Apply Rural Energy Agency (REA) 136 New Job Vacancies

Rural Energy Agency
 (REA) is an autonomous body under the Ministry of Energy and Minerals of the United Republic of Tanzania. Its main role is to promote and facilitate improved access to modern energy services in rural areas of Mainland Tanzania. REA became operational in October 2007. 

The purpose of REA is to promote and facilitate rural energy development by working in partnership and collaboration with private sector, Non Governmental Organizations, Community Based Organizations, and Government agencies. REA derives its powers from The Rural Energy Act no.8 of 2005. Being an autonomous body, REA’s powers also emanate from sector legislations: 

In terms of principal legislation in the electricity sector, it derives its powers from the Electricity Act, 2008; and in the petroleum sector, from the Petroleum Supply Act, 2008. As for regulatory framework, REA works closely with multi-sectoral regulatory authority, EWURA which is responsible for technical and economic regulation of the energy and water sectors in Tanzania.  

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Vision: Transformation of rural livelihoods through provision of modern energy services.  

Mission: To promote and facilitate availability and access to modern energy services in rural Mainland Tanzania.


On behalf of REA, Public Service Recruitment Secretariat (PSRS) invites dynamic and suitable qualified Tanzanians to fill (136) vacant posts. Read full details from the PDF Document below:



i)To assess the level of electrification and prepare report on electrified and non – electrified villages, hamlets and social service centres (health centres, schools, business centres, economic activities and water pumps);

ii)To assess and report implementation status of all projects financed by Rural Energy Fund (REF) in the districts;

iii)To assess and provide feedback to REA Management on the current and future needs for electrification in the district; and

iv)To assist in communication and dissemination of information regarding activities/projects for the Rural Energy Agency to the Government officials, leaders and other stakeholders in the district.


Diploma in any of the fields majoring in Engineering, Economics, Community Development, Social Studies, Finance, Survey, Project Planning and Statistics; and Full Technician Certificate (FTC) in Engineering.


As per institution’s salary scale



  • All applicants must be Citizens of Tanzania with an age not above 45 years of age except for those who are in Public Service;
  • Applicants must attach an up-to-date Curriculum Vitae (CV) having reliable contacts; postal address/post code, e-mail and telephone numbers;
  • Applicants should apply on the strength of the information given in this advertisement;
  • Applicants must attach their certified copies of the following certificates:
  • Postgraduate/Degree/Advanced Diploma/Diploma/Certificates;
  • Postgraduate/Degree/Advanced Diploma/Diploma transcripts;
  • Form IV and Form VI National Examination Certificates;
  • Professional Registration and Training Certificates from respective Registration or Regulatory Bodies, (where applicable)
  • Birth certificate;
  • Attaching copies of the following certificates is strictly not accepted:-

  1. Form IV and form VI results slips;
  2. Testimonials and all Partial transcripts; vi. An applicant must upload recent Passport Size Photo in the Recruitment Portal;

  • An applicant employed in the Public Service should route his application letter through his respective employer;
  • An applicant who is retired from the Public Service for whatever reason should not apply;
  • An applicant should indicate three reputable referees with their reliable contacts;
  • Certificates from foreign examination bodies for Ordinary or Advanced level education should be verified by The National Examination Council of Tanzania (NECTA)
  • Professional certificates from foreign Universities and other training institutions should be verified by The Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) and National Council for Technical Education (NACTE);
  • An applicant with special needs/case (disability) is supposed/advised to indicate;
  • A signed application letter should be written either in Swahili or English and Addressed to: Secretary, Presidents Office, Public Service Recruitment Secretariat, P.O. Box 2320, Utumishi Building at University of Dodoma & Asha Rose Migiro Buildings -Dodoma
  • Deadline for application is 10th February, 2021;
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be informed on a date for interview and;
  • Presentation of forged certificates and other information will necessitate to legal action.
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