Opportunities Vacancy at Fire and Rescue Force | Jeshi la Zimamoto na Uokoaji

 Jobs at Jeshi la Zimamoto na Uokoaji | Fire and Rescue Force  The Commissioner General of the Fire and Rescue Force announces job vacancies for Tanzania Youth who have graduated from the National Building Service – Jeshi la Kujenga Taifa (JKT) training or who are in the camp with the following qualifications:-


1. Those with a Fourth Form education

(i) Fourth form graduates from 2020 and 2021.
(ii) Age from 18 to 23 years

2. Qualifications

  • Be a citizen of Tanzania by birth.
  • He/she has qualified for the care of the National Building Force (JKT) or is in the camp of JKT
  • Have a birth certificate.
  • Have a National Identity Card or Identity Number issued by Identity Authority. (NIDA)
  • He should have good physical and mental health.
  • He should not have any Criminal Records.
  • Whether he is single or married.
  • He should not have tattoo marks on his body (Tat0o).
  • He must have never used any kind of drugs
  • Be willing to attend professional Fire and Rescue training.
  • He has never been employed by the government.
  • Must have a height of not less than 5.7 feet for men and 5.4 feet for women a woman
  • He should be ready to pay for himself in the steps leading to an interview if he is called.


Fire Services in Mainland Tanzania started during the colonial rule immediately after the second world war in 1945, where at that time there was only one unit called the Police Fire Brigade managed by the Police Force. In 1950, this service was divided into two groups, namely the Municipal Fire Department, which was under the supervision of the Municipality, and the Airport Fire Department, which was under the supervision of the Labor Department.

Due to the expansion of cities, airports and ports, other fire brigades were established and one of them is the Port Fire Brigade under the supervision of the Port Authority. In 1982, the airport fire service was placed under the Ministry of the Interior, while the Municipal and City Fire Brigades were placed under the Office of the Prime Minister and the First Vice President, managed by the Ministry of Regional Governments and Cities.

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Due to the responsibilities of the Fire Department being managed by different authorities, its effectiveness was not satisfactory, forcing the government to look at how to improve the service. In 1985, the Parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania passed law no. 3 which established the Fire and Rescue Service to make the service provided under military discipline under the Ministry of Interior In continuing to improve Fire and Rescue services, in 2007 the Parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania passed Law No. 14 of the Fire and Rescue Force Act, which placed the Fire and Rescue Force under one command.

This law largely provided an opportunity for the Fire and Rescue Service to reorganize itself structurally and establish a productive division of responsibilities, in order to facilitate the provision of fire and rescue services. Right now the Fire and Rescue force is led by the Commissioner General who is assisted by the Deputy Commissioner General, followed by three Commissioners who lead the three divisions of the force which are administration and finance, operations and the branch of public safety and property.

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