TANGAZO LA NAFASI ZA MAFUNZO YA UALIMU NGAZI YA STASHAHADA YA UALIMU ELIMU YA SEKONDARI KWA MWAKA WA MASOMO 2022/2023 The Secretary General of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology is announcing teacher training positions for the Secondary Teaching Diploma level. Applicants for this training are graduates of Form SIX with grades One to Three (I-III). The Ministry invites applications to join the teaching training in Government and non-Government Colleges based on the qualifications specified in this announcement.
The general qualifications for joining Teaching Training Courses for the Secondary Education Teaching Diploma level
are Sixth Form graduates with Division I-III at the “Principal Pass”
level of two (02) subjects taught in secondary schools Form I-IV. In
addition, for applicants whose one of the two “Principal Passes” is
Economics, they can apply for courses in the fields of
Sports (Physical Education and sports), Music, Fine Arts, and Performing
Arts ( Theater and Performing Arts).
The following table shows the type of teacher training, qualifications to join, the colleges that offer the training and the duration of the training
Read Also:
- This announcement is about sixth form graduates who graduated from 2016 to 2022.
- Applicants for Teacher Training in Government Teaching Colleges are required to register and apply electronically through the website (tcm.moe.go.tz).
- Applicants for Teacher Training for non-Government colleges should send their applications directly to the colleges they want to study and the respective colleges should submit the qualifications of the applicants to the Tanzania Examinations Council for review. Applicants for teaching training in Government Colleges will choose up to three (03) specializations starting with the one that the applicant likes the most.
- Applicants for in-service training positions applying for a Special Education course must have completed Teacher Training at the Diploma or Degree level.
- In addition, applicants who are employed will have to attach a letter of placement into the study permit program from their employers.
- Answers for those selected to join the Teacher Training will be provided through the “account” used by the applicant to apply for Teacher Training (starting on 20/08/2022) and in the Teacher Training Colleges they were selected for. Letters and forms to join the Training will be issued through the website of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (moe.go.tz) and the College to which the applicant will be assigned using his address.
- All applicants are advised to write their full address, email address and telephone number available for further communication.
The deadline for sending applications for Teacher Training is 15/08/2022.