New Opportunities at Stromme Foundation


Stromme Foundation (SF) is a Norwegian-based international development organisation that has since 1976 worked to help people in Asia, South America, West, and East Africa get out of poverty. SF currently works in 13 countries across Asia, West and East Africa including Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and South Sudan under Stromme Foundation East Africa (SFEA). 


SF started its operations in Tanzania in 1994 and opened its country office in 2022. Stromme Foundation does not implement directly in the field, rather implementation of all her programmes is done through local partner organisations. SFEA is in the last year of its current strategic plan (2019-2023) and therefore seeks to recruit local partner organisations for its new 2024 – 2030 strategic plan.

Stromme Foundation employs a rights-based approach in programming to ensure meaningful and systematic inclusion and empowerment of the most vulnerable. SF recognizes the poor not as beneficiaries, but as active rights holders and participants in their development processes. Stromme Foundation places rights-holders at the core of her programmes to ensure success and sustainability. It stands for its core values of human dignity, respect, justice, and solidarity. Stromme Foundation works through strategic partnerships with civil society, private and public sector, and importantly embeds safeguarding and transparency in its approaches.

Stromme Foundation East Africa seeks local Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) in Tanzania to work with in the implementation of its next strategic plan (2024 – 2030) under the following thematic goals with key interventions in education and income generation and job creation.

1. Inclusive quality education and lifelong learning for marginalized and disadvantaged groups

  • Ensure inclusive quality education and lifelong learning
  • Adolescent Empowerment programming

2. Income generation and job creation for the poor

  • Youth skilling and job creation
  • Income generation

Key programme interventions will include (a) Adolescent empowerment program (Bonga) with life skilling component and non-formal technical vocational skills training; (b) Early Childhood Care and Education program with a focus on children in pre-school and primary school and savings and credit groups integrated with food security; and (c) Income and job creation with a major focus on girl child, youth, women and persons with disability. The cross-cutting areas will include gender equality, inclusion, climate change and environmental sustainability, and preventing corruption.

Strømme Foundation East Africa plans to support interventions in the following regions of Tanzania:

  • Arusha region – Monduli, Ngorongoro and Longido districts.
  • Singida region – Ikungi, Iramba and Manyoni districts.
  • Pwani Region – Bagamoyo district and Dar es Salaam city.

Eligible Organisations should:

  • Have local registration in Tanzania, must be legally registered with the state/government and with proof of registration with the relevant authorities for at least five years.
  • Be an independent, non-governmental, not-for-profit organization working at the local level and /or National level.
  • Have a vision and mission that are consistent with SF work.
  • Be local organisations that have been legally constituted and functional board, competent management, and field staff.
  • The organization’s target group fits SF’s target group (girls, women, youth, and people with disabilities as defined in the Strategic Plan).
  • The organization is committed to working in line with SF’s cross-cutting issues (Gender Equality, Environment, and Climate Change, Inclusion of persons with disability, prevent corruption).
  • The organization’s book of accounts has been audited for at least three years with an unqualified audit.
  • The organization has a clearly identifiable physical location with basic logistics to enable operations.
  • The organization works in one of SF’s chosen countries and areas of intervention.
  • The organization’s programmes can be aligned with one or more of SF’s thematic goals and intervention lines.
  • Be able to provide at least three current official reference persons/organisations worked with and their contacts.

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How to apply

Organisations that demonstrate the above criteria should express their interest by completing the expression of interest template downloaded from

All Concepts should be submitted by 31st March 2023 before 17:30 hrs to the following address:

  1. Email address:
  2. All applications sent via email should include the following keywords in the email subject “Concept. Org Name. Country of operation”.
  3. Applications sent by email must be confirmed by written correspondence sent by express courier within 48 hours of their sending.
  4. SF will only contact shortlisted organisations for further due diligence.
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