFP).
– Promote applied research and programme evaluation to enable the
identification of gaps in programme implementation and standards, and to
further promote evidence-based activities and guidance.
Read Also:
– In line with policies for Accountability to Affected Populations
(AAP) ensure POC have access to feedback and accountability mechanisms
relating to public health and nutrition services including the
collection and analysis of data on their satisfaction with regards to
public health and nutrition services.
– Prepare regular sectoral reports and submit material for
preparation of periodic project monitoring reports as required by the
office at country level.
– Ensure adequate and accurate reporting, timely updates and briefings to donors and management.
Capacity Building
– Support capacity strengthening of UNHCR and its implementing
partners to address public health, nutrition, reproductive health, HIV,
MHPSS programming in a co-ordinated, multi-sectoral way and disseminate
relevant guidelines and information materials.
– Undertake and/or support capacity building needs assessments of
UNHCR staff and partners and develop approaches to address capacity gaps
including identifying internal and external training opportunities.
– In conjunction with the Public Health Section in HQ, Global
Learning and Development Centre, bureaux and external actors support
development of capacity strengthening tools and materials including
webinars, e-learning materials and online learning tools and contribute
to relevant communities of practices.
– Plan, organise, facilitate and participate in workshops in
conjunction with Bureaux, Public Health Section in HQ, Global Learning
and Development Centre and external actors.
– Perform other related duties as required.
Program management – WDF
The position will provide technical support to NCD
(Non-Communicable Diseases) projects as well as to provide support to
the implementation of UNHCRs public health strategy.
• The incumbent will be responsible for providing technical
support, coordination, planning, advocacy, monitoring and reporting of
the various project activities and outcomes in Tanzania for the NCD
• These include, in close collaboration with programme and other functional units:
– Support the overall management and coordination of the project outputs delivery for all projects
– Coordinate with the public health staff the capacity building of
the health providers and CHWs in refugee camp, support the preparation
and standardization of training materials and approaches.
– Ensure workplans, including capacity building plans, are
prepared and followed up with clear deliverables and timelines, in line
with the overall project plan.
– Provide technical support to public health staff during implementation of the project.
– Follow up and provision of technical support on the procurement
of essential supplies and medical equipment as per project(s) plan of
actions. Ensure procurement planning is undertaken and consist with the
project proposal.
– Support in the preparation of the required narrative reports and provide inputs into the financial reporting as required.
– Prepare quarterly and annual donor reports of project(s) implementation.
– Document and disseminate best practice learning.
– Produce internal project(s) update reports on a quarterly basis.
Responsibility (process and functions undertaken to achieve results)
Coordination, Leadership and Partnership
– Co-ordinate public health, reproductive health, nutrition and
HIV activities in support of the government’s responses and in
conjunction with other UN agencies, non-governmental organisations
(NGOs) and other partners, including development actors to ensure
delivery of public health and nutrition services to beneficiaries (POC
and host community) meet UNHCR and /or nationally recognised and most
up-to-date standards and policies.
– Support the Operation to define the level and scope of UNHCR’s
involvement in public health and nutrition responses in terms of overall
and operational objectives during emergency situations and beyond.
– Support the Operation’s engagement in the public health-related
aspects of contributions of major donors to refugee responses, including
the World Bank; taking part in assessments, design of projects,
monitoring and evaluation.
– In line with the Global Compact on Refugees work with
governments, humanitarian and development partners to ensure a
whole-of-government (i.e. relevant national and local authorities for
health and nutrition response) multi-stakeholder approach and planning
to harness the comparative advantages of different partners to meet the
health needs of POC.
– Represent UNHCR in public health coordination and other meetings
including relevant inter-sectoral groups such as Technical Working
Groups (TWGs) for MHPSS and nutrition, reproductive health, community
health, among others.
– Engage in relevant partnership fora, including in line with
UNHCR’s role as a UNAIDS co-sponsor of the Joint Programme on AIDS and
co-lead with WFP of the Division of Labour area of HIV in Humanitarian
– Support operational collaboration with WFP including the
implementation of Joint Assessment Missions and corresponding Joint
Plans of Action in line with global commitments on targeting of
assistance to meet basic needs and data sharing to support assistance
distribution (in collaboration with programme and protection
– Support robust and timely emergency responses to new refugee
influxes or disease outbreaks or other public health-related emergencies
in line with UNHCR’s Public Health Emergency Toolkit, Emergency
Handbook and the SPHERE Handbook.
Read Also:
Authority (decisions made in executing responsibilities and to achieve results)
The incumbent has a functional line with the Public Health Section in Geneva regarding authoritative guidance and support in technical matters and is expected to maintain regular contact with the PHS and the Regional Bureau. All UNHCR staff members are accountable to perform their duties as reflected in their job description. They do so within their delegated authorities, in line with the regulatory framework of UNHCR which includes the UN Charter, UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCR Policies and Administrative Instructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks. In addition, staff members are required to discharge their responsibilities in a manner consistent with the core, functional, cross-functional and managerial competencies and UNHCR’s core values of professionalism, integrity and respect for diversity.
3. Monitoring and Progress Controls
(Clear description of measurable outputs, milestones, key
performance indicators and/or reporting requirements which will enable
performance monitoring)
– There is a viable standard Health Information System in place
for data collection, analysis and interpretation to serve as evidence
base for planning and interventions.
– UNHCR balanced score card (BSC) conducted
– Internal and external program and donor reporting
– Monthly health coordination meetings are conducted with all relevant partners
4. Qualifications and Experience
(List the required education, work experience, expertise and
competencies of the individual contractor. The listed education and
experience should correspond with the level at which the contract is
a. Education (Level and area of required and/or preferred education)
Field(s) of Education
Medicine, Medical Science, Medical Doctor, Nursing, Public Health
or other relevant field.
Certificates and/or Licenses
Languages: English (full working proficiency)
b. Work Experience
(List number of years and area of required work experience.
Clearly distinguish between required experience and experience which
could be an asset.)
Clinical background with master’s degree in public health related
field. Knowledge of reproductive health and nutrition in humanitarian
situations. Experience in interagency coordination, health data
management and analysis and working experience in a humanitarian
context. Exposure to UNHCR mandate, its priorities, and principles. Good
communicator with strong interpersonal, negotiations, and diplomacy
Working experience in different refugee contexts. Additional
qualifications in Nutrition and WASH and a thorough understanding of the
linkages with public health and food security. Ability to coordinate a
range of diverse actors and activities to achieve a common objective in
the area of Public Health.
c. Key Competencies
(Technical knowledge, skills, managerial competencies or other
personal competencies relevant to the performance of the assignment.
Clearly distinguish between required and desired competencies)
Core Competencies
Accountability, Communication, Organizational Awareness, Teamwork
& Collaboration, Commitment to Continuous Learning, Client &
Result Orientation
Managerial Competencies
Empowering and Building Trust, Judgement and Decision Making, Managing Performance, Managing Resources
Cross-Functional Competencies
Analytical Thinking, Planning and Organizing, Stakeholder Management
Standard Job Description
Public Health Officer Organizational Setting and Work Relationships The Public Health Officer is a member of a multidisciplinary team and will ensure that UNHCR’s public health programmes meet minimum UNHCR and global health standards in order to minimise avoidable morbidity and mortality among populations of concern (POC) and towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The incumbent provides strong and timely technical guidance to UNHCR senior management and partners including on the design and scope of UNHCR¿s responses in health and nutrition, catalyses the engagement of other actors, supports resource mobilisation efforts, including with the private sector, and monitors the response. S/he has close contacts with internal and external stakeholders such as government counterparts, UN Agencies and embassies/donors. The Public Health Officer should also ensure consultation with communities seeking the diverse views of men, women, girls and boys, adolescents, youth, older persons, LGBTI persons, persons with disabilities , including people with psychosocial and intellectual disabilities, in assessing needs, designing, implementing and monitoring responses in line with UNHCR’s policy on age, gender and diversity mainstreaming. Public Health programmes include primary health care, secondary health care, community health, reproductive health (including HIV), nutrition, MHPSS and health information systems. In addition to public health staff, major operations may also have dedicated staff focusing on any of these components but public health officers are expected to be very conversant with reproductive health programming and ensure that minimum standards are met. Depending on the size of the operation the incumbent may be expected to have major responsibilities for nutrition and MHPSS responses. The Public Health Officer will work with the (Senior) Programme Officer (or other designated staff member) to support operational collaboration and joint programming with WFP on nutrition and food security. The Public Health Officer is normally supervised by a Senior Operations/ Assistant Representative (Operations) unless supervised by a Senior Public Health Officer. The incumbent has a functional line with the Public Health Section in Geneva regarding authoritative guidance and support in technical matters and is expected to maintain regular contact with the PHS and the Regional Bureau. All UNHCR staff members are accountable to perform their duties as reflected in their job description. They do so within their delegated authorities, in line with the regulatory framework of UNHCR which includes the UN Charter, UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCR Policies and Administrative Instructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks. In addition, staff members are required to discharge their responsibilities in a manner consistent with the core, functional, cross-functional and managerial competencies and UNHCR’s core values of professionalism, integrity and respect for diversity. Duties Coordination, Leadership and Partnership – Co-ordinate public health, reproductive health, nutrition and HIV activities in support of the government¿s responses and in conjunction with other UN agencies, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and other partners, including development actors to ensure delivery of public health and nutrition services to beneficiaries (POC and host community) meet UNHCR and /or nationally recognised and most up-to-date standards and policies. – Support the Operation to define the level and scope of UNHCR’s involvement in public health and nutrition responses in terms of overall and operational objectives during emergency situations and beyond. – Support the Operation¿s engagement in the public health-related aspects of contributions of major donors to refugee responses, including the World Bank; taking part in assessments, design of projects, monitoring and evaluation. – In line with the Global Compact on Refugees work with governments, humanitarian and development partners to ensure a whole-of-government (i.e. relevant national and local authorities for health and nutrition response) multi-stakeholder approach and planning to harness the comparative advantages of different partners to meet the health needs of POC. – Represent UNHCR in public health coordination and other meetings including relevant inter-sectoral groups such as Technical Working Groups (TWGs) for MHPSS and nutrition, reproductive health, community health, among others. – Engage in relevant partnership fora, including in line with UNHCR’s role as a UNAIDS co-sponsor of the Joint Programme on AIDS and co-lead with WFP of the Division of Labour area of HIV in Humanitarian Settings. – Support operational collaboration with WFP including the implementation of Joint Assessment Missions and corresponding Joint Plans of Action in line with global commitments on targeting of assistance to meet basic needs and data sharing to support assistance distribution (in collaboration with programme and protection colleagues). – Support robust and timely emergency responses to new refugee influxes or disease outbreaks or other public health-related emergencies in line with UNHCR’s Public Health Emergency Toolkit, Emergency Handbook and the SPHERE Handbook. Strategic planning and development – Contribute to development and/or implementation and monitoring of UNHCR’s Strategic Plan for Public Health and adaptation at country level. – Work with others in UNHCR to advocate for refugees, returnees and other POC’s access to local public health, reproductive health (RH) and HIV, MHPSS, nutrition (including food assistance where relevant) and water and sanitation services and lobby for inclusion of refugees, returnees and other POC as a specific group in government policies and plans related to health, RH and HIV as well as major donor programmes such as the Global Fund for HIV, TB and Malaria. – Provide guidance and make recommendations on the overall strategy and focus of public health and nutrition programmes within the Area of Responsibility (AOR), including ensuring public health strategic approaches are developed in a multi-sectoral and co-ordinated manner in co-operation with government, UN agencies, NGOs and other humanitarian partners with due consideration to the approaches outlined in the Global Compact on Refugees and in support of the Sustainable Development Goals, including SDG3. – Provide up-to date assessment and identification of needs for public health strategies, recognise and support the contributions of governments and other actors align with and support national health system as much as possible; include curative, preventive, promotive, rehabilitative and palliative care; recognise the different approaches required for the stage of the humanitarian response (preparedness, emergency, stabilisation and longer term inclusion) as well as for settlement or camp-based POC and those in urban or non-camp situations.
– Contribute to public health strategies addressing known gaps in health and nutrition programming based on country/field-specific needs assessments with due consideration to neonatal and maternal health care, TB, HIV and viral hepatitis, non-communicable diseases including mental health, palliative care, health services for LGBTI individuals, health and protection services for persons selling sex and programming for persons with disabilities including access to assistive technologies and appropriate associated services, adolescents and the elderly. – Support the development and monitoring of country specific medium to long term inclusion plans in support of the Ministry of Health and other relevant Ministries (e.g. Social Welfare) and in partnership with development and other actors. – Work with stakeholders, including Ministries of Health, UN agencies, NGOs, academic institutions, POC and other relevant partners in the development of public health preparedness and response plans associated with refugee movements (including in repatriation programmes). – Maintain and update contingency/ preparedness and response plans within the AOR for potential public health events including disease outbreaks and public health aspects of refugee and returnee movements. Technical integrity and risk mitigation – Update and disseminate standard practices on public health, MHPSS, nutrition, HIV and reproductive health among partners. – Support the prioritization of primary health care (including preventive, promotive, curative, rehabilitative and palliative care) – Ensure, in close co-ordination with other humanitarian actors, that health care services provided to POC are based on Ministry of Health, UNHCR and/or internationally recognized and most up-to-date standards and policies. – Establish and/or adapt UNHCR internal operating procedures to ensure they are in line with UNHCR and/or international standards and improve efficiency of programme activities; this includes – but is not limited to – referral health care, medicines and medical supplies procurement and management, medical resettlement and resettlement of persons with health needs, cash-based assistance for health care coverage and referral between units and inter-sectoral collaboration. – Monitor and support compliance with, and integrity of, all Public Health standard operating procedures in conjunction with Project Control and Programme staff and in line with delegated authorities, including flagging to senior managers when these are not in line with global guidance or not being followed. Collaboration – Work closely with UNHCR programme, technical, field and protection staff to identify priority health issues and key data requirements for programme planning and monitoring to ensure that minimum UNHCR and international standards are being met. – Support linkages of public health to WASH programmes throughout all stages of the programme cycle including in outbreak preparedness and response, emergency responses to refugee influxes, WASH in health facilities, community health education and menstrual hygiene management. – Support inter-sector collaboration throughout all stages of programme cycle between public health and nutrition with WASH, education, energy, environment, shelter, and protection in order to promote synergies and maximise impact. – Participate in the review and analysis of relevant project proposals and budgetary submissions presented by UNHCR partners within the context of the UNHCR programming cycle. – Ensure that project plans or proposals submitted to UNHCR for funding adhere to internationally accepted standards, and are based on a comprehensive PHC strategy, rights based and meet the needs of vulnerable persons. – Ensure consultation with communities seeking the diverse views of men, women, girls and boys, adolescents, youth, older persons, persons with disabilities and LGBTQI in assessing needs, designing, implementing and monitoring responses in line with UNHCR’s policy on age, gender and diversity mainstreaming. – Ensure implementation of the UNHCR Health Information System and other relevant data collection tools including the balanced scorecard, maternal and neonatal death audits, Health Access and Utilisation Survey and other corporate tools where relevant; support the analysis, interpretation, dissemination and use of public health data. – Advocate for the inclusion of refugees and other POC in national surveys such as demographic and health surveys, multi-indicator cluster surveys, AIDS indicator surveys including where possible a separate sample/oversampling to include refugees thus allowing for comparisons and trend analysis over time. – Support national health systems to disaggregate data by refugee and nationals in key areas based on country specific needs in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. – Monitor public health and nutrition programmes against standard UNHCR and international indicators, to ensure that programmes are evidence-based and implemented in a comprehensive, cost-effective and efficient manner. – Support the planning, implementation, analysis, dissemination and use of nutritional surveys (Standardized Expanded Nutrition Surveys, SENS), health-related surveys and post-distribution monitoring exercises (in collaboration with WFP). – Promote applied research and programme evaluation to enable the identification of gaps in programme implementation and standards, and to further promote evidence-based activities and guidance. – In line with policies for Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) ensure POC have access to feedback and accountability mechanisms relating to public health and nutrition services including the collection and analysis of data on their satisfaction with regards to public health and nutrition services. – Prepare regular sectoral reports and submit material for preparation of periodic project monitoring reports as required by the office at country level. – Ensure adequate and accurate reporting, timely updates and briefings to donors and management. Capacity Building – Support capacity strengthening of UNHCR and its implementing partners to address public health, nutrition, reproductive health, HIV, MHPSS programming in a co-ordinated, multi-sectoral way and disseminate relevant guidelines and information materials. – Undertake and/or support capacity building needs assessments of UNHCR staff and partners and develop approaches to address capacity gaps including identifying internal and external training opportunities. – In conjunction with the Public Health Section in HQ, Global Learning and Development Centre, bureaux and external actors support development of capacity strengthening tools and materials including webinars, e-learning materials and online learning tools and contribute to relevant communities of practices.
– Plan, organise, facilitate and participate in workshops in conjunction with Bureaux, Public Health Section in HQ, Global Learning and Development Centre and external actors. – Perform other related duties as required. Minimum Qualifications Years of Experience / Degree Level For P3/NOC – 6 years relevant experience with Undergraduate degree; or 5 years relevant experience with Graduate degree; or 4 years relevant experience with Doctorate degree Field(s) of Education Medicine, Medical Science, Medical Doctor, Nursing, Public Health or other relevant field. (Field(s) of Education marked with an asterisk* are essential) Certificates and/or Licenses Epidemiology (Certificates and Licenses marked with an asterisk* are essential) Relevant Job Experience Essential Knowledge of public health, reproductive health and nutrition in humanitarian situations. Exposure to UNHCR mandate, its priorities and principles. Good communicator with strong interpersonal and negotiations skills. Desirable Additional qualifications in Nutrition and WASH and a thorough understanding of the linkages with public health and food security. Ability to coordinate a range of diverse actors and activities to achieve a common objective in the area of Public Health.
Read Also:
Functional Skills MD-Reproductive Health EL-Monitoring and Evaluation PG-Programme Monitoring PH- Public Health Epidemiology PH-Community Health-Health Data Collection/Analysis/Interpretation CO-Strategic Communication UN-UN/UNHCR Mandate and Global Strategic Priorities FO-Complex field emergency operations MD-HIV/AIDS situation management (Functional Skills marked with an asterisk* are essential) Language Requirements For International Professional and Field Service jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English. For National Professional jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English and local language. For General Service jobs: Knowledge of English and/or UN working language of the duty station if not English. All UNHCR workforce members must individually and collectively, contribute towards a working environment where each person feels safe, and empowered to perform their duties. This includes by demonstrating no tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse, harassment including sexual harassment, sexism, gender inequality, discrimination and abuse of power. As individuals and as managers, all must be proactive in preventing and responding to inappropriate conduct, support ongoing dialogue on these matters and speaking up and seeking guidance and support from relevant UNHCR resources when these issues arise. This is a Standard Job Description for all UNHCR jobs with this job title and grade level. The Operational Context may contain additional essential and/or desirable qualifications relating to the specific operation and/or position. Any such requirements are incorporated by reference in this Job Description and will be considered for the screening, shortlisting and selection of candidates.
Required Languages
Desired Languages
Additional Qualifications
Bachelor of Arts (BA): Medicine (Required), Bachelor of Arts (BA): Nursing (Required), Bachelor of Arts (BA): Public Health (Required)
Epidemiology – Other
Other information
This position requires Functional Clearance