New 45 Vacancies at Sumbawanga Municipal

45 Job Vacancies at Sumbawanga Municipal 2023 Sumbawanga as a Town started in 1929, when the district headquarters (“Boma”) was transferred from Nkasi to Sumbawanga Town. The name “Sumbawanga” originates from two Fipa words “Sumba” meaning ‘Throw” and “Wanga” meaning “witchcraft”. It is said the Fipa chiefs lived at Kisumba village, which was associated with witch crafts, before the “Boma” was relocated.


The relocation was done during the reign of Chief Mwenechapita Mpunda under the condition that people discard practices of witchcraft before they move from Kisumba to Old Sumbawanga.


In 1st January 1982, Sumbawanga Urban sub-district was given the status of Sumbawanga Town Council by act No. 8 of LGA. The Sumbawanga Township was upgraded to Sumbawanga Municipal Council in July 2005 with 13 wards, 25 villages and 120 Mitaa. However in 2010, the Municipal council ward boundaries was amended to form fifteen wards, where by Katandala ward divided into two wards of Katandala and Majengo. While Kizwite ward divided into two wards of Kizwite and Chanji. But, currently the Municipality has Nineteen (19) wards.

Location and Size of Sumbawanga Municipality

The Municipal of Sumbawanga is found in South-West Tanzania, in South Highlands of Ufipa Plateau. Sumbawanga Municipal Council is one of the four councils comprising Rukwa Region; it lies between latitude 07048’ to 08031’ south of equator and longitude 30029’ to 31049’ east.

It started in 2002 and covers an area of 1,329 km2. The Municipality has two divisions namely Lwiche and Itwelele, and has 19 wards with 24 villages and 121 sub villages. Sumbawanga Municipality is the headquarters of Rukwa region and it’s the economic hub of the region.


The municipal is characterized by dry sub-humid climate for most part of the year. The average temperature is 27 C. It is cool, dry, and often windy from May to October. The coolest months are June and July when the temperature ranges between 16°C and 5° C. The municipal gets moderate rainfall of 900 mm to 1000 mm per year with an average rainfall of 646.8 mm. Rainfall begins in November and ends late April. The rains are usually accompanied with lightning and thunderstorm. Sumbawanga Municipality has vegetation coverage which comprises grassland and bushes and Woodlands mostly on slopes and tops of hills.

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Population and Area

According to 2012 Population and Housing Census, Sumbawanga Municipality has a population of 209,793 people of which 100,734 are Males and 109,059 are females. This population has increased by 62,951 (43%) from 146,842 recorded in 2002 population and housing census.

People and Culture

The major languages spoken in Sumbawanga Municipality include Swahili, Fipa, Mambwe, Lungu, Nyamwanga, Nyakyusa, kinga, safwa and English is also spoken by limited number of people. With exception of English and Swahili, the other spoken languages are vernacular (specific to a particular tribe). The main staple foods are maize, rice, beans, and fish are the main source of food. Other food crops widely available include groundnuts, finger millet, potatoes, sorghum, wheat and sugarcane. Meat is easily available from the pastoral’s community who traditionally keep varieties of domestic animals such as cattle, goats, chicken and pigs.
