Jobs Vacancies at Sengerema Hospital

The hospital was founded in 1959 by the Brothers of Mercy of St. Joannes de Deo and the Sisters of Charity of St Charles Borromeo from the Netherlands on request of Bishop Blomjous, Bishop of Mwanza.  Nafasi za kazi Sengerema Hopsital 2022,Ajira Mpya sengerema hospital


Offer quality health services to all people regardless gender ideology and socioeconomic status. Also be a teaching hospital in a Christian atmosphere guided by the teachings of the Catholic Church and the guidelines of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare.
Sengerema District is one of seven districts in the Mwanza Region of Tanzania, East Africa. Its administrative headquarter is located in Sengerema town. It is bordered to the north and east by Lake Victoria, to the south by Geita Region and to the southeast by the Misungwi District.