Bugando Medical Centre is consultant and teaching hospital for the Lake and Western zones of the United Republic of Tanzania. It is situated along the shores of Lake Victoria in Mwanza City. It has 950 beds and over 1300 employees. It is a referral centre for tertiary specialist care for eight regions, namely; – Mwanza, Geita, Simiyu, Mara, Kagera, Shinyanga, Tabora and Kigoma. It serves a catchment’s population of over 14 million people.
Bugando Medical Centre is therefore inviting suitably Tanzanians to fill the following vacancy.
- Holder of Master Degree in Pharmacy, Laboratory, or Radiology. Must have at least ten (10) years working experience of which two(2)years should be in managerial experience in clinical support services in a reputable institution. The candidate should be registered by respective professional board. Holder of a Super Specialization Certificate or a PhD shall have an added advantage.
- To head the Clinical Support Services Directorate and manage both capital and human resources;
- To assist the Director General in formulating policies and regulations relating to clinical support services;
- To prepare annual plans for staffing, training, equipment and budgets in line with BMC Strategic Plan
- To ensure that Clinical Support Services and quality guidelines are developed, approved and implemented efficiently;
- To coordinate implementation of policies and operational programmes on approved plans and targets;
- To participate in budgeting and budgetary control for the departments
- To monitor performance of the directorate and initiate necessary interventions to improve services;
- To facilitate an effective coordination of all departments in the directorate;
- To facilitate effective preparation of the directorate strategic business plan in line with the BMC Strategic Plan (SP);
- To monitor and report implementation of the strategic plan on a quarterly basis;
- To coordinate the budgets and targets of the departments in line with BMC Strategic Plan
- To facilitate and guide Intramural Private Practice (IPPM) in the directorate;
- To control expenditure of the departments in line with the approved budget;
- To set performance targets for all staff in the directorate and ensure that all staff have elaborate job plans;
- To supervise, appraise staff and identify their development and training needs;
- To asses service rendered to the directorate by service providers and advice the Director General accordingly;
- To oversee career development of personnel in the directorate;
- To advice the Director General on all issues pertaining to the directorate’s operations; and
- To perform any other duty assigned from time to time by the Director General.
Read Also:
Salary Scale: PUT 5.1
Letter of application should be written in English preferably handwritten attaching a detailed curriculum vitae, certified copies of academic and professional qualifications, should put in a sealed envelope addressed to ;
Director General,
Bugando Medical Centre P.O.BOX 1370,
Submit the application documents in PDF format to email address; hospbugando@gmail.com
DEADLINE: The deadline for submissions of applications is 19th August, 2022 at 18:00 pm.