New Opportunities at WHO

Job Description – A National Consultant To Support The Development Of A National Mental Health Strategic Plan (2305499)
A National Consultant To Support The Development Of A National Mental Health Strategic Plan – (2305499)


Contractual Arrangement: External consultant
Contract Duration (Years, Months, Days): 03 MONTHS
Job Posting: Jun 15, 2023, 3:22:19 PM
Closing Date: Jun 29, 2023, 12:59:00 AM
Primary Location: Tanzania, United Republic of
Organization: AF_TZA Tanzania
Schedule: Full-time

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that the deadline for receipt of applications indicated above reflects your personal device’s system settings.



The 66th World Health Assembly, consisting of Ministers of Health of 194 Member States, adopted WHO’s Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan 2013–2020 in May 2013. The action plan was developed in response to the growing burden of mental health disorders and the challenges that health systems around the world are facing to respond to the needs of people with mental health problems. In 2019, the action plan was extended until 2030 by the 72nd World Health Assembly to ensure its alignment with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The plan will help countries achieve Sustainable Development Goal target 3.4 – by 2030, reduce by one third premature deaths from noncommunicable diseases through prevention and treatment, and promote mental health and well-being.

In commemorating the World Mental Health Day 2022, the Ministry of Health hosted the first-ever national mental health dialogue under the theme, “Make Mental Health and Wellbeing for All a Global Priority”. One of the key gaps highlighted during the national forum was the lack of a National Mental Health Strategy that reflects the opinions and priorities

of a wide range of mental health stakeholders; is based on sound evidence; and provides a blueprint for action on mental health in Tanzania.

The purpose of this consultancy therefore is to support the Minitsry of Health engage key actors in developing a National Mental Health Strategic Plan that gives guidance on mental health promotion, prevention of mental illness, treatment and rehabilitation. The strategic plan is intended to be comprehensive in its scope, addressing the full age range, and covering all mental disorders, including co-morbid intellectual

disability and substance use disorders.

These Terms of Reference outline the core activities and deliverables of consultancy that will support development and writing of this strategy. The consultant will work as part of an overall process, guided by the Ministry of Health and WHO Country Office.


2.1 Framework for the Strategic Plan

To develop, in consultation with the Ministry of Health and key actors, a framework for the Strategic Plan, which should be approved by the Technical Advisory Group prior to commencing work on the Plan

2.2 Consultation with Stakeholders

To undertake a comprehensive consultation with national and subnational stakeholders, to understand priorities and contextual factors, and to seek appropriate guidance on the content of the Plan. Such an engagement will also provide links and opportunities for future dissemination.

2.3 Situation analysis and information gathering

To carry out desk-based research, as a complement to stakeholder consultation, that will

provide an appropriate foundation on which to develop the Strategic Plan. This will include

relevant demographic information, a summary of the needs of populations and burden of

mental health conditions, and the resources available in country to respond to these needs.

2.4 Strategic Plan

Using the analysis described above, and with the support of the Technical Advisory Group

through consultative and validation meetings, develop a Strategic Plan that will lay out country’s direction in mental health work over the next five years.

Read Also:

2.5 Dissemination

The consultant will submit a clean final version of plan; summary presentation of the plan, a dissemination plan to the Ministry of Health and WHO Country Office


The assignment must be completed within three (3) months from the date of commissioning.


· Holding a master’s degree in mental health and related fields

· A minimum of 3 years practical experience in strategic planning

· A minimum of 10 years’ experience in mental health related programs and research

· Strong conceptual understanding of mental health issues in Tanzania

· Fluency in English and Swahili (verbal and written)

· Excellent analytical and report writing skills

· Good written, interpersonal, and facilitation skills

· Work experience with the UN and/or International Organizations is desirable


The consultant will work closely with the Ministry of Health – NCDs and Mental Health focal persons; WHO focal point Tanzania Country Office and other relevant expert groups.


The total budget for the assignment must not exceed USD 45,000 including costs related to the consultancy, communication & travel as appropriate, stakeholder consultation and validation meetings and printing 500 copies of the endorsed strategic plan.


Essential: Master’s degree in in psychiatry, clinical, psychology, social work or allied sciences from an accredited/Recognized institute

Desirable: Post-graduate qualification or specialized training in(a) public health (b) clinical psychology or psychiatry and/or (c) MHPSS in emergency and humanitarian crises; Training in delivering bio-psychosocial interventions for MNS disorders

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Essential: At least five (5) years of experience in in the assessment, development and implementation of policies, strategies and action plans for MHPSS in the context of emergencies

Desirable: Experience of managing national mental health programme(s) including experience with implementing WHO’s mental health GapAction Programme (MHGAP); Experience in capacity building, developing and promoting collaborative partnerships. Relevant work experience in WHO, other UN agencies,relevant nongovernmental, health cluster partners or recognized humanitarian organizations. A minimum of 3 years of working experience in large public health projects would be an asset


Knowledge of: International policy frameworks (WHO, Sphere, IASC) for the reduction of public health challenges related to mental health in emergency settings. Implementation tools (e.g., WHO/United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

(UNHCR) MHPSS assessment toolkit, psychological first aid field guide, MH GAP Humanitarian Intervention Guide,

mental health component of Interagency Emergency Health Kit (IEHK), “Building Back Better” casebook) for reduction of public health problems related to mental health in (post-) emergency settings. Demonstrated ability to: Plan and conduct capacity-building activities in MHPSS. Work effectively in an emergency and humanitarian response context, under constraints and meet deadlines. Collaborate on MHPSSacross different sectors.

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Respecting and promoting individual and cultural differences


Building and promoting partnerships across the organization and beyond

Producing results

Use of Language Skills

Essential: Expert knowledge of English.





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