Request for Tender for the Provision of a Health Policy Analyst for Embassy of Ireland Dar es Salaam March, 2023
Job Description
The Embassy of Ireland is the current incoming chair of the Development Partners’ Group on Health.
Our Deputy Head of Cooperation will become the Chair on 01 July 2023 until 30 June 2024. The
chairing of the DPG-Health provides an opportunity for the Embassy to position itself at the centre of
health policy dialogue in Tanzania.
The Embassy of Ireland has a substantial portfolio of partnerships in health in Tanzania, focused on
primary health care, sexual and reproductive health, nutrition and human resources for health. The
largest investment is via the Health Basket Fund. A Health Programme Manager is responsible for
the management of these partnerships and grants, supported by a Programme Officer, under the
guidance of the Deputy Head of Cooperation.
Taking on the role of DPG-Health chair in addition to managing the portfolio of health grants and
partnerships will bring an additional work which will require extra capacity. The Embassy proposes
to procure the services of a health policy analyst for this purpose
Read Also:
The Embassy wishes to invite qualified health policy analyst to support the Embassy in engaging a wide range of health policy matters during the chairing of the DPG-Health.
Download the full Request for Tender document below.
Request For Tender For a Health Policy Analyst for Embassy Dar