Assistant ECD Teacher (Volunteer) at Good Neighbors
Good Neighbors is an international humanitarian development NGO founded in Korea in 1991. It was granted General Consultative Status from the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC). The aim is to make the world a place without hunger, where people live together in
harmony. In Tanzania it was officially established in 2005 and our efforts work towards creating an environment where children’s rights are protected and sustainable development of communities through empowerment, leadership and ownership.
Good Neighbors Tanzania has established an Early Childhood Development Project situated at Pwani, Mwani and Yombo Primary schools. In order to yield desired result on these Primary schools Good Neighbors Tanzania is looking for individual to join our highly motivated team in the following role;
Position: Assistant ECD Teacher (Volunteer)
Reports to: Senior Project Officer (ECD in charge person)
Location: Yombo Primary School and Mwavi Primary School in Bagamoyo District, Pwani Region.
Contract Duration: April – December, 2023 (Renewable subject to satisfactory performance or/and funding availability) Objective
Good Neighbors Tanzania – Head Office is looking for a suitable candidate for the position of ECD Assistant Teacher who will be responsible for supporting the lead teacher in guiding, supervising, and assessing children while they learn in the classroom environment and playground. She has to also create and maintain a safe, clean, stimulating classroom where all children feel safe and valued.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Supporting the lead teacher in guiding, supervising, and assessing children while they learn in the classroom environment and playground.
- Creating and maintaining a safe, clean, stimulating classroom where all children feel safe and valued.
- Establishing bonds and building relationships with children based on trust.
- Setting an excellent example for children and imparting good values in them like honesty, accountability, understanding, tolerance, respect, love, and kindness.
- Ensuring classroom supplies and equipment are available and in working condition.
- Participating in children’s activities and encouraging innovative and creative behaviors.
- Communicating with parents effectively about the progress of their children.
- Reporting to the lead teacher (the progress of children and her works) on a weekly basis.
Read Also:
Qualification, Experiences and Competencies
- Certificate in education, preferably with a focus on early childhood development.
- Experience working with young children, ideally in a similar role.
- Having honest love and care for children, setting as an example to impart good values to children.
- Strong collaboration, communication, negotiation, and interpersonal skills
- Exceptional time, task, and resource management skills
- Strong problem solving, critical thinking, coaching, verbal and written communication skills.
Other Competencies/Attributes:
- Ability to improvise, flexibility, and adaptability to transitions
- Sincerity, patience, tact and the ability to earn the trust of others
- Physically fit and able to supervise while participating in children activities including playing
- Willingly to participate in ECD training and workshops.
- Ready to visit children in their homes • Energetic, nurturing, and flexible character.
- Perform other duties as required.
Application Instructions:
- All interested candidates, who meet the above requirements, please Click here to apply for the position on or before 17th March 2023. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
- All applications should be addressed to the Country Director, Good Neighbors Tanzania,
P.O. Box 33104, Dar es Salaam.
- Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted through their active mobile numbers and email addresses.
- Good Neighbors Tanzania will not be responsible for transport or/and accommodation during the interview, there will be no refund for the expenses incurred.
- Good Neighbors Tanzania has a zero tolerance to any harm or sexual exploitation and abuse against any beneficiaries (or program participants). Safeguarding and Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) is everyone’s shared responsibility and all GN employees and partners are required to adhere to GN’s Code of Conduct both during and outside working hours. Familiarization with and adherence to the GN Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct is an essential requirement of all employees and partners, in addition to related mandatory training. All applicants interested to work with GNTZ must ensure that they understand and act in accordance with this clause Click here to access GN Safeguarding Policy.
P.O.BOX 33104
EMAIL: gntzHO@goodneighbors.or.tz
Bid No. GNTZ/HO/004/2023
- Good Neighbors has set aside funds during the financial year 2023. It is intended that part of the proceeds of the fund will be used to cover eligible payment under the contract for the Procurement of Livestock and Drugs for Fukayosi CDP, Area
Read Also:
Office CDPs and Longido District.
- Good Neighbors Tanzania (GNTZ) invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers of
Livestock and Drugs who meet the requirements to provide the requirements to us.
- Bidders may request a clarification of bidding document only up to Five (5) days before the Bid submission deadline at the office of Good Neighbors-Tanzania Head Office, Plot No. 2047, Block ‘K’, Boko Chama, Dar es Salaam from 08:00AM to 04:00PM,
Monday to Thursday, except on Public Holidays.
- Tenders should be delivered direct (hand delivery) to our office located in Dar es Salaam, along Bagamoyo road, Boko area, near Chama before 10:00AM, 23rd March 2023. Tenders shall be opened thereafter at the same address in the presence of the bidders who choose to attend.
- This advert is also available to Good Neighbors Tanzania website: goodneighbors.or.tz
Note: Suppliers at respective areas benefiting to the project are highly encouraged to apply this tender.
Part of the Instructions to Suppliers used to reflect specific terms and assignment conditions.
Procurement Details | The subject is to procure Procurement of Livestock and Drugs for Fukayosi CDP, Area Office CDPs and Longido District. Livestock and Drugs will be delivered to respective areas such as ❖ Fukayosi, Pwani region. ❖ Area Office CDPs: Kome, Chifunfu in Mwanza Region. : Nambinzo, Shitunguru in Songwe region. : Bahi, Chamwino at Dodoma Region. ❖ Longido District in Arusha Region. |
Period of Service | Period for supply of goods is within 2 (two) months after Contract signing. | |
Tender Validity Period | Bids remain Valid for 60 days after submission date. | |
Language of Tender | The Tender prepared by the Tenderer, as well as
all correspondence and documents relating to the Tender exchanged by the
Tenderer and Good
Neighbors Tanzania shall be written in the English language. |
Preparation and Instruction to Bid Submission |
The bidder shall seal the two envelopes in two separate envelopes). One another envelope marked as “Fina in one outer cover marked Procurement of Livestock and CDPs and Longido District. | (both Technical and Financial bids envelope marked as “Technical bid” and
ncial Bid”. The two envelopes should be put “TENDER No. GNTZ/HO/004/2023 Drugs for Fukayosi CDP, Area Office |
Note: Submitted tenders will not instructions are not followed. | be considered for further evaluation when | |
Receipt, and Opening of Tenders | The completed Technical and Financial Bids must be delivered at Good
Neighbors Tanzania (Dar es Salaam) on or before the time and date stated. Any bid received after the closing time for submission of bids shall be returned to the respective Supplier unopened. After the deadline for submission of Bids, tender documents shall be opened immediately by the Tender Committee. |
Evaluation of Tenders | Evaluation of Technical Bids
The evaluation committee appointed by the GNTZ shall evaluate the technical bids on the basis of their responsiveness to Instruction to bid, applying the evaluation criteria as follows: – |
Criteria Points (%)
1. Eligibility of supplier ● Company Profile (Include detailed information about Livestock supply). ● Certificate of Registration/Incorporation ● Dealer Certificate for Livestock supply ● Business Licence ● TIN and VRN ● Tax Clearance Certificate *All documents should be up to date and related to the field applied. * If the supplier does not submit any of the documents, they will not proceed to the next evaluation process. 2. General experiences of Supplier (55) Bidder should submit 3-5 past experiences (Attach copies of different client’s contracts with proof of business transactions such as LPO, Deposit slip, cheque and EFD receipt copies). * Past experience submitted should be similar to the tender announced. * The Minimum Technical Score required to Pass: 33 Points Evaluation of Financial Bid After Technical Proposal evaluation, firms that have secured the minimum qualifying mark for their Financial Proposal will be evaluated. Criteria Points i. Financial Strength -Three months bank statement (December 2022 to December,2023) (15) Financial statements will be evaluated on common grounds to all bidders to test financial performance and reliability. ii. Basing on Financial Score (Sf) formulae: Sf =Clow/C * W Whereas; C = Evaluated Proposal Cost C low = The lowest of all Evaluated Proposal Costs among responsive Proposals W=Weight for Financial score (30 points) |
The bidder achieving the highest combined technical and financial score will be considered as a successful bidder. The combined technical and financial score is calculated: Technical Score + Financial Score. | |
Negotiation | Before Contract Signing GNTZ may require Negotiation discussion with the successful bidder relating to the following areas.
(a) A minor alteration to the technical details of the statement of requirements; (b) A minor amendment to the conditions of Contract; (c) Delivery arrangements; (d) Clarifying details that were not apparent or could not be finalised at the time of tendering; or (e) Price. |
Notification and Award of
Contract |
All tenderers will be informed (via email) of the outcome of
their proposals following tender evaluation and any necessary
clarifications. Potential outcomes can be: (a) Notification of Intent of award of contract. (b) Notification of Regret. GNTZ will award the Contract to the Tenderer whose tender has been determined to be substantially responsive to the tendering documents, who has all the rights and legal capacity to enter into a contract for procurement. |
Performance of Service | In contract execution supplier should consider the following,
● Prices quoted by the Bidder shall be fixed during the Bidder’s performance of the Contract and not subject to variation. ● Items or services should be delivered to respective areas at Fukayosi CDP, Area Office CDPs and Longido District. |
Currency and Payment | The currency and invoices in which all prices and rates shall
be tendered, and which payments under the contract will be paid, shall
be in Tanzania
Shillings. GNTZ will make payment within 21 Working days after delivery of Items or services. During delivery, Supplier shall provide Delivery Note, Invoice and EFD receipt. The payments will be made to the respective Account of Supplier or Company. |
Termination of contract | GNTZ will terminate the Agreement If, i. Late deliveries occur during performance of contract ii. Supplier doesn’t adhere to the Ethical Standards. |
Corrupt or fraudulent
Practices |
GNTZ requires that bidders observe the highest standards of
ethics during the selection and award of contract and also during the
performance of the service or task.
GNTZ will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the bidder recommended for awards has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the contract in question. Bidders may raise any suspicion of misconduct or unfair treatment to email: gntzHO@goodneighbors.or.tz |
Compliance to Safeguarding Policy | All tenderers shall conform to GNTZ Safeguarding Policy as below,
● Supplier shall comply with the Convention on the Rights of the Child which requires that a child shall be protected from economic exploitation and from performing any work that is likely to be hazardous or to interfere with the child’s education, or to be harmful to the child’s health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development. ● Supplier shall take all appropriate measures to prevent sexual harassment and sexual exploitation and abuse of anyone by themselves or its employees, or related personnel controlled by the Supplier in execution of this work. ● Sexual activity with any person under the age of 18 is prohibited. ● Exchange of money, employment, goods or goods for sex is prohibited. Any of these practices shall be grounds for elimination to participation on this tender. |
Read Also:
Schedule of Requirements and prices for Procurement of Livestock and Drugs for Fukayosi CDP, Area Office CDPs and Longido District.
No | Description | Quantity | Unit | Unit Price | Amount | Remarks |
1. | Local Female Goat | 90 | unit | Age 9-10 months | ||
2. | Local Male Goat | 10 | unit | Age 12 months | ||
3. | Anti-parasitic agents | 50 | pcs | Tetracycline for eye and Albendazole for wormicides) or any available product on market | ||
4. | Antibiotics for
Goats |
50 | pcs | (Large spectrum antibiotics like Tetracycline or
Streptomycin) |
- Kome and Chifunfu CDPs at Mwanza Region
No | Description | Quantity | Unit | Unit Price | Amount | Remarks |
1. | Local Female Goat | 180 | unit | Age 9-10 months | ||
2. | Local Male Goat | 20 | unit | Age 12 months | ||
.3. | anti-parasitic agents | 100 | pcs | (Tetracycline for eye and Albendazole for wormicides) or any available product on market | ||
4. | Antibiotics for
Goats |
100 | pcs | (Large spretre antibiotics like Tetracycline or
Streptomycine) |
- Nambinzo, Shitunguru at Songwe Region
No | Description | Quantity | Unit | Unit Price | Amount | Remarks |
1. | Local Female Goat | 180 | unit | Age 9-10 months | ||
2. | Local Male Goat | 20 | unit | Age 12 months | ||
3. | anti-parasitic agents | 100 | pcs | (Tetracycline for eye and Albendazol for wormicides) or any available product on market | ||
4. | Antibiotics for
Goats |
100 | pcs | (Large spretre antibotics like Tetracycline or
Streptomycine) |
Read Also:
- Bahi and Chamwino CDPs at Dodoma Region
No | Description | Quantity | Unit | Unit Price | Amount | Remarks |
1. | Local Female Goat | 180 | unit | Age 9-10 months | ||
2. | Local Male Goat | 20 | unit | Age 12 months | ||
3. | Anti-parasitic agents | 100 | pcs | (Tetracycline for eye and Albendazol for wormicides) or any available product on market | ||
4. | Antibiotics for
Goats |
100 | pcs | (Large spretre antibotics like Tetracycline or
Streptomycine) |
No | Description | Quantity | Unit | Unit Price | Amount | Remarks |
1. | Local Female Goat | 270 | unit | Age 9-10 months | ||
2. | Local Male Goat | 30 | unit | Age 12 months | ||
3. | Anti-parasitic agents | 150 | Pcs | (Tetracycline for eye and Albendazol for wormicides) or any available product on market | ||
4. | Antibiotics for
Goats |
150 | Pcs | (Large spretre antibotics like Tetracycline or
Streptomycine) |