New Jobs at UMATI

Annual Report Writing TOR For 2022 at UMATI

Chama cha Uzazi na Malezi Bora Tanzania (UMATI) is an autonomous, non-political national NGO providing Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH), information, education, and services in Tanzania. UMATI has been implementing SRH services and education since 1959 with a focus on Youth and underserved communities.


UMATI became a member association of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) in 1973 and has leveraged technical and financial support from this affiliation.

UMATI implemented its program activities based on its six-year strategic plan (2016-2022). About 8 projects were implemented which contributed to four strategic outcomes including (i) legal/policy frameworks related to SRHR reviewed and implemented; (ii) Young People empowered to freely exercise their SRHR; (iii) million quality integrated SRHR services delivered and (iv) A high performing and innovative Association with reliable resource base.

Vision Statement: A Tanzania where people are free to choose and exercise their Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights without discrimination
Mission statement: To champion SRHR, and provide information and services targeting the young and underservedPurpose of the Assignment
UMATI seeks to engage a dynamic and highly skilled individual consultant in the role of report writer to support the preparation of its 2021 – 2022 Annual Results Report. The report will capture all the achievements throughout the years 2021 and 2022. The report will be a consolidation of achievements from various projects implemented, challenges faced, key lessons learned, and best practices captured during the implementation. The report will align with IPPF and UMATI strategic outcomes.

Scope of the Assignment

Below are the Tasks and deliverables to be produced for this contract.

Key tasks include:
  • Propose and discuss report structure and format with the planning team (content presentation, best use of case studies, visual elements, etc.);
  • Review existing project documents (including all annual reports, presentations & feedback, and photographs);
  • Liaise with relevant project staff to gather additional or missing content, clarify specific points, etc;
  • Corroborate gathered information through one-on-one (telephone/in-person) discussions with Head of programs and teams;
  • Utilize the inputs gathered to write a first full draft of the report for the team’s review. This includes harmonizing inputs sent in various documents to ensure the report flows and is complete, consistent, accurate and concise;
  • Liaise with key staff to provide a first-level review before the report is shared with the management team for further review;
  • Consolidate other input into report annexes, including financial information, partnerships and publications information, among others;
  • Finalize the Annual Results Report, integrating any feedback from UMATI management and ensuring accuracy, clarity and coherence;
  • Provide advice on the use of data, graphics, images and other infographics for the report to the designer;
  • Sub-contract & oversee design work; and
  • Further refine, as needed, and finalize the full, draft report ready for management review and ensure that it is of high quality, speaks eloquently to the results of the project, and meets UMATI content and presentation standards.

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Key Deliverables
  • Regularly check-ins via email with the key point-of-contact identified by UMATI;
  • Prepare an initial report template based on organisation requirements;
  • Prepare a consolidated first draft of the report;
  • Provide a final draft report ready for submission to the organization (following final internal reviews); and
  • The final designed PDF copy ready for printing should be delivered.
Qualification and Experience
  • Advanced university degree in Communications, Journalism, Creative Writing, Public Relations, Public health, Social Sciences, or a related field;
  • At least 5 years of relevant professional experience;
  • Proven previous professional experience in report writing demonstrated through at least 2 samples, with technical writing and editing of reports;
  • Fluency in English;
  • Previous experience in copy-editing will be an asset;
  • Familiarity with NGO report writing requirements; and
  • Previous experience writing on health or public health topics preferred.
  • Competencies
  • Strong research and excellent writing skills in English;
  • High proficiency in the use of Word and Excel applications;
  • Excellent organizational skills;
  • Ability to meet deadlines and work under pressure; and
  • Strong interpersonal skills, able to communicate and work with diverse people.

Duration of the consultancy:
The consultant is expected to carry out the assignment between 15th May– 15th June 2023, approximately 30 working days with breaks due to document review and clearance processes by UMATI.

The applicant will submit an electronic Expression of Interest (EOI) stating his/her capability to develop the annual report; including a budget showing details of all activities (e.g., # of days per person and description of the person’s job; the cost of designing, etc); proposed work plan with timelines; curriculum vitae and description of similar project assignments undertaken.

For any inquiry please to , All applications should be physically delivered in One Original and Two copies to;
Executive Director

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UMATI HQ located at Plot No 439,

Maliki Road, Upanga.

P.O. Box 1372,

Dar es Salaam

By 2nd May 2023 1700HRS EAT. The subject should read: ‘Annual Report Writing.

TOR For The Development of Umati Strategic Plan (2023-2028)



APRIL 2023


Chama cha Uzazi na Malezi Bora Tanzania (UMATI) is an autonomous, non-political national NGO providing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) information, education, and services in Tanzania. It was established in 1959 and became a leading national organization providing youth-friendly information and services, particularly to underserved young people and women. In 1965 UMATI became a member association of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) where technical and core funds support have been provided. By being a member of IPPF, UMATI is internationally connected through experience sharing with other IPPF member associations.

UMATI strives for structural poverty reduction by improving the health of people in Tanzania regardless of gender, political or religious beliefs, with priorities being given to the poorest communities and hard-to-reach populations. To achieve a lasting reduction in social inequality, UMATI invests in the provision of gender responsiveness SRH services, youth and women empowerment, and evidence-based advocacy through result-based health projects implemented in 20 regions in Tanzania Mainland, and Zanzibar supported by Global Donors such as IPPF, UNFPA, UKAID, Swiss Embassy, Bergstrom Foundation, Amplify Change, Plan International.


An advanced degree (minimum of a research-based master’s degree) from a recognized university in Public Health, Development Studies, Organizational Management, Research Methodologies, Monitoring, and Evaluation, or any related field

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Application Process:

The consultant or firm should provide the following in their application:
  • CVs of key personnel who will be involved in the development of the strategic plan.
  • Evidence of similar assignments conducted within the last 5 years, including references.
  • Technical proposal – detailed methodology, the proposed structure of the strategic plan, and work schedule. (max. 5 pages).
  • Financial proposal – budget should include all expected costs etc.

All applications should be physically delivered in One Original and Two copies to;

Executive Director

UMATI HQ located at Plot No 439,

Maliki Road,

Upanga. P.O. Box 1372,

Dar es Salaam

By 2nd May 2023 1700HRS EAT. The subject should read: ‘Strategic Plan Development’.
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