Apply for Jobs at EAMCEF



The Eastern Arc Mountains Conservation Endowment Fund (EAMCEF) is a Trust Fund that was established as a mechanism to provide sustainable financing for effective conservation of biological resources in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania.


The Eastern Arc Mountains Conservation Endowment Fund was initially conceived as a joint initiative of the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania, the Board of Trustees, the World Bank and the Global Environment Facility (GEF).  The Fund aims at providing long- term and reliable funding support to conservation activities related to the promotion of biological diversity, improvement of ecological functions and sustainable use of natural resources in priority areas of the Eastern Arc Mountains.  The Eastern Arc Mountains ecosystem forms a major portion of the Eastern Afromontane Region which is recognized globally as one of the 34 biodiversity hotspots characterized by high concentrations of endemic species now under serious threat. 

Major mountain blocks of the Eastern Arc spread over fifteen districts in five regions of Tanzania namely, Tanga (East and West Usambara and Nguu Mountains), Kilimanjaro (South and North Pare Mountains), Morogoro (Udzungwa, Ukaguru, Nguru, Rubeho, Malundwe, Mahenge and Uluguru Mountains), Iringa (Udzungwa Mountains) and Dodoma (Rubeho Mountains).  Governed by a Board of Trustees, the Fund was officially registered in Tanzania in June 2001 under the Trustees’ Incorporation Act (Cap. 318 R.E 2002) and it operates as a not-for-profit Conservation Finance Trust organization with its day-to-day operations being run by the Endowment Fund Secretariat.  The Fund’s Executive Director is the Head of the Secretariat with the main administrative offices located in Morogoro Municipality.

The Eastern Arc Mountains forests are under considerable pressure due to various human activities as a result of increased population. Threats leading to biodiversity loss include expansion of human settlements, shifting cultivation, forest fires, extraction of wood for commercial and domestic uses, gold mining, dry season grazing, extraction of non-wood forest products including honey, fruits, medicines, natural ropes, resins, mushrooms and game hunting. Effective control of the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation now ongoing in the Eastern Arc Mountains can only be assured through the EAMCEF’s unequivocal commitment to taking exceptional care of the Eastern Arc Mountains ecosystem and all stakeholders impacting positively/negatively on its biological resources.

Whereas requirements for professional manpower necessary for effective conservation of the Eastern Arc Mountains are quite enormous, the staff line-up of EAMCEF is currently still modest. Thus, EAMCEF needs to recruit adequate and competent staff so as to increase and enhance its capacity to undertake its operations and programme activities. In order for the conservation efforts to be sufficiently effective to secure and save the unique natural heritage, the now vacant positions needs to urgently be filled by suitably qualified and competent professional staff as detailed below.


The following requirements will apply to all the posts now available in the Endowment Fund Secretariat

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General Conditions

  • Proven ability in writing and speaking both English and Kiswahili Languages.
  • The EAMCEF Head Office in Morogoro Municipality will be the duty station for each of the positions.
  • All the positions are equally available for both female and male Tanzanian applicants; female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.
  • Excellent knowledge and proven ability in working with computers and a variety of computer programmes especially Microsoft Office applications (e.g. MS-Word, Excel, Access, Power Point, E-Mails, Internet, etc.) and establishment and management of databases.
  • Ability to work under pressure and for extended hours including working on week – ends and holidays as it may be required from time to time.
  • Mature, energetic, hardworking, versatile and self-motivated.
  • Obedient, honest, trustful, fast learner, smart and socially active.
  • Demonstrated ability to work independently or under minimum supervision, effectively supervise and lead others.
  • Each appointed Candidate will report and be answerable to the Executive Director.
  • Only one (1) position is available for each of the vacant posts.

Terms and Conditions of Employment

A Contract of two years will be issued to each of the successful applicants upon satisfactory performance during the probationary period of the first three months.  Depending on the ability to perform the assigned duties, the Contract may be renewed at the end of the second year.  An attractive remuneration package will be offered to the selected candidate commensurate with professional qualifications and working experience.

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Assistant (MELA)

Duties and Responsibilities

The successful Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Assistant (MELA) will be the principal in-charge of all matters, aspects, activities and functions pertaining to programme monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning in the Endowment Fund Secretariat (EFS). The principal duties and responsibilities of the selected Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Assistant (MELA) will include but be not limited to the following;  

  • Act as principal and immediate assistant to the Programme Officer – Planning, Coordination and Information Management (PO-PCIM) and appropriately assist, back – stop and gap – fill in his/her functions as may be required from time to time.
  • Assist and coordinate the development of a comprehensive overall monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning (MEAL) framework, toolkits including performance indicators, baselines, targets, milestones and benchmarks for each aspects of the EAMCEF.
  • Assist to develop and implement a systematic approach to integrate programme defined inputs, indicators and results (Outputs, Outcomes and Impacts).
  • Assist in the coordination of project evaluations and in capturing best practices emerging from the intervention strategies.
  • Ensure that the Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) framework is robust and in-line with good practice and provides a strong and objective basis for performance measurement and management.
  • Assist to compile and coordinate preparation of quarterly, semi-annually and annually programme performance reports.
  • Assist and facilitate MEAL capacity building within the EAMCEF Secretariat, programme beneficiaries and stakeholders.
  • Assist and facilitate the training of both EAMCEF Board and EFS Members in Results Based Management (RBM) both in theory and in practice.
  • Review and assist to build a robust results framework with all outcome level indicators linked to conservation and updated templates for the whole programme cycle of the EAMCEF.
  • Assist in improving the quality of reporting especially for outcome and impact levels.
  • Assist in building a modern digital information management system allowing real-time portfolio analysis and releasing human resources to technical monitoring.
  • Assist in the monitoring and evaluation and associate their contributions into the achievement of the overall results.
  • Assist in making sure that exercises and findings from the monitoring and evaluation positively inform the development of new intervention strategies.
  • In collaboration with other programme and field staff, coordinate and capture good practices emerging from the programme activities.
  • Assist to develop a comprehensive reporting framework with provisions for rigorous impact assessment.
  • Prepare requisite periodical performance reports and produce analytical progress reports to guide the making of management decisions.
  • Assist to put in place systems and mechanisms for collecting data to monitor the development of defined indicators under the comprehensive reporting framework.
  • Assist to develop and implement a standardized Management Information System accessible to the Senior Management Team Members and other relevant parties.
  • Assist and coordinate monitoring, evaluation and reporting of the programme performance.
  • Assist to design and develop an MEAL database for the programme that is integrated with the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework.
  • Provide technical support and coordinate MEAL activities across the entire programme cycle.
  • Ensure monitoring and reporting requirements are understood by implementers and key stakeholders.
  • Assist in timely planning, budgeting and progress reporting for all programme activities.
  • Effectively collaborating and working closely with the Marketing and Engagement Officer and Planning and Communication Assistant and appropriately gap filling in their functions as it may be required from time to time.
  • Assist, provide back-up support and appropriately gap-fill in the functions of Field Project Officers as it may be required from time to time.
  • Assist in setting up a Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning system and follow up closely its operationalization.
  • Build capacity of field staff and partners to set a functional groundwork for efficient data collection, entry, compilation, processing and timely reporting at site level, district level and programme level.
  • Contribute to development and implementation of the organization’s MEAL framework including indicator mapping.
  • Facilitate the utilization of reports at site level and district level for programme planning, management and evaluation.
  • Lead the preparation of MEAL based quarterly feedback reports from the grantees and field partners.
  • Maintain proper records on implementation of the programme which will provide basis for decision making and feedback to stakeholders.
  • Assist in the preparation and operationalization of a computerized programme for field data collection, coding, processing, storage and dissemination/reporting.
  • Carry out any other responsibilities as assigned by the Executive Director, immediate supervisor and other Senior Staff.

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Academic and Professional Qualifications

  • Advanced Diploma or Bachelor Degree in either Project Planning and Management, Statistics, Planning, Natural Resources Assessment, Economic Planning or Development Studies.
  • Formal training in Results Based Management (RBM) and/or Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) will be one of the necessary conditions for selection.
  • At least 3 – years solid experience in MEAL with a reputable Organization/Programme/Project.
  • Ability to present information in logical and convincing manner.
  • Computer literacy especially competence in MS Excel and Statistical packages and database management.
  • Experience in strategic planning with good background of reporting and showing results with donors, sponsors, government entities and other key stakeholders.
  • Proven knowledge, skills and experience in Results Based Management (RBM).



  Duties and Responsibilities

The successful Programme Officer – Planning, Coordination and Information Management (PO – PCIM) will be incharge of and play a leading role in all programme planning, grants management, implementation, coordination, supervision, information management and communication activities of EAMCEF. His/her principal duties and responsibilities will include and not be limited to the following:

  • Raise awareness to local communities and other stakeholders on the linkages between conservation, climate change and socio-economic development.
  • Raise awareness to local communities, local governments and other relevant partners on the EAMCEF and the benefits available through the EAMCEF intervention programmes.
  • Inform NGOs, research institutions and other stakeholders about the opportunities available for funding conservation, climate change, research and community – based development and livelihood activities.
  • Develop and maintain an always updated central forum for cataloguing status of activities receiving funding, information generated from programme interventions as well as activities planned and implemented through other conservation partners in the Eastern Arc Mountains.
  • Make sure that all relevant information about the Fund’s performance and accomplishments is always available for use by all relevant stakeholders including the government and other development partners.
  • Assist in timely planning, budgeting and progress reporting for all programme activities.
  • Handle publicity, education and extension activities and help to plan, design, produce and disseminate relevant publicity and extension materials from time to time.
  • Developing and implementing effective communication, public relations and information dissemination strategy for awareness creation and attracting more support from various sources.
  • Helping and effectively participating in developing, updating and operationalizing the EAMCEF Strategic Plan, Engagement Plan, Resource Mobilization and Communication Strategies and assist in various visibility, engagement and communication activities as appropriate.
  • Help to improve the planning, information management, communication and organizational capacity of EAMCEF and effectively assist in the creation of conditions necessary for effective programme delivery.
  • Setting up an always up to date information management centre and effectively supervising and monitoring its management and operations.
  • Provide necessary back-up support to field activities and effectively assist, support and supervise the Field Projects Officers, Planning and Communication Assistant and Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Assistant.
  • Assist, provide back-up support and appropriately gap-fill in the functions of the Marketing and Engagement Officer as it may be required from time to time.
  • Effectively collaborating and working closely with the Marketing and Engagement Officer in planning and executing all activities and functions related to marketing, promotion, profile raising, advocacy, engagement, visibility and communication as appropriate.
  • Drafting contracting mechanisms, supervising contractual obligations and monitoring outputs delivery by contracted partners.
  • Facilitate, coordinate, supervise and follow up implementation of field activities financed by the Fund.
  • Assist in enhancing and maintaining an always updated website and highly active social media platforms for the Fund.
  • Playing a central role in establishing relevant partnerships and maintaining existing partnerships with relevant stakeholders as appropriate.
  • Assist in identifying, appraising, preparing proposals and managing the granting process for funding by the Endowment Fund.
  • Assist in the improvement, operationalization and updating of the Solicitation and Grants Management Guidelines as well as the Guidelines for Local Advisory Committees.
  • Assist in developing and executing relevant training and out-reach programmes in order to build the capacity of stakeholders.
  • Assist in developing and operationalizing a Training Policy for EAMCEF Trustees, Secretariat Staff, key partners and other relevant stakeholders.
  • Assist in information collection, storage and dissemination including proper handling and management of IT equipment, software and operating systems.
  • Assist in setting up a Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and Accountability mechanism and follow up closely its operationalization.
  • Assist in developing, updating and operationalization of the Programme contents of the Strategic Plan, Situation Analysis Report, Investment Management Policy, Business Planning, Education and Awareness Creation documents for EAMCEF.
  • Assist and advise the Executive Director in matters pertaining to management, technical and professional issues and aspects as appropriate.
  • Doing any other relevant activity or assignment as it may be directed by the Executive Director from time to time.

 Academic and Professional Qualifications

  • Possession of both Bachelor and Master degrees from recognized and reputable higher learning institutions in the fields of natural resources management, forestry, wildlife management, biodiversity conservation, environmental planning and management, climate change or other relevant biological sciences. 
  • Formal training in planning, coordination, communication, networking, training, capacity building and monitoring, evaluation, learning and accountability will be desirable.
  • Formal training and practical experience in project planning, progress reporting and results based management will be a strong merit.
  • Good interpersonal skills and strong background in conservation and community development work.
  • Good writing, presentation and communication skills.
  • Good working knowledge and skills in handling and dealing with ICT (Information, Communication and Technology) issues and aspects.
  • Experience in donor funded project management and working procedures will be desirable.
  • Experience in networking and dealing with partners will be an added advantage.
  • Working experience in conservation, community development or climate change aspects in the Eastern Arc Mountains or elsewhere will be a pre-requisite.
  • Working experience in similar positions and relevant fields of not less than five years with reputable projects/programmes/ organizations.

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Well qualified and interested professionals should lodge their well written applications to the undersigned not later than 10th June 2023. Application letters with detailed CVs, copies of relevant certificates, testimonials and   names of three easily contactable referees should be timely made.  Only shortlisted applicants will be called for one or more interviews within two months from the application deadline.

Applications should be addressed to:

The Executive Director, Eastern Arc Mountains Conservation Endowment Fund (EAMCEF), Plot No. 348, Forest Hill Area, Kingalu Road,
P.O. Box 6053,
Telephone:  +255 (0) 23 2934274 Cellphone:  +255 (0) 755 330 558

The deadline for submitting the application is 10th June 2023.

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