Jobs at United Nations Volunteers

 Mission and objectives

Tanzania Development Trust has been working with grassroots organisations in the poorest areas of Tanzania for 40 years. We are all volunteers and so every pound donated goes directly to projects. TDT was founded as a Charitable Trust in 1975 by the Britain Tanzania Society (BTS). BTS remains our parent body and pays the small administrative costs of TDT. That’s why we can promise that every pound donated is spent on projects. The people who run TDT and BTS are all volunteers who know the country well. No salaries are paid. We have no offices.


When we visit projects we all pay our own expenses. Project requests come from Tanzania via our website, from visits, by word of mouth, through the BTS branch in Dar es Salaam or from NGOs in the UK. Applications are carefully checked. We ask for full estimates from contractors. We get clear evidence of community participation and approval from local Government officials. The system is designed to be as transparent as possible. In over 30 years we have had almost no loss by fraud or theft. We have built a safe house for girls refusing FGM and supported over 100 projects including bore holes for villages without water, school resources and solar panels for dispensaries


Social media volunteers provide support to the media team and chairperson by producing approved content, or publishing already prepared content, on TDT’s website. They also monitor those accounts. The social media team help us in reaching our sustainable development goals (SDGs) in multiple ways. Posting regularly on social media, creating a larger and constant prescence on our many platforms helps raise awareness to potential volunteers and donors of the issues we are helping resolve in Tanzania. These include girl’s access to education, access to clean water and developing income generation. For girls access to education through our mapping project, we map remote areas of Tanzania to help activists rescue girls who are at risk of FGM. Mapping these remote areas helps them find roads and buildings faster, these girls are then taken to a safe space where they have access to education. Having more volunteers on our social media team means that we can do more. We can do a variety of different types of posts (video, insta stories, graphics, yearly highlights) and through creative use of social media we can produce content that is more popular so more clicks and views. This can then translate to clicks and donations on our websites which then funds projects which help us towards our SDGs.

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Task description

The social media volunteers reproduce already published TDT materials and materials distributed to them specifically for TDT social media platforms. Approval for all published content is to go through the chairperson. The social media team publishes recent promotional and information materials on a weekly basis, including those about current campaigns and upcoming events, and information published on the TDT website. The team also posts monthly and yearly statistics of how many mappers we have and how many km/buildings they have mapped. We also have other initiatives and campaigns aimed at raising awareness of what our mapping and regular volunteers do on a monthly basis, like our ‘mapper of the month’ and ‘photo competition’ features. We post on many different platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter and Youtube. 

Because we post on many platforms, that is why we are looking for 20 volunteers. Tasks for these platforms inlcude but are not limited to: writing social media posts, writing picture captions, editing photos on Instagram, posting Instagram stories, sharing our eventbrite events on all platforms, writing longer posts for linkedin & our FB groups and creating graphics on Canva for our yearly and monthly statistics. They are needed to monitor and assist with TDT’s social media for about 10-20 minutes a day. They communicate any problems to the media engagement officer for actioning. The task is remote, and may be done from anywhere in the world. Volunteers are the link between TDT and the wider public and stakeholders, so applicants should enjoy participating in media and public relations, and their values should align with those of the project.


Required experience

Must have at least 1 year experience in social media – including Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram. Must be a team player, a great communicator, and, be ready to work harmoniously with a large group of enthusiastic and energetic volunteers. Must be interested in advancing the values of Crowd2Map by assisting the volunteers (everyone is a volunteer at Crowd2Map), which is directed at ending FGM aiding development via online mapping of remote Tanzania.

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English, Level: Fluent, Required

Other informationInclusivity statement

United Nations Volunteers is an equal opportunity programme that welcomes applications from qualified professionals. We are committed to achieving diversity in terms of gender, care protected characteristics. As part of their adherence to the values of UNV, all UN Volunteers commit themselves to combat any form of discrimination, and to promoting respect for human rights and individual dignity, without distinction of a person’s race, sex, gender identity, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy, age, language, social origin or other status.


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