New Jobs at UNHCR


Standard Job Description

Protection Officer Organizational Setting and Work Relationships In the Bureaux, the Protection Officer works under the direct supervision of the Senior Protection Coordinator or Senior Protection Officer. In the Field, the incumbent normally reports to the Representative, Deputy or Assistant Representative (Protection), Head of Sub Office or Senior Protection Officer as appropriate. The incumbent may have direct supervisory responsibility for protection staff whose work may include RSD, community-based protection, registration, resettlement, complementary pathways, internal displacement and education, among other areas. In HQ, the incumbent may report to a Senior Protection Officer, Chief of Section or Deputy Director and may supervise other protection staff. The incumbent acts as an advisor to senior management in, when not responsible for, designing a comprehensive protection strategy under the area of responsibility (AoR). S/he represents the Organization to authorities, UN sister agencies, partners and other stakeholders on protection policy and doctrine. The Protection Officer coordinates quality, timely and effective protection responses to the needs of populations of concern under the AoR. S/he ensures that persons of concern of all age, gender and diversity groups are involved with the Office in making decisions that affect them, whether in accessing their rights or in identifying and implementing appropriate solutions to their problems.


To undertake this role effectively, the incumbent will need to build and maintain effective interfaces with other relevant teams within the operation or the Bureau (including programme; PI and external relations; IM) and with DIP, communities of concern, authorities, protection and assistance partners as well as a broader network of stakeholders who can contribute to enhancing protection and achieving solutions. All UNHCR staff members are accountable to perform their duties as reflected in their job description. They do so within their delegated authorities, in line with the regulatory framework of UNHCR which includes the UN Charter, UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCR Policies and Administrative Instructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks. 

In addition, staff members are required to discharge their responsibilities in a manner consistent with the core, functional, cross-functional and managerial competencies and UNHCR’s core values of professionalism, integrity and respect for diversity. Duties – Provide technical guidance and support to UNHCR and partners on all protection related issues. – Stay abreast of and report as relevant on legal political, social, economic and cultural developments that have an impact on the protection environment. – Engage relevant national authorities and structures in identifying and expanding opportunities in view of developing or strengthening national asylum/RSD systems. – Facilitate a consultative process with government counterparts, partners and persons of concern to develop and implement a comprehensive protection and solutions strategy addressing the specific protection needs of women and men, children, youth and older persons, persons with disabilities, persons of diverse sexual orientation and/or gender identities (LGBTI persons), persons living with HIV/AIDS; gender equality and Gender Based Violence (GBV) priorities with regard to these persons.

 – In operations applying the Cluster Approach, seek to ensure the response of the Protection Cluster is grounded in a strategy which covers all assessed and prioritized protection needs of the affected populations. – Support senior management to ensure the protection strategy is fully integrated into the Country Operations Plan, the UN Development and Assistance Framework (UNDAF), the Humanitarian Country Team’s common humanitarian response plan where applicable, as well as with the implementation of the Global Compact on Refugees and the Three Year Strategy on Resettlement and Complementary Pathways. 

– Promote relevant International, Regional and National Law and applicable UN/UNHCR and IASC policy, standards and codes of conduct and ensure that all sectors and /or in clusters in applicable operations fulfil their responsibilities in mainstreaming protection. – Promote the implementation of the AGD policy, including UNHCR’s updated commitments to women and girls, and, design, deliver I and monitor programmes on an AGD basis to address identified protection needs. – Develop, implement and monitor community-based protection strategies and ensure systematic application and integration of participatory and community-based approaches in protection and solutions planning, programming and strategies.

 – Support the establishment of feedback and response systems and the incorporation of feedback received from persons of concern into programme design and adaptation. – Support the operation to develop and implement robust prevention, identification, and responses to fraud within protection processes and procedures, including registration, RSD, resettlement and complementary pathways, ensuring the integrity of interventions across all protection activities. – Assist UNHCR management at country level to comply with polices and commitment on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse measures. – Oversee and manage individual protection cases including those on GBV and child protection. – Provide legal advice and guidance on protection issues to internal and external interlocutors; ensure legal assistance is accessible to persons of concern; liaise with competent authorities to ensure the issuance of personal and other relevant documents to persons of concern (including women and others in need of civil documentation, in particular birth certificates). – As designated Data Protection Focal Point, assist the data controller in carrying out his or her responsibilities regarding the Data Protection Policy (7.2 DPP). – Oversee and undertake eligibility and status determination within the AoR ensuring compliance with UNHCR procedural standards and international protection principles. – Promote and implement effective strategies and measures to identify, prevent and reduce statelessness within the AoR.

 – Contribute to the development and implementation of an education plan as part of protection strategy within the AoR as relevant. – Contribute to the development and implementation of a child protection plan as part of the protection strategy within the AoR ensuring programmes use a child protection systems approach. – Monitor, and intervene in cases of refoulement, expulsion and other protection incidents through working relations with governments and other partners. – Work to safeguard the rights of persons of concern in the context of mixed movements as relevant. – Coordinate the preparation of, implement and oversee Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for all protection/solutions activities

 – Ensure that durable solutions through voluntary repatriation, local integration and where appropriate, resettlement and complementary pathways are sought and provided to the largest possible number of persons of concern, including undertaking and/or overseeing resettlement and complementary pathways activities. – Contribute to the coordination of the design, implementation and evaluation of protection related programming with implementing and operational partners. 

Read Also:

– Contribute to and facilitate a programme of results-based advocacy through a consultative process with sectorial and/or cluster partners. – Ensure that the Protection Sector or Cluster has an effective information management component which: provides disaggregated data on populations of concern and their problems; researches, collects and disseminates relevant protection information and good practices to enhance protection delivery. – Build the protection capacity of national and local government, partners and civil society to assume their responsibilities vis-à-vis all persons of concern through protection training, mainstreaming and related activities. – Coordinate capacity-building initiatives for communities and individuals to assert their rights. – Advise and capacitate national authorities, relevant institutions and civil society to strengthen legislation and status determination procedures and mechanisms. – Perform other related duties as required. For positions in Bureaux – Support the Regional Bureau and Country Operations to reflect the protection and solution angle in support of persons of concern within regional processes. – Support Country Operations in the development of strategies to build and further develop national asylum/RSD systems with a view to ensuring their fairness, efficiency, adaptability and integrity, favourable protection environment and solutions.

 – Assist UNHCR management at regional and country level to comply with polices and commitment on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse measures. – Support Country Operations and ensure they meet their complementary pathways objectives and resettlement quotas. – In close collaboration with DIP, (a) contribute to the development of background and general normative, policy, and legal positions, in compliance with UNHCR’s global protection policies and standards; (b) contribute to the development of strategies at the regional and country level on the usage of law and policy approaches, including legislative and judicial engagement and UN human rights mechanisms – and/or regional ones – and other protection frameworks, and integrated human rights standards in protection strategies and advocacy; and (c) support coordination and review of UNHCR’s country reports to the UN human rights mechanisms. – Engage in relevant international and regional fora and contribute to forging regional partnerships to advocate for key protection and mandate issues, and engage in cross-cutting protection-related matters, including mixed movement, internal displacement and climate change/disaster-related displacement responses, as well as Statelessness, in cooperation with DIP and where relevant RSD.

Minimum Qualifications Years of Experience / Degree Level For P3/NOC – 6 years relevant experience with Undergraduate degree; or 5 years relevant experience with Graduate degree; or 4 years relevant experience with Doctorate degree Field(s) of Education Law; International Law; International Refugee Law; International Human Rights Law; International Humanitarian Law; Refugee and Forced Migration Studies; Political Sciences or other relevant field. (Field(s) of Education marked with an asterisk* are essential) Certificates and/or Licenses Protection Learning Programme RSD- Resettlement Learning Programme (Certificates and Licenses marked with an asterisk* are essential) Relevant Job Experience Essential Minimum 4 years of relevant professional experience in the area of refugee protection, internal displacement, human rights or international humanitarian law, including experience in working directly with Field Offices. Good knowledge of International Refugee and Human Rights Law and ability to apply the relevant legal principles. 

Excellent legal research, analytical skills and drafting. Desirable Diverse field experience. Good IT skills including database management skills. Functional Skills *PR-Protection-related guidelines, standards and indicators *PR-Age, Gender and Diversity (AGD) PR-Human Rights Doctrine/Standards PR-International Humanitarian Law PR-Comprehensive Solutions Framework LE-Judicial Engagement PR-Assessment of IDPs Status, Rights, Obligation PR-Climate change and disaster related displacement PR-Accountability to Affected People – Principles and Framework PR-Gender Based Violence (GBV) Coordination (Functional Skills marked with an asterisk* are essential) Language Requirements For International Professional and Field Service jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English. For National Professional jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English and local language. For General Service jobs: Knowledge of English and/or UN working language of the duty station if not English. All UNHCR workforce members must individually and collectively, contribute towards a working environment where each person feels safe, and empowered to perform their duties. 

This includes by demonstrating no tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse, harassment including sexual harassment, sexism, gender inequality, discrimination and abuse of power. As individuals and as managers, all must be proactive in preventing and responding to inappropriate conduct, support ongoing dialogue on these matters and speaking up and seeking guidance and support from relevant UNHCR resources when these issues arise. This is a Standard Job Description for all UNHCR jobs with this job title and grade level. The Operational Context may contain additional essential and/or desirable qualifications relating to the specific operation and/or position. Any such requirements are incorporated by reference in this Job Description and will be considered for the screening, shortlisting and selection of candidates.

In addition to the expertise mentioned in the job description, the candidate will need sound skills in team management, diplomacy and negotiation, and drafting, as well as a creative, solution and result-oriented outlook. Proven management and team building skills are essential, as is the ability to think strategically. Diverse field experience, experience in individual case management, and experience in other protection functions, including in camp settings, would be an asset, as would the ability to speak Swahili, Kirundi, or French.

Protection Officer Kasulu at UNHCR

Required languages (expected Overall ability is at least B2 level):

Desired languages

Operational context

Occupational Safety and Health Considerations:

To view occupational safety and health considerations for this duty station, please visit this link:

Nature of Position:

Nyarugusu camp, one of two major camps in northwest Tanzania, was established by the Government of Tanzania in 1996 to host Congolese refugees who fled the civil and political unrest in the eastern part of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).  Later the camp also came to host Burundian refugees, including some who came to Tanzania in 1972 and others who arrived following the disturbances in Burundi in 2015.  As of 31 December 2020, Nyarugusu camp hosted 132,447 refugees and asylum seekers (mainly Congolese and Burundians), constituting 48.9% of the total population of refugees in western Tanzania. In terms of durable solutions, as of early 2023 a large group resettlement programme is ongoing for Congolese and voluntary repatriation is underway for Burundian refugees.

The incumbent will be supervised by the Head of Field Office. S/he is expected to work in close collaboration with other Senior/Protection Officers at the Field/Sub Offices and Representation Office. The candidate should possess sound knowledge of international refugee law and international human rights law, including issues related to access to justice and access to territory.  In addition, the incumbent should have demonstrated experience in leading and managing a team and having relevant skills to deliver and facilitate trainings.

Given the complex nature of UNHCR Tanzania operation and particularly the situation at Nyarugusu camp, the incumbent needs to have experience in large and complex refugee and asylum seekers situation with large camp settings as well as experience in planning and coordination of protection response in a multi partner environment. S/he should have good knowledge and diverse field experience. S/he should have very good knowledge and experience in risk identification and mitigation through critical analysis of the SOPs and practice of the different protection processes and ability to analyse complex issues.

The incumbent is expected to facilitate a consultative process with government counterparts, partners and persons of concern.  She/he should develop and implement a comprehensive protection strategy addressing the specific protection needs of women and men, children, youth and older persons, persons with disabilities, minority groups including LGBTIQ+, persons living with HIV/AIDS; and survivors of Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV)l and address priorities with regard to these persons.

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Living and Working Conditions:

Kasulu is one of the six districts in the Kigoma Region. The Field Office is located within Kasulu District near District Headquarters known as Mlimani. Newly assigned staff are advised to be equipped with adequate clothing. Thick-soled shoes are highly recommended due to the frequent muddy and dusty grounds.

Kiswahili is the official language in Tanzania, and it is widely spoken in the area, however, the locals speak Kiha as their local language which is also widely spoken particularly in the rural areas. There are several people of other ethnicities from all over the country that live in the district. There is also a fair number of expatriate community employed in Humanitarian Organizations.

A UN Clinic is located within the office compound. There are two hospitals in the district, which provide basic healthcare and services to the local population. In the same context, serious or complicated cases are evacuated or referred to other facilities outside the district. Whereas the local population has access to local schools, which have basic learning facilities, there are no International pre-schools, primary and secondary schools available for staff dependents. Small grocery shops and big foodstuff markets are available in Kasulu.

With the UN Security Level-2 in place, staff travels by road for official and private purposes are limited to the MOSS compliance. Kasulu is a duty station with a high level of hardship, and the R&R cycle is 12 weeks. Currently, there are only two banks operating in Kasulu. These banks provide savings and other commercial banking services in both USD and Tanzanian Shillings. The two banks also operate ATM services, accessed by VISA and MasterCard. There is a UNHCR-operated 12-seater caravan, and commercial airlines are also available.

There are two staff compounds at the field with a total of 10 houses for international staff. Interested staff may have to wait for availability of a house at the compounds. Alternatively, staff members can choose to live in rented accommodation in Kasulu town, as there is an increasing availability of suitable housing, which are RMS compliant.

Additional Qualifications



BA: International Humanitarian Law (Required), BA: International Human Rights Law (Required), BA: International Law (Required), BA: International Refugee Law (Required), BA: Law (Required), BA: Political Science (Required), BA: Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (Required)


HCR Protection Learning Program – UNHCR, HCR Resettlement Learning Program – UNHCR

Work Experience


Accountability, Client & results orientation, Commitment to continuous learning, Communication, Empowering & building trust, Judgement & decision making, Managing performance, Negotiation & conflict resolution, Organizational awareness, Planning & organizing, Political awareness, Teamwork & collaboration

UNHCR Salary Calculator


March 2023 Compendium – Part B

Additional Information

Functional clearance

This position doesn’t require a functional clearance


  Protection Officer Kibondo at UNHCR

Certificates and/or Licenses
Protection Learning Programme
RSD- Resettlement Learning Programme
(Certificates and Licenses marked with an asterisk* are essential)

Relevant Job Experience
Minimum 4 years of relevant professional experience in the area of refugee protection, internal displacement, human rights or international humanitarian law, including experience in working directly with Field Offices. Good knowledge of International Refugee and Human Rights Law and ability to apply the relevant legal principles. Excellent legal research, analytical skills and drafting.

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Diverse field experience. Good IT skills including database management skills.

Functional Skills
*PR-Protection-related guidelines, standards and indicators
*PR-Age, Gender and Diversity (AGD)
PR-Human Rights Doctrine/Standards
PR-International Humanitarian Law
PR-Comprehensive Solutions Framework
LE-Judicial Engagement
PR-Assessment of IDPs Status, Rights, Obligation
PR-Climate change and disaster related displacement
PR-Accountability to Affected People – Principles and Framework
PR-Gender Based Violence (GBV) Coordination
(Functional Skills marked with an asterisk* are essential)

Language Requirements
For International Professional and Field Service jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English.
For National Professional jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English and local language.
For General Service jobs: Knowledge of English and/or UN working language of the duty station if not English.

All UNHCR workforce members must individually and collectively, contribute towards a working environment where each person feels safe, and empowered to perform their duties. This includes by demonstrating no tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse, harassment including sexual harassment, sexism, gender inequality, discrimination and abuse of power.

As individuals and as managers, all must be proactive in preventing and responding to inappropriate conduct, support ongoing dialogue on these matters and speaking up and seeking guidance and support from relevant UNHCR resources when these issues arise.

This is a Standard Job Description for all UNHCR jobs with this job title and grade level. The Operational Context may contain additional essential and/or desirable qualifications relating to the specific operation and/or position. Any such requirements are incorporated by reference in this Job Description and will be considered for the screening, shortlisting and selection of candidates.
Desired Candidate Profile

I would like to have an experienced candidate with a profile in legal protection, community-based protection, case management, advocacy, protection counseling, solutions and management of protection unit with large number of staff.
Required languages (expected Overall ability is at least B2 level):

Desired languages

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Operational context

Occupational Safety and Health Considerations:

To view occupational safety and health considerations for this duty station, please visit this link:

Nature of Position:

The incumbent will lead the protection unit to enhance and strengthen coordination with the government counterparts and all protection stakeholders to effectively address all protection issues affecting the people we serve in Kibondo and Nduta camp including:

Advocacy for access to territory, with various government department and bodies to prevent and minimize the risk of refoulment.

In collaboration with the judiciary services and other law enforcement institutions, ensure access to justice, fair trial and enjoyment of available legal remedies.

Promote refugee’s access to protection and assistance and other services through individual case management, counseling and other established mechanisms to receive and process the concerns from the people we serve.

In addition to his/her specific protection functions’, the incumbent with also perform solutions functions to promote access to durable solutions, including voluntary repatriation, resettlement to third countries, complementary pathways and local integration as provided by the 1998 Government of Tanzania Refugees Act.

Under the supervision of the Head of Field Office, the incumbent will lead a team of 10 protection staff (NO and GS staff) to ensure delivery of protection, assistance and attainment of durable solutions.

The Protection Officer will be required to possess minimum 2 years’ experience in similar field of work, minimum qualification with a bachelor’s degree in International Law, Human Rights, International Social Work, Political Science, Anthropology, Information Technology, Demography, Statistics, Social Sciences, International Development, Cultural Studies or other related disciplines.

Living and Working Conditions:

UNHCR Field Office Kibondo is a category E duty station and is located in Kibondo District, which is one of six districts in the Kigoma Region. The Office is 150 kms from Field Office Kasulu and 250 kms from Field Unit Kigoma. Field Office Kibondo is 250kms from the Regional Headquarters located in Kigoma/Ujiji Municipality and approximately 1,400 kms away from the commercial city of Dar es Salaam, and some 30 kms from the Tanzania/Burundi border. There is a shortage of suitable housing in Kibondo. Very basic food and other commodities are available in the local shops and markets. There is a UN Clinic in Kasulu, some 3 hours away by road, which opened in 2018. Banking facilities are limited with only two banks in the town operating ATMs with VISA/Mastercard facility. The duty station is considered as “family”, however, there are no suitable pre-schools, primary and secondary schools available to which national and international staff can send their children.

The R&R cycle in Kibondo is twelve weeks.

Additional Qualifications



BA: International Humanitarian Law (Required), BA: International Human Rights Law (Required), BA: International Law (Required), BA: International Refugee Law (Required), BA: Law (Required), BA: Political Science (Required), BA: Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (Required)

HCR Protection Learning Program – UNHCR, HCR Resettlement Learning Program – UNHCR
Work Experience

Number of Persons of Concern Served, Workforce to Supervise, Working with Persons of Concern: Asylum Seekers, Working with Persons of Concern: Refugees

Accountability, Client & results orientation, Commitment to continuous learning, Communication, Empowering & building trust, Judgement & decision making, Managing performance, Negotiation & conflict resolution, Organizational awareness, Planning & organizing, Political awareness, Teamwork & collaboration
UNHCR Salary Calculator

March 2023 Compendium – Part B
Additional Information

Functional clearance

This position doesn’t require a functional clearance

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 IT Service Delivery Mgmt Off at UNHCR

Minimum Qualifications

Years of Experience / Degree Level
For P3/NOC – 6 years relevant experience with Undergraduate degree; or 5 years relevant experience with Graduate degree; or 4 years relevant experience with Doctorate degree

Field(s) of Education
Information & Communications Technologies Computer Science Information Systems
Information Technologies Project Management or other relevant field
(Field(s) of Education marked with an asterisk* are essential)

Certificates and/or Licenses
*ITIL Certification
Project Management
(Certificates and Licenses marked with an asterisk* are essential)

Relevant Job Experience
Minimum 4-6 years’ experience in IT of which 3 spent managing IT service delivery with SLA based delivery of both centralized and decentralized applications, systems, and services. Good understanding and practical experience of ITIL Service Operations processes driven by continuous improvement. Experience working with business partners to understand how IT affects an organization and link it to business processes and operational tasks. Ability to influence, manage and lead negotiations with stakeholders. Strong interpersonal skills that include effective communications (both verbally and written) at all levels; to technical and non-technical audiences. Experience working in a matrixed team to ensure collaborations and effective operations across multiple organisations. Experience in project monitoring and control, data analysis, and presentation for executive review and decision making. Experience of coordinating activities across different partner organizations developing effective services.

Formal certification in ITIL Service Operations. Experience providing IT services, including deep field locations. Experience acting as an inter-agency IT focal point. Solid understanding of application and infrastructure technologies used in IT systems and services supported by IT staff in the AoR. Experience of operating in humanitarian or United Nations organizations, with field experience. A good understanding of UN/UNHCR reforms and the priority agenda of the organization.

Functional Skills
*IT-IT Service Delivery Management
IT-Microsoft Office Productivity Software
(Functional Skills marked with an asterisk* are essential)

Language Requirements
For International Professional and Field Service jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English.
For National Professional jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English and local language.
For General Service jobs: Knowledge of English and/or UN working language of the duty station if not English.

All UNHCR workforce members must individually and collectively, contribute towards a working environment where each person feels safe, and empowered to perform their duties. This includes by demonstrating no tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse, harassment including sexual harassment, sexism, gender inequality, discrimination and abuse of power.

As individuals and as managers, all must be proactive in preventing and responding to inappropriate conduct, support ongoing dialogue on these matters and speaking up and seeking guidance and support from relevant UNHCR resources when these issues arise.

This is a Standard Job Description for all UNHCR jobs with this job title and grade level. The Operational Context may contain additional essential and/or desirable qualifications relating to the specific operation and/or position. Any such requirements are incorporated by reference in this Job Description and will be considered for the screening, shortlisting and selection of candidates.

Desired Candidate Profile

To achieve operational objectives and successfully address the challenges presented by the Tanzania context, the following work experience is desired:
• Advance knowledges on Meraki environment and network monitoring system.
• Experience working in a multi-UN agency environment and a willingness to take a leading role in the One UN ICT Working Group, as UNHCR is the lead agency responsible for secure communication across Tanzania including SOC concept and network management.
• Knowledge of energy, including solar systems.
• Good knowledge of BOS and CBO activities.
• Experience conducting group end-user training for corporate solutions and applications provided by DIST.
Required languages (expected Overall ability is at least B2 level):

Read Also:

Desired languages

Operational context

Occupational Safety and Health Considerations:
To view occupational safety and health considerations for this duty station, please visit this link:

Nature of Position:

In Tanzania, the IT Service Delivery Management Officer has to ensure Information Technology continuity in shaping and support the way we deliver the Protection and Assistance activities to persons of concern. The incumbent should continue the modernization of the IT services in alignment with operation needs in the region and strive towards a more digitally workspace and improved systems to enable UNHCR operations to operate with more agility, flexibility, and security. He will have to work closely with all stakeholder to ensure the operations have appropriate IT capacities, improve readiness for PRIMES solutions and engage the operation in the Cybersecurity Transformation Programme (CTP), an initiative aiming to transform and enhance UNHCR’s information security capability, to protect information of the people we serve in Tanzania.

Living and Working Conditions:
Dar es Salaam is the major city of the United Republic of Tanzania where the Representation office is situated. The location of the Representation Office is in Masaki, Rufiji Street, and Off Haile Selassie Road. Most international staff members live in the seaside neighborhoods of Masaki and
Oyster Bay, and to a lesser extent in Msasani and Mikocheni all of which cluster in and around a peninsula to the north of the city Centre. Masaki and Oyster Bay share the advantages of having a good concentration of internationally-oriented housing and amenities including shops, schools
and medical facilities; all are comparatively secure, and of course, enjoy the benefit of being close to the sea. The cost of living is considered high.

Security Conditions: The duty station can be described as relatively safe with a stable political environment. However, caution should be exercised
when walking in the dark.

Additional Qualifications



BA: Computer Science (Required), BA: Information and Communication Technology (Required), BA: Information Systems (Required), BA: Project Management (Required)

ITIL V3 Foundation Level – AXELOS Ltd, Project Management – Other
Work Experience


Accountability, Analytical thinking, Client & results orientation, Commitment to continuous learning, Communication, Empowering & building trust, Judgement & decision making, Managing performance, Organizational awareness, Planning & organizing, Teamwork & collaboration, Technological awareness
UNHCR Salary Calculator

March 2023 Compendium – Part B
Additional Information

Functional clearance

This position requires Functional Clearance


 Associate Admin Officer at UNHCR

Minimum Qualifications
Education & Professional Work Experience
Years of Experience / Degree Level
For P2/NOB – 3 years relevant experience with Undergraduate degree; or 2 years relevant experience with Graduate degree; or 1 year relevant experience with Doctorate degree

Field(s) of Education
Public or Business Administration; Economics; or other relevant field.
(Field(s) of Education marked with an asterisk* are essential)

Certificates and/or Licenses
Not specified.

Relevant Job Experience
Work experience in at least one of the following fields: Human Resources, Administration, Budget, Finance, and Procurement. Excellent computer skills, in particular in MS Office applications.
Working experience of at least one year in an intergovernmental organization (United Nations or similar). Good knowledge of UNHCR¿s administrative rules and procedures. Working experience with PeopleSoft/Oracle Financial and/or HR modules.

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Functional Skills
MG-Resource Management
FI-General Financial Management
MG-Office Management
(Functional Skills marked with an asterisk* are essential)

Language Requirements
For International Professional and Field Service jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English.
For National Professional jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English and local language.
For General Service jobs: Knowledge of English and/or UN working language of the duty station if not English.

All UNHCR workforce members must individually and collectively, contribute towards a working environment where each person feels safe, and empowered to perform their duties. This includes by demonstrating no tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse, harassment including sexual harassment, sexism, gender inequality, discrimination and abuse of power.

As individuals and as managers, all must be proactive in preventing and responding to inappropriate conduct, support ongoing dialogue on these matters and speaking up and seeking guidance and support from relevant UNHCR resources when these issues arise.

This is a Standard Job Description for all UNHCR jobs with this job title and grade level. The Operational Context may contain additional essential and/or desirable qualifications relating to the specific operation and/or position. Any such requirements are incorporated by reference in this Job Description and will be considered for the screening, shortlisting and selection of candidates.
Desired Candidate Profile

Candidate should have good experience in HR management due to the high level of staffing of the FO.
Also good experience in admin/ Finances.
Required languages (expected Overall ability is at least B2 level):

Desired languages

Operational context

Occupational Safety and Health Considerations:
To view occupational safety and health considerations for this duty station, please visit this link:

Nature of Position:
UNHCR Field Office Kasulu currently has 120 workforces, a combination of regular and affiliate workforce (32 internationals, 88 nationals, including AWF) and reports directly to the Representation Office at Dar es Salaam. The Field Office is implementing the protection and assistance programmes and plays an important role in coordination and leadership in support of about 130,000 Burundian and Congolese refugee population and find durable solutions, including Voluntary repatriation and resettlement to third countries.

Under the direct supervision of Head of Field Office and functional guidance from the Senior Administrative Officer at the Representation Office, the Associate Administrative Officer acts as an adviser to the management on all aspects of administration and finance issues at the field. The incumbent is responsible for strategic administrative, financial, fleet management and human resource management, in consistency with UNHCR rules and regulations. He/she will work in close collaboration with Programme, Supply, Protection and other units and sectors leads to ensure the efficient and effective delivery of protection and assistance to the persons of concern at Nyarugusu camp.

In a complex environment, the incumbent needs to support and guide the staff members in applying rules which require demonstrated managerial, client orientation, negotiation, conflict resolution, solution-oriented capabilities, flexibility and use of constructive and supportive approach in collaborating with others.

Living and Working Conditions:
Kasulu is one of the six districts in the Kigoma Region. The Field Office is located within Kasulu District near District Headquarters known as Mlimani. Newly assigned staff are advised to be equipped with adequate clothing. Thick-soled shoes are highly recommended due to the frequent muddy and dusty grounds.

Kiswahili is the official language in Tanzania, and it is widely spoken in the area, however, the locals speak Kiha as their local language which is also widely spoken particularly in the rural areas. There are several people of other ethnicities from all over the country that live in the district. There is also a fair number of expatriate community employed in Humanitarian Organizations.

A UN Clinic is located within the office compound. There are two hospitals in the district, which provide basic healthcare and services to the local population. In the same context, serious or complicated cases are evacuated or referred to other facilities outside the district. Whereas the local population has access to local schools, which have basic learning facilities, there are no International pre-schools, primary and secondary schools available for staff dependents. Small grocery shops and big foodstuff markets are available in Kasulu.

With the UN Security Level-2 in place, staff travels by road for official and private purposes are limited to the MOSS compliance. Kasulu is a duty station with a high level of hardship, and the R&R cycle is 12 weeks. Currently, there are only two banks operating in Kasulu. These banks provide savings and other commercial banking services in both USD and Tanzanian Shillings. The two banks also operate ATM services, accessed by VISA and MasterCard. There is a UNHCR-operated 12-seater caravan, and commercial airlines are also available.

Read Also:

There are two staff compounds at the field with a total of 10 houses for international staff. Interested staff may have to wait for availability of a house at the compounds. Alternatively, staff members can choose to live in rented accommodation in Kasulu town, as there is an increasing availability of suitable housing, which are RMS compliant.

Additional Qualifications



BA: Accounting (Required), BA: Business Administration (Required), BA: Economics (Required), BA: Finance (Required), BA: Public Administration (Required)

Work Experience


Accountability, Analytical thinking, Client & results orientation, Commitment to continuous learning, Communication, Empowering & building trust, Judgement & decision making, Managing performance, Managing resource, Organizational awareness, Planning & organizing, Political awareness, Teamwork & collaboration
UNHCR Salary Calculator

March 2023 Compendium – Part B
Additional Information

Functional clearance

This position requires Functional Clearance