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The Immigration Services Department is established under Section 4(1) of the Immigration Act of 1995 Chapter 54 as amended by Act No.8 of 2015.  It gives the Department the authority to control and facilitate immigration issues in the United Republic of Tanzania. The Department is one of the security organs under Ministry of Home Affairs.


A birth Certificate or Affidavit of Birth or Certificate of Naturalization of the applicant's parent or parents' National Identity Card, Recent, clear 1 passport size photo (to be uploaded online) A fee of 150,000 for passport and 20,000 for Emergence Travel document.

 Immigration officers have a number of statutorily-conferred powers to enter premises to search for persons and evidence and, on entry, to arrest persons and seize evidence.

 There Are Many Different Types Of Immigration Status. As An Immigrant, You Might Be One Of The Following:

  • United States Citizen. If you were born in the United States, you are a U.S. citizen, even if you were raised in another country. ...
  • Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) ...
  • Temporary Visitor. ...
  • Undocumented Immigrant.

 To become an efficient and effective Institution, which provides high quality Immigration services that meet both national and international standards.

 Immigration is a place at an airport where government officials check the legal documents of people entering that country. This process involves the scrutiny of your passport, visa, and other related supporting documents like your hotel and itinerary


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To facilitate and control movements of persons through implementation of relevant Laws and Regulations in order to safeguard national security and economic interests.


Migration security and development


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