Various Jobs at Deloitte Tanzania(Iringa,Njombe,Ruvuma)

Deloitte Tanzania
has been awarded a contract to implement a Kizazi Hodari – Sothern Zone project in Tanzania. This is a five years’ project (March 2022 to February 2027) funded by the American People through USAID aiming at supporting the Government of Tanzania’s (GOT) Ministry of Health to achieve.

HIV epidemic control by improving the health, well-being, and protection of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) and youth in high HIV burden communities within the Southern Zones of Tanzania specifically Iringa, Njombe and Ruvuma regions. The program intends to increase access to and use of health/HIV, social, and protection services among OVC and youth in order to contribute to 95-95-95 goals: 95% of persons living with HIV (PLHIV) know their HIV status; 95% of PLHIV who know their status are on treatment; and 95% of PLHIV on treatment are virally suppressed, by 2030.

Deloitte is therefore seeking for experienced, self-motivated, a highly competent individual with exemplary ethical conduct to join Kizazi Hodari – Southern Zone program as a


POSITION:Economic Strengthening Coordinator based in Dar es Salaam.

Job Purpose

Responsible for the design, implementation and technical quality of strategies and activities to improve the economic stability of OVC and their households. Assistant economic Strengthening Manager will play a key role in planning for all aspects of livehoods and economic opportunities for Kizazi Hodari – Southern Zone project. She/he will facilitate a team of staff in the development of social protection linkages and provision, savings groups (VSLG) activities and the integration of enterprise expertise and market access and relationships for securing the economic wellbeing of targeted beneficiaries’ households.

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Key Responsibilities:

  • Serve as a focal person for all issues related to implementation of economic activities within Kizazi Hodari – Southern Zone Project.
  • Provide technical and managerial capacity of Kizazi Hodari – Southern Zone staff, Sub grantees and CCW/CHW on implementation of innovative economic activities.
  • Develop/Review developed economic strengthening SOP, Guides and tools for use within Kizazi Hodari – Southern Zone project implementation.
  • Ensure availability and use of recommended materials within the implementation of Kizazi Hodari – Southern Zone- Southern Zone project
  • Monitor and maintain relevant manuals, training materials and reports for economic strengthening.
  • Lead the development of tailored economic strengthening packages for beneficiary adolescents and families Responsibilities.
  • Create awareness of key economic strengthen concepts and principles among project staff, sub grantees, government officials, regional, councils and CCW/CHW. This to include assisting families in earning and saving income, managing money and allocating households resources to improving OVC and their household’s wellness outcome.
  • Train/mentor project staff, sub grantees and CCW/CHW in effective approaches for identifying appropriate economic strengthening interventions for specific households depending on the needs and available resources such as (I.e. credit and market opportunities, group savings, income generation, micro-enterprise development training, farming, vocational training opportunities and youth employability).
  • Develop and ensure the implementation of strategies and interventions that promote the economic empowerment of young people.
  • Recommend and support refinement of training materials, Economic strengthening assessments, and processes to measure progress along the economic strengthening pathway aligned with Graduation benchmarks.
  • In collaboration with other assistant Managers organize and conduct supportive supervision to monitor implementation of economic strengthening progress activities.
  • Support development of technical capacity development activities/supports in tandem with the technical teams and institutional development team.
  • Monitor all technical support in livelihood interventions, provided by technical experts to partner organizations
  • Analyze and monitor trends, opportunities and challenges related to market linkages and economic strengthening to continuously refine and improve intervention strategies
  • Serve as liaison and maintain good relations with the economic strengthening relevant government ministries and technical partners
  • Collaborate with the Economic Growth section of USAID and for synergies across their sector programs
  • Write/Review activity, monthly, quarterly, biannual and annual report and share with Technical &QI Manager and Results Management office Manager for review and inputs
  • Write success stories and support subordinate on the same.
  • Support regional teams to conduct site visits and spot checks to district activity locations to monitor implementation of economic strengthening activities
  • Liaise with the M&E team in tracking and reporting related targets.
  • Keep abreast with, integrate or document emerging best practices in market linkages and economic strengthening for vulnerable households and AGYW

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  • Master’s degree in economics, Business Administration or related fields
  • 5 years’ experience in designing, implementing and monitoring household economic strengthening activities working on multifaceted and complex international development programs.
  • At least 3 years of technical management experience, including direct supervision of technical teams and implementing partners.
  • Solid knowledge of social protection, household economic strengthen and microenterprise and market development instruments and framework.
  • Experience with USG cooperative agreement PEPFAR programming strongly preferred. Excellent training skills in working with adults’ learners particularly at the community level

POSITION:HIV Prevention Officer based in Iringa, Njombe and Ruvuma regions.

Job Purpose:

The HIV Prevention officer will support Assistant Manager-HIV Prevention and technical partners to implement and supervise interventions aim to increase access to HIV prevention, violence prevention and response services for OVC and youth. She/he will support scale up of evidence-based interventions for prevention of HIV and sexual violence, ensure improved VAC and GBV reporting and responses and increased education access, retention and progression among AGYW through implementation of DREAMS. She/he will collaborate with sub grantees, community and religious leaders in implementation of HIV Prevention interventions. Ensure all HIV Prevention services for OVC Kizazi Hodari are implemented at the acceptable service delivery level as per the programme design

Key Responsibilities:

  • Support Assistant Manager-HIV Prevention in the development/review/adaptation of evidence based preventive program curricula recommended for implementation of preventive program package of services.
  • Disseminate developed /adapted SOPs to guide the implementation of prevention activities among sub grantees, community and religious leaders and other partners.
  • With guidance from Assistant Manager-HIV- Prevention provide training, coaching and mentorship to sub grantees, CHW/CHW, community and religious leaders and other partners to implement prevention activities.
  • Work in close collaboration with RHMT, CHMT, WDC, Village government, religious leaders and CCHW/CHW to expand the reach of prevention intervention to transform harmful gender norms and unhealthy behaviors.
  • Work in close collaboration with other USG partner such as Tulonge Afya and C3HP Southern to ensure preventive messages are in cooperated in SBCC strategy and campaign targeting youth.
  • Support implementation of DREAMS in Mufindi district council to increase access and retention among AGYW.
  • In collaboration with other regional technical officers and sub grantees support improve referral system, reporting and response of VAC and GBV.
  • Facilitate establishment and monitor functional bidirectional referrals system between preventive and comprehensive services.
  • In collaboration with the Assistant Manager HIV Preventive carry out service mapping to identify potential service providers and prepare service directory to refer clients based on their needs.
  • In collaboration with the partners participate in the development/review/ adaptation of evidence based preventive program curricula recommended for implementation of preventive program package of services.
  • Work closely with M&E Team to ensure that all Preventive Program technical SOPs have clearly stated links to indicators, data systems, and expected outcomes.
  • Support development of annual work plan and budget specifically on proposed prevention interventions at country office and regional level.
  • Write/Review prevention interventions reports (Monthly, Quarterly, semiannual and annual) and submit to Assistant Regional Programme Manager and Assistant Manager-HIV Prevention for review and inputs.
  • Write success stories for sharing with GoT, Donor and other partners.
  • In collaboration with other regional technical officers organize and conduct supportive supervision to monitor project implementation progress.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Social science (Sociology, community development or related field).
  • Minimum of 3 years relevant experience in working with vulnerable young people in prevention intervention.
  • Excellent training and mentorship skills in working with adult learners.
  • Experience with PEPFAR 3.0 funded projects in Tanzania.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in Kiswahili and English, including report writing and presentation skills.

POSITION:Economic Strengthening Officer based in Iringa, Njombe and Ruvuma.

Job Purpose

Ensure that OVC caregivers, older OVC and OVC households have increases savings, income and assets to improve household’s economic security and strengthen older OVC self-efficacy and decision-making power. The economic Strengthening Officer will develop close working relationship with sub grantee, Economic strengthening Officers and Economic and livelihood volunteer in providing economic strengthening services.

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Key Responsibilities:

  • Dissemination of standard Operating Procedure (SOPs), guidelines, tools and job-aids to facilitate effective implementation of Economic Strengthening at sub grantees and CCW/CHW, VSLG and household level.
  • Provide coaching and mentorship to sub grantees staff on issues such as cash transfer usage, operating savings and lending groups, money management, enterprise and market development priorities.
  • Recommend and support refinement of training materials, ES assessments, and processes to measure progress along the economic strengthening pathway aligned with Graduation benchmarks
  • Regularly monitor implementation of project activities and use the findings to improve project quality and to pro-actively identify risks related to contract compliance and propose solution.
  • Collaborate with CHMT members to organize and conduct quarterly joint supportive supervision to monitor project implementation progress.
  • Work with other technical staff to provide monthly support-supervision monitoring visits to the field to ensure adherence to Standard Operating Procedures and use the information to improve project quality and implementation.
  • Monitor all technical support in livelihood interventions, provided by technical experts to partner organizations.
  • Work with M&E staff to ensure quality, time collection and entry of Economic Strengthening data into M&E database.
  • Ensure sub grantees and CCW/CHW economic strengthening skills are conducted in accordance with international and Tanzanian quality and standards.
  • Facilitate linkages of older OVC with different service providers to diversify livelihoods options, enhance employability and life skills.
  • Conduct sub grantees’ ES training needs assessment and manage ES training of trainer’s function for sub grantees and LGA representatives.
  • Review and analyze trends, opportunities and challenges related to market linkages and economic strengthening to continuously refine and improve intervention strategies
  • Maintain good relations with the economic strengthening relevant government ministries and technical partners at the regional level.
  • Document lessons leant and best practices for experience sharing and replication.
  • Write/Review activity, monthly, quarterly, biannual and annual report and share with Regional Program Manager for review and inputs.
  • Keep abreast with, integrate or document emerging best practices in market linkages and economic strengthening for vulnerable households
  • Collaborate with CHMT members to organize and conduct joint supportive supervision to monitor project implementation progress.
  • Develop responses to ad hoc donor requests


  • Bachelor’s degree in Economics, public health or related fields
  • 3 years’ experience managing two of the followings: saving and lending groups, money management, livelihood training, Income generating activities (IGA) entrepreneurship. Market analysis and enterprise development.
  • Experience with PEPFAR 3.0 Funded projects in Tanzania.
  • Diplomacy and negotiation skills that demonstrate ability to collaborate and coordinate with a range of stakeholders and complex priorities.
  • Knowledge of PEPFAR reporting standards

POSITION:HIV Prevention Officer based in Iringa, Njombe and Ruvuma regions.

Job Purpose:

The HIV Prevention officer will support Assistant Manager-HIV Prevention and technical partners to implement and supervise interventions aim to increase access to HIV prevention, violence prevention and response services for OVC and youth. She/he will support scale up of evidence-based interventions for prevention of HIV and sexual violence, ensure improved VAC and GBV reporting and responses and increased education access, retention, and progression among AGYW through implementation of DREAMS. She/he will collaborate with sub grantees, community, and religious leaders in implementation of HIV Prevention interventions. Ensure all HIV Prevention services for OVC Kizazi Hodari are implemented at the acceptable service delivery level as per the programme design

Key Responsibilities:

  • Support Assistant Manager-HIV Prevention in the development/review/adaptation of evidence based preventive program curricula recommended for implementation of preventive program package of services.
  • Disseminate developed /adapted SOPs to guide the implementation of prevention activities among sub grantees, community and religious leaders and other partners.
  • With guidance from Assistant Manager-HIV- Prevention provide training, coaching and mentorship to sub grantees, CHW/CHW, community and religious leaders and other partners to implement prevention activities.
  • Work in close collaboration with RHMT, CHMT, WDC, Village government, religious leaders and CCHW/CHW to expand the reach of prevention intervention to transform harmful gender norms and unhealthy behaviors.
  • Work in close collaboration with other USG partner such as Tulonge Afya and C3HP Southern to ensure preventive messages are in cooperated in SBCC strategy and campaign targeting youth.
  • Support implementation of DREAMS in Mufindi district council to increase access and retention among AGYW.
  • In collaboration with other regional technical officers and sub grantees support improve referral system, reporting and response of VAC and GBV.
  • Facilitate establishment and monitor functional bidirectional referrals system between preventive and comprehensive services.
  • In collaboration with the Assistant Manager HIV Preventive carry out service mapping to identify potential service providers and prepare service directory to refer clients based on their needs.
  • In collaboration with the partners participate in the development/review/ adaptation of evidence based preventive program curricula recommended for implementation of preventive program package of services.
  • Work closely with M&E Team to ensure that all Preventive Program technical SOPs have clearly stated links to indicators, data systems, and expected outcomes.
  • Support development of annual work plan and budget specifically on proposed prevention interventions at country office and regional level.
  • Write/Review prevention interventions reports (Monthly, Quarterly, semiannual and annual) and submit to Assistant Regional Programme Manager and Assistant Manager-HIV Prevention for review and inputs.
  • Write success stories for sharing with GoT, Donor and other partners.
  • In collaboration with other regional technical officers organize and conduct supportive supervision to monitor project implementation progress.

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  • Bachelor’s degree in Social science (Sociology, community development or related field).
  • Minimum of 3 years relevant experience in working with vulnerable young people in prevention intervention.
  • Excellent training and mentorship skills in working with adult learners.
  • Experience with PEPFAR 3.0 funded projects in Tanzania.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in Kiswahili and English, including report writing and presentation skills.

POSITION:HIV Case Management Officer based in Iringa, Njombe and Ruvuma.

Job Purpose:

The HIV Case Management Officer will serve as a focal person for all related case management activities at regional level through ensuring the technical cohesion of project integration, strengthening age- appropriate HIV/AIDS related and other services for improved care, health, nutrition, education, protection, livelihoods and psychosocial wellbeing of targeted beneficiaries and develop a close working relationship with sub grantees implementing Kizazi Hodari – Sothern Zone Project.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Dissemination of standard Operating Procedure (SOPs), guidelines, tools and job-aids to facilitate effective implementation of case management at sub grantees and CCW/CHW and household level.
  • Provide ongoing coaching and mentorship to sub grantees, CCW/CHW and Social welfare officers on National Integrated Case Management (NICM), proper management of case files at both government ward offices and CSOs and ensuring project activities are age-appropriate reflecting child and youth perspective and interests.
  • Collaborate with Assistant Managers specifically- Case Management and Technical &QI Manager to develop and roll out procedures related to graduation and transition of OVC and their households.
  • Coordinating with sub grantees and other implementers at the community level such as CCW/CHW and LVs to effectively monitor and document implementation progress (data collection) in a timely and accurate manner.
  • Regularly monitor implementation of project activities and use the findings to improve project quality and to pro-actively identify risks related to contract compliance and propose solution.
  • Collaborate with CHMT members to organize and conduct joint supportive supervision to monitor project implementation progress.
  • Support sub grantees to conduct quality improvements initiatives to improve project performance.
  • Facilitate establishment of Quality improvement teams at sub grantees and CCW/CHW level.
  • Document lessons leant and best practices for experience sharing and replication.
  • Write/Review activity, monthly, quarterly, bi annual and annual report and share with Regional Program Manager for review and inputs.
  • In collaboration with other technical staff and assistant managers facilitate trainings targeting to strengthen capacity of sub grantees, SWO, CCW/CHW
  • Ensure sub grantees and CCW/CHW skills trainings are conducted in accordance with international and Tanzanian quality and standards.
  • Participate in development of work plans and budget process both at national and CSOs level.
  • Work in partnership with government authorities at all level to successful implement Kizazi Hodari – Southern Zone project.
  • Develop responses to ad hoc donor requests

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  • Bachelor in relevant Medicine, clinical or any other related field.
  • A minimum of 3 years of relevant experience in atleast one of the following technical areas: Social work, Child Protection, OVC care, health, nutrition, education and psychosocial wellbeing.
  • Experience of working with child protection structures
  • Experience with PEPFAR 3.0 funded projects in Tanzania
  • Proficiency in Excel, Word and other MS Office software; data analysis software
  • Excellent stakeholder engagement skills
  • Excellent verbal communication skills

POSITION:HIV Integration Officer based in Dar es Salaam.

Job Purpose:

The HIV Integration Officer will play a key role to ensure successfully enrollment of children living with HIV(CLHIV) from facilities, implementation of 95 95 95 strategies, functional bi-directional referrals systems between communities, clinical partners and social service providers, implementation of 95 95 95 strategies and will also be responsible for developing and maintain coordination and supervision of all HIV Care and Treatment and Prevention within the region in compliance with national and donor guidelines and policies.

Key Responsibilities

  • Develop a close working relationship with sub grantees for effective implementation of Kizazi Hodari – Southern Zone at regional level.
  • Oversee the implementation of Kizazi Hodari 95 95 95 strategies
  • Support sub grantees to increase use of OVC platforms for pediatric HIV case finding, linkage to treatment and viral suppression.
  • Through coaching and mentorship plan strengthen the capacity of sub grantees, CCW/CHW, health facilities on Bidirectional referrals and linkages.
  • Support sub grantees and CCW/CHW to work in close collaboration with Care and Treatment partners to organize and conduct community-based HIV testing and community outreach activities.
  • In collaboration with CHMT coordinate and conduct Quality Improvement meetings at district level.
  • Facilitate establishment Quality improvement teams at sub grantees and CCW/CHW level.
  • Work with M&E and data officer to ensure all bidirectional referrals and linkages data are produced weekly and accurately. Use data for decision making and ensure partners are using data to conduct needed follow up for systematic follow up of cases of incomplete referrals.
  • In collaboration with other technical staff at regional level monitor and track performance of key performance indicators.
  • Strengthen collaboration and networking with clinical partners in all targeted councils in the regions.
  • Build good working relationship with LGAs staff especially in priority CTCs, high volume CTCs and low volume.
  • Collaborate with Case management officer to support sub grantees during enrollment of CLHIV and HEI.
  • Provide technical support for integration of the project’s technical approaches for the achievement of successful project implementation at facility level using evidence informed, innovative and best practices.
  • Collaborate with other technical staff at regional office to monitor service provision packages for Children living with HIV (CLHIV).
  • Support development and monitoring of quality Improvement plans and ensure alignment to PEPFARs Site Improvement Monitoring System.
  • Participate in regular review meetings to monitor project implementation progress both at regional, sub grantees and CCW/CHW level.
  • Collaborate with CHMT members to organize and conduct joint supportive supervision to monitor project implementation progress.
  • Identify and document best practices/success stories for sharing with partners, Donors, Government and other wider community members.
  • Provide technical support in creating and strengthening linkages and referral networks between facility and community activities ensuring there is seamless implementation of activities leading to improved health outcomes.
  • On a monthly basis develop health and HIV regional updates and share with Assistant Regional Program Manager, Technical &QI manager for reviews and inputs.
  • Write/Review activity, monthly, quarterly, bi annual and annual report and share with Regional Program Manager for review and inputs.
  • Develop responses to ad hoc donor requests


  • Bachelor’s Degree in clinical studies or Medicine or equivalent qualifications
  • 3 years’ experience in HIV integration services
  • Hands on clinical experience in HIV service delivery and technical coordination
  • Experience with PEPFAR 3. 0 funded project in Tanzania.
  • Excellent training skills in working with adult learners, particularly at health facility and community level.
  • Able and willingly to work flexible hours as needed without constant or close supervision
  • Demonstrated leadership and team building skills.

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POSITION:Accountant based in Iringa / Njombe or Ruvuma regions.

Job Purpose

Summarise, record, reconcile all accounting and finance matters of the program. Resolve day-to-day accounting issues that program staff face.

Key Responsibilities

  • Record suppliers’ accounts and prepare for their payments (cheques/banks transfers)
  • Reconcile vendors’ payments to ensure all payments are made on time
  • Prepare weekly reports showing the status of vendor payments
  • Process safari advances for the staff who are assigned to do field work
  • Process and record in the system all retirements along with advances taken so that all advances are used exclusively on program activities
  • Prepare the local purchase order (LPO) for the program’s purchases and pass them through the line of approval
  • Prepare the summary for Value Added Tax (VAT) refund filing on a monthly basis
  • Process mobile payments for sub grantees
  • Process Vendor payments on a monthly basis
  • Prepare monthly bank reconciliation and ensure it is duly signed
  • Ensure all payments documents are properly filed and marked paid and posted.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, Finance or related field with CPA(T) or ACCA
  • Three years’ experience in donor related projects
  • Understanding of USG reporting guidelines
  • Attention to details
  • Ability to handle high volumes of work

POSITION:Regional Program Manager based in three different implementing regions i.e. Iringa, Njombe and Ruvuma.

Job Purpose

Serve as an active member of the program team for the implementation of Kizazi Hodari – Southern Zone project managing implementation at regional level. Regional Programme Manager will oversee and guides the following Regional officers (HIV Integration, Case Management, Economic Strengthening, M&E, Data, and Associate Accountant. This includes the promotion of quality and timely project management as well as intra- and interdepartmental coordination and collaboration including building and maintain good relationships with regional secretariats, local councils, civil society organizations (CSOs) and implementing partners to ensure the program objectives are achieved.

Key Responsibilities

  • Oversee all program activities both technical, operational and administrative support in the region to project staff and sub grantees and provide the required support to ensure smooth implementation of Kizazi Hodari – Southern Zone at regional level.
  • In collaboration with all technical staff at regional level, provide technical guidance to ensure high quality integrated technical programming within the regional.
  • With guidance from Technical & QI manager and Results Management Office Manager lead regional team in the implementation of QI activities.
  • Maintain relationships and mutual understanding with the regional secretariat and local councils’ leadership on implementation of planned program activities.
  • Follow up on the implementation of the Signed Memorandum of Understanding with the local councils as well as the contracts between Kizazi Hodari – Southern Zone and the sub grantees.
  • Organize and participate in the regional forums data review exercise and compilation.
  • Oversee regional level budget including tracking spending, disallowable costs, approve travel request, partners liquidation and approve all cluster expenses.
  • Lead the regional team to organize and conduct supportive supervision to monitor project implementation progress.
  • Work with M&E and data officer to ensure appropriate data is obtained to produce high quality report and submit to Technical &QI Manager and Results Management office Manager timely.
  • Facilitate the implementation of new policies, resource mobilization and integration activities at regional level.
  • Facilitate capacity building of the Regional Health Management Team (RHMT) and respective Council Health Management Teams (CHMTs) and ensure they conduct supportive supervision on a regular basis and develop some learnings.
  • Provide weekly updates of ongoing regional activities to the Technical & QI Manager and Results Management Office Manager.
  • Lead regional team in the development of activity, monthly, quarterly, biannual and annual reports and submission to the and Technical &QI manager and Results Management Office Manager
  • Provide program performance updates to the regional secretariats and council senior management teams including the RHMT and the CHMT.
  • Ensure program planned activities are incorporated into the Comprehensive Council Health Plan (CCHP).
  • Provide program summaries and work with field data teams to build capacity to provide summaries of the performance indicators each quarter.
  • Work with M&E officers, HIV integration officer, HIV Case Management officer, and Economic Strengthening officer to develop and present quarterly, semi-annual and annual program performance reports to program team and R/CHMTS during program review meetings.
  • Ensure proper implementation of Deloitte performance Management System for direct reports and address identified performance issues through regular, constructive and honest feedback and coaching and mentorship.
  • Represent the project in relevant meetings and visits with stakeholders, including partners, donors and government as needed.
  • Develop responses to ad hoc donor requests.

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  • Degree Medicine, Public Health, Project Management, Business Administration or related field.
  • A minimum of 5+ years relevant working experience with 2 years at managerial level
  • Proficiency in Excel, Word and other MS Office software; data analysis software
  • Excellent stakeholder engagement skills
  • Excellent verbal communication skills

POSITION:Monitoring and Evaluation Officer based in Iringa, Njombe and Ruvuma.

Job Purpose:

The Monitoring and Evaluation Office will be responsible for supporting monitoring and evaluation activities under the technical direction of Senior Monitoring Evaluation and Learning Officer. She/he will support in data collection, analysis and overall management of monitoring and evaluation activities.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Oversee monitoring and evaluation activities in the region including the development of work plans and indicator frameworks, support for data management and reporting.
  • Support data analysis, visualization and use of data to assess daily and monthly trends including to engage technical staff in analysis and implications of data for programming.
  • Support data analysis, visualization and use of data to assess daily and monthly trends including to engage technical staff in analysis and implications of data for programming.
  • Coordinate function for producing data and feeding to regional program and technical officer for reports.
  • Provided technical assistance to sub grantees on developing and monitoring targets in compliance with Monitoring and Evaluation plan.
  • Organize and conduct regular data monitoring visits to sub grantees, review and provide feedback on sub grantees performance report.
  • Serve as a mentor to sub grantees and provide technical assistance in various areas related to monitoring and evaluation.
  • Facilitate communication between the technical and monitoring and evaluation team.
  • In collaboration with other technical staff conduct data quality assessment (DQAs) Generate data for use in various reports
  • Provide technical guidance and support to Kizazi Hodari – Southern Zone operations programs.
  • Design adopt or update monitoring tools as per project M&E plan and ensure use of appropriate tools in collection, compilation and utilization.
  • Facilitate and strengthen quality control mechanism for M&E processes and review of project documents.
  • Prepare and submit periodic consolidated reports of ongoing M&E activities, progress
  • against outcomes and outputs of the BMF program.
  • Support regional team in the implementation of the project’s planned activities.


  • Bachelors’ Degree in Statistics, IT, Business Administration, Social sciences, or equivalent Qualification
  • 3 years’ experience supporting OVC programmatic activities
  • Monitoring and Evaluation added advantage
  • Experience in training/workshop facilitation, mentoring and proven ability to maintain effective work relationships with government and other partners.
  • Excellent understanding of business operations and procedures
  • Communication and planning skills
  • Research abilities and analytical abilities

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POSITION:Office Attendant based in Dar es Salaam.

Job Purpose

To keep the project office clean and tidy, deliver mail within the office and perform miscellaneous duties such as making small purchases on behalf of the office and preparing tea.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Ensure that the offices are clean at all times.
  • Ensure orderly arrangement of furniture, equipment and machines in the office.
  • Collect and deliver mail, parcels within the office premises.
  • Prepare and serve tea and ensure that the kitchen is kept clean at all times.
  • Ensure that materials used to execute duties are available and in good condition at all times.
  • Any other duties as may be assigned from time to time.


  • O level qualification
  • At least 2 years of experience as an Office Attendant
  • Integrity and trustworthy
  • Maturity (mature outlook as opposed to age)
  • Respect for others
  • Be able to communicate in English

POSITION:Technical and Quality Improvement Manager based in Dar Es Salaam.

Job Purpose

The Technical &QI Manager will provide technical oversight and direction on the program focus areas as well as promote and implement continuous quality improvement initiatives across all project activities. The job role will be responsible for overseeing and guiding Assistant Manager (HIV/Integration, Case Management, Economic Strengthening and Gender and Youth) in the implementation of Kizazi Hodari – Southern Zone project.

Key Responsibilities

  • Provide technical and managerial support to Assistant Managers to achieve the following three project objectives:
    • Increase use of OVC Platforms for paediatric HIV case finding, linkage to treatment, and viral suppression.
    • Increase access to HIV prevention, violence prevention and response services for OVC and youth and
    • Improve social economic capacity of at-risk adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) and OVC care givers
  • Provide guidance to ensure effective bio- directional referrals system developed and functional.
  • Ensure implementation of Kizazi Hodari – Southern Zone- Southern Zone adheres to International and National quality and standards.
  • Ensure availability and use of recommended SOPs, guides, and tools.
  • In collaboration with other technical staff organize and conduct trainings that aim to strengthen the capacity of project staff, sub grantees and CCW/CHW to effectively implement Kizazi Hodari – Southern Zone- Southern Zone project.
  • Lead development and monitoring of quality Improvement plans and alignment to PEPFARs Site Improvement Monitoring System.
  • In collaboration with results Manager train other staff on quality improvement approaches.
  • In collaboration with Assistant Managers (HIV/Integration and Case Management) and CHMT members develop innovative strategies to improve enrollment for high-risk HIV exposed infants, improve case findings, strengthen linkages to HIV services while continue to collaborate with care and treatment partners to ensure timely delivery of services to project beneficiaries.
  • In collaboration with other technical staff organize and conduct supportive supervision to monitor project implementation progress.
  • In collaboration with Results Management office Manager provide guidance and monitor monthly progress towards key indicators through review meetings, supportive supervision visits and coaching and mentorships and suggest solutions to identified performance challenges.
  • In collaboration with other technical staff develop and compile annual work plans through aligning with PEPFAR COP guidance
  • Monitor implementation of developed work plan to ensure technical sounds, timely implementation, and efficiency.
  • Write reports including QI (Monthly, Quarterly, semiannual and annual). This to include compiling, cleaning and copy-editing reports from Assistant Managers and share with Results Management Office Manager for review and inputs.
  • Support technical team to maintain good working relationship and coordination with counterparts in partner’s organization.
  • Ensure proper implementation of Deloitte performance Management System for direct reports and address identified performance issues through regular, constructive and honest feedback and coaching and mentorship
  • Write success stories and support subordinate on the same.
  • Represent the project in relevant meetings and visits with stakeholders, including partners, donors and government as needed.
  • Present quarterly progress to USAID and participate in various meetings with donors and other donor funded implementing partners.
  • Develop responses to ad hoc donor requests.

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  • A Master’s degree in Health-related field (Doctor, Nurse, Pharmacist, Sociology)
  • Minimum of 7+years’ experience in Health care setting managing OVC.
  • Experience with PEPFAR funded project in Tanzania: solid understanding of evidence-based HIV case identification especially for children, care and treatment and prevention interventions.
  • Experience in working with HIV care and treatment clinics (CTCs) and partners implementing care and treatment interventions in health facilities.
  • Technical expertise in care and support, violence prevention and response, early childhood and adolescent development.
  • Demonstrated experience of implementing quality improvement (QI), PEPFAR’s Site Improvement (SIMS) system.
  • Proven ability to provide technical guidance to sub technical staff at the organizational level and local CSOs.
  • Proven technical experience of USAID indicators and managing for performance.
  • A team player with excellent interpersonal skills with the ability to work at high level profile.

POSITION:Senior MEL Officer based in Dar es Salaam.

Job purpose

The senior MEL officer will provide technical leadership and guidance for M&E activities. She/ he will be responsible for overseeing data collection and data management for USAID OVC Kizazi Hodari project, including developing data collection tools, ensuring quality and timely reporting. She/he will take a lead role in performing data analysis, interpretation and preparing abstract for presentations and conferences and other use of data. She/he will supervise regional M&E officers.

Key Responsibilities

  • Work in close collaboration with regional technical officer and M&E officers in implementation of USAID Kizazi Hodari M&E activities.
  • Provide technical support to technical and M&E staff in adaptation and implementation of project monitoring, evaluation and learning framework including understanding and integrating set performance indicators.
  • Ensure data quality assurance activities and identify key challenges and propose strategies to address them.
  • On a monthly/quarterly basis provide indicator program summaries and work with technical staff to address any discrepancy.
  • Conduct monthly analysis, visualization and use of data to assess monthly trends including to engage technical staff in analysis and implications of data for programming.
  • Manage quality data collection, management and reporting of project data.
  • Provide the project with all necessary M&E inputs, including development/review of work plans and indicator frameworks, research and evaluations as arise.
  • Play a coordinating function for producing data and feed USAID OVC Kizazi Hodari management for preparations of reports and other project use.
  • Work with regional MEL officers and other technical staff to develop and present quarterly, semiannual and annual program performance reports to program team and R/CHMTS during program review meetings.
  • Ensure ProDMIS is updated monthly and the availability and use of other data management systems such as (DHIS2, CTC2 Database and TrainSmart).
  • Facilitate training on M&E tools, data analysis, data management and reporting to enable better collection, monitoring and use of data for the program.
  • Support implementation of mHealth initiatives for the program (SMS Reminders, Unified Referral Case Management system and Viral Load Tracking System).
  • Provide technical capacity and support for establishment and maintenance of monitoring system and presentations of M&E findings.
  • Provide coaching and mentorships to strengthen the capacity of regional M&E officers, other technical staff, sub grantees and CCW on effective use of M& E tools and systems.
  • Support assistant managers and regional teams use collected data to capture technical best practices for sharing with GoT, donors and other stakeholders.
  • Provide regular monitoring to ensure data is collected and entered into database.
  • In collaboration with regional M&E officer conduct supportive supervision to strengthen sub grantees, LVs, and CCW/CHW capacity to effectively implement, monitor and document project activities.
  • Conduct data quality audits and identify data system challenges and propose solutions to address them.
  • Develop responses to ad hoc donor requests

Read Also:


  • University degree in public health, sociology, demography or other social science area
  • 5 years’ work experience in Monitoring and Evaluation activities
  • Academic qualification in monitoring and evaluation will be an added advantage.

Management or one of the following: economic strengthening, child protection, ECD, education, HIV/AIDS, referrals and linkages, adolescent or other health areas.

  • Experience in data collection, processing, and analysis, database experience.
  • Experience implementing qualitative and quantitative research
  • Knowledge of different analysis software
  • Experience with PEPFAR 3.0 funded projects in Tanzania
  • Report writing and publication skills
  • Knowledge of different database software

POSITION:Case Management Coordinator based in Dar es Salaam.

Job Purpose:

Will be responsible to oversee all case management and child protection activities including developing or reviewing Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs), guidelines, training materials and tools. The assistant Manager HIV Case Management will monitor the implementation progress, identifying and cascading solutions to improve service delivery, document progress and sharing best practices.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Serve as a focal person for all issues related to implementation of case management & child protection.
  • With support from Technical &QI Manager and Results Management Office Manager ensure effective implementation of case management approach.
  • Lead development of case management SOPs, guides and tools for use by project staff, CSOs and CCW/CHW.
  • Review developed case management SOPs, guides and tools for use by project staff, CSOs and CCW/CHW.
  • Ensure availability and use of recommended SOPs, guides and tools by both regional teams, CSOs and CCW/CHW.
  • Provide ongoing technical and managerial capacity to regional teams, CSOs and CCW/CHW in implementation of case management approach.
  • Ensure linkage between case management and protection committees at all levels of implementation in targeted communities.
  • Develop/Update referral inventory for use by CCW/CHW at community level and share with them through regional teams and CSOs.
  • Identify case management gaps and develop capacity building plan targeting key implementers such as project regional teams, CSOs and CCW.
  • Ensure effective and realistic coordination and collaboration is established and functional with other partners implementing case management.
  • Develop coaching and mentorship plan to strengthen the capacity of implementers in identifying, enrolling, assessing, developing and monitoring care plans, referring and linking to service providers and graduating beneficiaries as well as child wellbeing.
  • Support regional teams, CSOs and CCW/CHW on effective approaches for identifying appropriate child protection interventions for specific households, depending on the needs and resources available.
  • In collaboration with Assistant HIV Manage ensure availability of PreP in accordance with government guidance.
  • In collaboration with Regional teams and CSOs ensure pre and in-service training for CCW/CHW, and tracking CCW/CHW monthly meetings progress.
  • Oversee training provided to ensure quality and standards and where necessary participate as a facilitator.
  • Provide guidance and monitor monthly progress towards OVC_SERV through ensuring that the same families are provide with services each quarter.
  • Review, analyze and use data for project Monitoring and Evaluation to identify issues and develop solutions to improve service delivery and implementation.
  • Develop/compile activity, monthly, progress, quarterly, biannual and annual reports and share with Technical & QI Manager and Results Management Office Manager for further review and inputs.
  • In collaboration with other managers organize and conduct supportive supervision to regional, CSOs and CCHW/CHW to monitor project implementation progress, provide mentorship and coaching and ensure quality delivery of services as per national standards and donor requirements.
  • Ensure proper documentation of Case files both at CSOs and Government ward level offices.
  • Write/support technical staff at regional level document success stories for sharing with other staff, government, other partners and donor.
  • Participate in development of annual work plan and budget and on the same at CSOs level.
  • Represent Deloitte Kizazi Hodari – Southern Zone at case management and Child Protection Technical Working Groups, as well as PORALG, MOHCDGEC and implementing partners meetings and high-level site visits.
  • Participate in the promotion of National Integrated Case Management Systems and the National plan of action to End Violence Against Women and Children.
  • Develop responses to ad hoc donor requests

Read Also:


  • Degree in Medicine, or Public Health or related field.
  • A minimum of 5+ years relevant working experience with 3 years at managerial level
  • Experience with PEPFAR 3.0 funded projects in Tanzania
  • Understanding of evidence-based HIV case management and child protection
  • Technical expertise in OVC care and support, violence prevention and response, early childhood and adolescent development and education
  • Demonstrated ability to develop guides, tools to ensure quality trainings.
  • Experience with continuous quality improvement plan
  • Technical understanding of PEPFAR 3.0 and USAID indicators and managing for performance
  • Proficiency in Excel, Word and other MS Office software; data analysis software
  • Excellent stakeholder engagement skills
  • Excellent verbal communication skills

POSITION:Admin Manager based in Dar es Salaam.

Job Purpose:

Ensure that daily office duties for Kizazi Hodari – Southern Zone project are performed in a seamless and efficient manner. Support the COP to ensure that human resource activities are handled effectively, and purchase of office goods and utilities is done in time and per budget.


  • Maintains administrative staff by recruiting, selecting, orienting, and training employees.
  • Supervises clerical and administrative personnel by communicating job expectations, appraising job results, and disciplining employees.
  • Sets policies and procedures for training, coaching, counseling, and career development for staff.
  • Initiates and coordinates goals, deadlines, and projects for their department.
  • Develops and implements policies and procedures to improve operations and function of the department.
  • Monitors and procures needed supplies for office, reception, mailroom, and kitchen.
  • Ensures a safe, secure, and well-maintained facility that meets environmental, health, and security standards.
  • Manages the maintenance and repair of machinery, equipment, and electrical and mechanical systems.
  • Negotiate and undertake the purchase of office supplies and equipment according to approved ensuring provision of adequate supplies at optimal cost.
  • Ensure that the project’s office building, and the contents thereof, are maintained according to an agreed maintenance schedule and any necessary repairs are undertaken promptly and, in a cost, effective manner.
  • Ensure the security of the project’s space, property and equipment at all times, and also to maintain a high degree of cleanliness and tidiness.
  • Jointly with the COP, to ascertain that at all times the Administration department has the right number and calibre of staff in order to ensure effective delivery of services
  • To set up and supervise activities of support services staff, including tea lady, and to train and motivate them so that they can effectively carry out their responsibilities.


  • Bachelor’s degree in business administration, public administration, management, or a related field.
  • 5 years’ experience in a related field, such as management or financial reporting, preferred.
  • Exceptional leadership and time, task, and resource management skills.
  • Strong problem solving, critical thinking, coaching, interpersonal, and verbal and written communication skills.
  • Proficiency with computers, especially MS Office.
  • Ability to plan for and keep track of multiple projects and deadlines.
  • Familiarity with budget planning and enforcement, human resources, and customer service procedures.
  • Willingness to continue building skills through educational opportunities.

Read Also:

If you believe you are the right can

POSITION:Gender and Youth Coordinator based in Dar es Salaam.

Job Purpose

Serve as the project-wide gender focal person, ensuring gender is integrated into all project activities, and as the youth focal person, ensuring quality and cohesiveness of all the project’s youth-focused interventions around health, particularly HIV prevention. Serve also as a technical advisor responsible for cross-cutting gender issues across the project.

Key Responsibilities

  • Conduct a project-wide gender analysis to determine the state of gender inclusivity within the programme interventions and develop an implementation plan to strengthen diversified packages of services for men, women, boys, and girls.
  • Develop and facilitate the implementation of a strategy to use evidence-based approaches to strengthen gender-sensitivity and gender inclusion in all project activities.
  • Revise SOPs and project materials to incorporate specific actions to improve gender-sensitivity.
  • Facilitate activities to help project and CSO staff improve their own gender attitudes and beliefs and raise awareness about gender dynamics and gender-based violence and develop skills for integrating gender considerations into project activities.
  • Lead the design of a gender-based violence prevention toolkit, to be adapted from evidence-based approaches, for use by VSLG groups and other project platforms to facilitate community dialogues on perceptions of violence and harmful practices against women and children.
  • Develop and lead the implementation of initiatives to strengthen women’s and girls’ leadership opportunities across the project.
  • Provide technical support to other Technical Advisors to help them ensure the quality of project gender-based violence interventions, including male mobilization activities

Monitor and promote integration of various youth approaches across the project.

  • Collaborate and coordinate with the Youth Empowerment Advisor (Restless Development) to develop a programme youth strategy to guide the project in ensuring that all targeted youth can access and are benefitting from the continuum of OVC/AGYW services.
  • Lead the implementation and technical quality for the project’s activities including sexual and reproductive health and education subsidies for in-school OVC girls, scholarships to vocational training and start-up kits for out of school OVC girls, and parenting interventions for caregivers of adolescents.
  • Collaborate with DREAMS partners, government, and other stakeholders to ensure coordination and attend national level DREAMS related meetings, workshops, etc.


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine, Sociology, Gender studies or Public Health.
  • Strong technical knowledge of national and international gender guidelines and policies.
  • Strong technical knowledge of national and international youth programming guidelines and policies.
  • At least three years’ experience in an HIV-focused field position that included gender and youth; PEPFAR experience preferred.
  • Demonstrate ability to adapt policies, frameworks, and program analyses into actionable steps for implementation at community level which are appropriate for the OVC adolescents and caregivers.
  • Experience with provision of field-based mentorship and use of diverse capacity-building approaches that influence behavior change.
  • Experience with creating strong working relationships with diverse stakeholders including local government, CSOs and community members.
  • Demonstrate experience with using M&E data for program monitoring and decision-making, and familiarity with PEPFAR indicators and reporting requirements.
  • Experience with PEPFAR 3.0 funded projects in Tanzania
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in Kiswahili and English, including report writing
  • Creative thinker and energetic team player

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POSITION:HR and Admin Officer based in Dar es Salaam.

Job Purpose

Responsible for providing human resource and administrative support to the program management and staff and ensure day to day administration activities of the project are well coordinated

Key Responsibilities

  • Provide support in recruitment from advertising, shortlisting to selecting suitable candidates.
  • Assist in on boarding new staff including coordination of a ‘buddy’ to assist them to adopt to the program culture and working environment.
  • Support the coordination of trainings for all program staff.
  • Provide administrative support to meet the needs of staff by preparing relevant correspondence such as formal letters to banks, police etc.
  • Ensure staff documents are stored in their personnel files, the information is updated in the system, and confidentiality is maintained.
  • Ensure staff are on track with performance management including goal and other performance management processes through sending reminders and follow up emails.
  • Prepare monthly reports on human resource (HR) functions including leave, performance management and staff statistics.
  • Organize and coordinate wellness sessions for staff every quarter.
  • Ensure requisition requests for procurement of items needed for program operations are initiated.
  • Ensure staff, at the headquarters and the regions, are provided with proper working tools and resources including phones, computers/ laptops, printers and adequately equipped offices.
  • Ensure staff are provided with airtime and internet data on a monthly basis.
  • Work with the Transport and Fleet Management Officer to coordinate the logistics of the program staff.
  • Work with the Transport and Fleet Management Officer to ensure all vehicles are insured, have the statutory documents and are serviced in a timely manner.
  • Validate advances and retirements for drivers to ensure accuracy.
  • Facilitate vendor payments in a timely manner.
  • Prepare reports on the vehicles’ performance on a quarterly basis.
  • Prepare monthly reports on the fuel consumption and cost analysis and suggest ways to ways to reduce costs.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Human Resource Management, Public Administration, Psychology or related


  • A minimum of two-years relevant working experience
  • Good communication skills, planning and coordination skills
  • Excellent interpersonal skill

POSITION:Financial Accountant based in Dar es Salaam.

Job Purpose

Provide finance support to the program through facilitation of finance matters, review and processing of payments, funds accountability, preparing reports and ensuring financial documents are in place.

Key Responsibilities

  • Ensure monthly bank reconciliations are done timely.
  • Ensure staff and sub grantees payroll payment are processed on time
  • Review bank and mobile transfers before being sent to the Finance Manager for approval
  • Approve payments in the Grants Management System (GMS)
  • Review the sub grantee accountability files and posting in GMS
  • Timely preparation of sub grantee fund requests
  • Prepare liquidation monthly reports and submit within the USAID deadline
  • Prepare quarterly reports and expenditure accrual and submit within the USAID deadline
  • Prepare federal financial reports on a quarterly basis
  • Prepare fund accountability statements and facilitate internal and external audits on an annual basis
  • Provide support in reviewing staff timesheets


  • Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, Finance or related field
  • Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) holder
  • A minimum of three years working experience
  • Good knowledge of USAID financial rules and regulations
  • Proficiency in using accounting package

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POSITION:IT Associate based in Dar es Salaam.

Job Purpose

Provide IT technical support to the Program staff at Headquarters and the regions as well as the sub grantees, which includes technical support, security compliance, patch management and asset management and disposal.

Key Responsibilities

  • Assist with the setup and installation of new laptops/ PC’s for users and test configurations prior to installation.
  • Log tickets in the Service desk system for calls, requests, enquiries and incidents; allocate to the responsible personnel; and ensure that all issues are resolved and all tickets are closed.
  • Provide technical support to all program staff and troubleshoot both software and hardware issues by performing root cause analysis.
  • Monitor the availability and quality of the network connection at Headquarters and the regions on a daily basis.
  • Provide technical support on application software used by the program.
  • Provide secondary support in scheduling, monitoring and logging server backups on a daily basis.
  • Ensure compliance to all Deloitte IT policy standards such as patch management and IT security protocols.
  • Provide Internet Protocol (IP) network support and troubleshoot network issues.
  • Carry out assessments on the IT asset quality, provide maintenance and recommendations on replacements for the program.
  • Assist with the installation, configuration and updating of hardware and software such as memory, network cards, adapter cards and printers.
  • Provide support in the management and disposal of IT assets for the Program and prepare the relevant documentation.
  • Train Program staff on IT matters as required.
  • Provide secondary support for the Analytics system.
  • Prepare reports on specific projects undertaken.
  • Develop technology solutions upon request for the Program.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Computer Science or

related field

  • A minimum of one year’s relevant working experience
  • Good verbal communication skills
  • Good analytical skills

POSITION:Health Informatics Officer based in Dar es Salaam.

Job Purpose.

The Health Informatics Officer will develop, manage and maintain all data management systems including GIS mapping. She/he will take part in doing requirements analysis for the systems to be developed/adapted internally and/or externally. Build the capacity of the regional staff in data visualization, interpretation and promoting the culture of data use for decision making and facilitate staff training on the use of the developed data systems for data collection and data management. She/he will also participate in technical documentation activities, data reviews meetings and report preparations process.

Key responsibilities

  • Facilitate regional and sub grantees training on the use of data management systems
  • Provide technical support related to the use of data management systems at regional and sub grantees level.
  • Provide technical support related to the use of electronic devices for data collection at the regional and sub grantees level.
  • Participate in orientations to the use of data management systems user manuals and standard operating procedures (SOPs)
  • Develop and maintenance of the project’s data systems
  • Generate data reports from the data management systems to provide to the program staff with outputs on time for daily, monthly, quarterly, annual, and ad hoc reports
  • Develop/adapt data systems and data documentation including Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), data dictionaries and APIs.
  • Work with M&E team to coordinate and streamline information systems, mapping and project mHealth initiatives.
  • Develop forms in DHIS2, run data quality checks and data downloads for required reports and data requests.
  • Program tools on CommCare and review them occasionally as needed to ensure efficient data capture
  • Provide necessary support to regional offices on data management and reporting systems
  • Ensure M&E Unit is meeting the data management needs of the program.
  • Provide necessary support to regional offices on data management and reporting systems

Read Also:


  • Bachelor’s degree in health informatics, statistics or any other related field
  • 3 years’ work experience supporting data management systems
  • Experience in national level work on health informatics (work with the MOHSW will be an added advantage)
  • Experience of working with DHIS2
  • Experience of working with electronic data management tools
  • Ability to develop data collections tool on mobile devices.
  • Knowledge of different database software
  • Excellent writing, English and Kiswahili skills
  • Experience with PEPFAR 3.0 funded projects in Tanzania
  • Experience in training / workshop facilitation particularly for electronic data collection skills
  • Computer programming skills with basic understanding of CSS, HTML and SQL

POSITION:Senior Grants Officer based in Dar es Salaam.

Job Purpose:

Coordinate the grants making process for the sub-grantees. Facilitate the fund disbursement as per the approved budget, monitor the implementation of sub grantee activities and build the capacity of the sub grantees to ensure effective management of funds and timely reporting.

Key Responsibilities

  • Coordinate and supervise the work of the Grants and Finance Officers.
  • Prepare the monthly and quarterly work plans.
  • Coordinate the grants making process from solicitation to contracting which includes review/ preparation of their proposals and budgets.
  • Request funds on behalf of the sub grantees based on the work plans for their day-to-day activities.
  • Review accountabilities monthly after funds disbursement and retirement by the sub grantee and check that activities were carried out as per the approved budget.
  • Prepare payroll on behalf of the sub grantees and process statutory payments in a timely manner.
  • Collect and review bank reconciliations from the sub grantees.
  • Process mobile payments for sub grantees for various program activities.
  • Prepare budgets for trainings, meetings, and coordinate venues for training.
  • Process vendor payments by preparing payment sheets.
  • Ensure all trackers are completed and submitted within agreed deadlines (Advance vs. Accountability Tracker, Statutory Deductions Tracker, Volunteers Allowance Tracker, Bank Reconciliation Tracker, Daily Mobile Payments Tracker/Register, etc.).
  • Build the capacity of the sub grantees on the application of the USAID financial rules and regulations for the implementation of program activities.
  • Ensure the Sub grantees Fixed Asset Register is up to date and verifications are done annually.
  • Ensure smooth and proper management of the audit process from initiation, field visits, responding to issues and exit (sign off) meetings at all levels.
  • Prepare weekly reports for the grants team weekly update sessions on sub grantees.
  • Prepare an expenditure analysis report monthly.
  • Conduct supportive supervision visits for assigned sub grantees (portfolio) on a quarterly basis.
  • Prepare quarterly grants and finance reports on the sub grantees’ performance and submit to the Grants Manager.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, Finance, Business Administration, or related field
  • A minimum of 5 years relevant working experience
  • Good knowledge of USAID rules and regulations
  • Good knowledge of grants management

Read Also:

POSITION:Grants Officer based in Dar es Salaam.

Job Purpose

Coordinate the grants making process for the sub grantees. Facilitate the fund disbursement as per the approved budget, monitor the implementation of sub grantee activities and build the capacity of the sub grantees to ensure effective management of funds and timely reporting.

Key Responsibilities

  • Coordinate the grant making process from solicitation to contracting including the review of sub grantee proposals and budgets.
  • Review fund requests from sub grantees and make sure that they are within the agreed budget and aligned to the policies.
  • Request funds on behalf of the sub grantees for their day-to-day activities.
  • Review accountabilities after funds disbursement and retirement by the sub grantee and check that activities were carried out as per the approved budget.
  • Prepare the payroll for sub grantees and review statutory deductions making sure all are submitted in a timely manner.
  • Collect and review bank reconciliation from the sub grantees.
  • Prepare, allocate and post payments for sub grantees into the system.
  • Prepare budgets for trainings and meetings and arrange venues for program activities.
  • Collect and review documents for vendors and submit to the headquarters for further processing.
  • Ensure all trackers are completed and submitted within agreed deadlines (Advance vs. Accountability Tracker, Statutory Deductions Tracker, Volunteers Allowance Tracker, Bank Reconciliation Tracker, Daily Mobile Payments Tracker/Register, etc.).
  • Ensure the Sub grantees Fixed Asset Register is up to date and verifications are done annually.
  • Ensure smooth and proper management of the audit process from initiation, field visits, responding to issues and exit (sign off) meetings at all levels.
  • Build the capacity of sub grantees on USAID financial rules and regulations.
  • Provide inputs for the weekly update sessions on sub grantees.
  • Prepare management reports on sub grantees performance and disbursement status monthly.
  • Conduct supportive supervision for assigned sub grantees (portfolio) on a quarterly basis.
  • Prepare quarterly grants and finance reports on sub grantees’ performance and submit to the Grants Manager.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, Finance, Accounting and Finance, Economics or related field
  • 3 years’ experience in Grants Management duties
  • Good analytical skills

Proficiency in using computers

POSITION:HIV Prevention Coordinator based in Dar es Salaam.

Job Purpose:

The HIV Prevention Coordinator will be responsible to manage interventions aiming to increase access to HIV prevention, violence prevention and response services for OVC and youth. She/he will specifically lead the team in the scale up of evidence-based interventions for prevention of HIV and sexual violence, ensure improved VAC and GBV reporting and responses and increased education access, retention and progression among AGYW through implementation of DREAMS.

Key Responsibilities:

  • In collaboration with the partners participate in the development/review/ adaptation of evidence based preventive program curricula recommended for implementation of preventive program package of services.
  • Work with partner to review evidence-based HIV prevention interventions through ensuring standards and adherence to International and National standards.
  • Review/Update developed SOPs to guide the implementation of prevention activities among the regional teams, sub grantees and other partners.
  • Through training, coaching and mentorship strengthen the capacity of regional team, CSOs, CCW/CHW and other partners to implement recommended prevention activities in their targeted councils.
  • Ensure meaningful engagement of government authority structures at different levels such as

RHMT, CHMT, WDC, Village Government, sub grantees, religious leaders Sub grantees and CCW/CHW to expand the reach of prevention intervention to transform harmful gender norms and unhealthy behaviors.

  • Collaborate with other USG partners such as USAID Tulonge Afya and C3HP Southern on social and behavior Change Communications (SBCC campaign targeting youth.
  • Work with partners advisors to implement DREAMS intervention in Mufindi District Council to increase access and retention among AGYW.
  • Work with other DREAMS partner to compliment efforts including reducing duplications.
  • Work with GoT structures at different levels to strengthen the capacity of NPA-WAC Protection Committees to be functional, improve referral system, reporting and response and One Stop Centre in Iringa.
  • Provide ongoing mentorship to regional teams, CSOs and CCW/CHW for effectively implementation of prevention Interventions.
  • Ensure established of functional bidirectional referrals system between preventive and comprehensive services.
  • Lead development of annual work plan and budget specifically on proposed prevention interventions at country office and sub grantee level.
  • In collaboration with other managers organize and conduct supportive supervision to monitor project implementation progress.
  • Write/Review reports including QI (Monthly, Quarterly, semiannual and annual) and submit to Technical &QI Manage and Results Management Office Manager for review and inputs.
  • Write/review success stories.
  • Represent the project in relevant meetings and visits with stakeholders, including partners, donors and government as needed.
  • Present quarterly progress to USAID and participate in various meetings with donors and other donor funded implementing partners.
  • Develop responses to ad hoc donor requests.


  • Master’s degree in a Social Science, (Public Health or Community Development) or related field
  • Minimum of 5 years relevant working experience in working with vulnerable young people in prevention interventions.
  • Excellent training and mentorship skills in working with adult learners.
  • Experience with creating strong working relationships with external stakeholders at national, regional, council, and community level to implement programs.
  • Experience with PEPFAR 3.0 funded projects in Tanzania.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in Kiswahili and English, including report writing and presentation skills.

Read Also:

POSITION:Result Management Officer Manager based in Dar Es Salaam.

Job Purpose

The Result Management office Manager will oversee the successful implementation of Kizazi Hodari – Southern Zone– Southern Zone, demonstrate tangible results according to cooperative agreement with

USAID and ensure that program activities are linked to the project’s objectives and adhere to the International and national standards   and results are tracked. Ensure implementation is coordinated in an integrated way to improve program service delivery.

Key Responsibilities

  • Coordinate thematic area advisors and assistant managers to achieve the program objectives
  • Monitor project timelines as indicated in cooperative agreement, work plan and other contractual documents.
  • Take lead of the annual project budget development process and ensure budgets are adequately monitored through periodic checks.
  • Monitor and track implementation of the scope of work as outlined in contractual agreements as well as annual work plan and keep track of different modifications.
  • Develop, use and monitor the Risk, Action, Issues and Decision (RAID) Log for the program
  • Support the Deputy Chief of Party to ensure the project comply with Deloitte Quality and Risk Management guidelines and client requirements.
  • Support Technical and QI Manager on development and monitoring of quality Improvement plans and ensure alignment to PEPFARs Site Improvement Monitoring System.
  • Work in collaboration with Technical &QI Manager to train other technical staff on quality improvement approaches.
  • Coordinate project stakeholder’s engagement in the delivery of the project mandate and scope of work
  • Coordinate and manage team dynamics for smooth project execution.
  • Track deadlines, deliverables, resources and timelines to provide status updates and identify resolved issues.
  • Support the Deputy Chief of Party to monitor and track actual work performed compared to planned work by conducting monthly reviews to ensure all tasks are on track.
  • Lead the process to develop program templates, forms and report formats
  • Establish and maintain program templates, reports, contracts and other documentation (technical and management) to support the team.
  • With guidance from the DCOP coordinate the annual work plan and budget development process, work with program teams to ensure program activities as outlined in the annual work plan are implemented as scheduled, deliverables documented and readily available for internal teams and senior management.
  • In collaboration with Technical & QI Manager and Regional teams support local CSOs to develop annual work plans and budget.
  • Support DCOP to organize project regular meetings such as Monthly technical meeting and Quarterly review meetings.
  • Serve as the secretariat during regular meetings
  • Write/Review reports including QI (Monthly, Quarterly, semiannual and annual). This to include compiling, cleaning and copy-editing report from Technical & QI Manager, Assistant Managers and Assistant regional managers and submit to DCOP for further review and inputs
  • Write/review success stories
  • Represent the project in relevant meetings and visits with stakeholders, including partners, donors and government as needed.
  • Present quarterly progress to USAID and participate in various meetings with donors and other donor funded implementing partners.
  • Develop responses to ad hoc donor requests.
  • Ensure timely submission of deliverables from the team through close monitoring and tracking
  • With guidance from the DCOP communicate with program team on any new developments in a program status.


  • Masters’ degree in Public Health, Project Management, Business Administration or related field
  • Project Management Professional (PMP) certification
  • A minimum of 7 year’s relevant working experience with 5years at managerial level Excellent project management skills
  • Excellent stakeholder management skills
  • Excellent communication skills (writing, presenting, listening).

Read Also:

POSITION:Communication Manager based in Dar es Salaam.

Job Purpose:

Implement the OVC program communications strategy by generating a wide variety of communication tools and processes and engaging a variety of stakeholders. Produce content for different audiences and communication channels as well as building relationships with internal and external stakeholders. Interacts and communicates across the OVC Kizazi Hodari team to gather knowledge acquired during program implementation to enhance the innovations within the team for better program delivery.

Key Responsibilities

  • Develop a communication protocol and strategy for all communications within the program and externally with the government, partners, and donors.
  • Oversee the implementation of the program branding strategy and marking plan.
  • Ensure that the program maintains high visibility in the media regionally, nationally, and internationally.
  • Design and maintain updated program website and social media platforms in collaboration with Deloitte and USAID Communication Teams, this will enhance program visibility as well as USAID work.
  • Ensure that all program branding and communication policies are well-documented and accessible to staff monthly.
  • Ensure that all publications and videos are of high quality and are disseminated appropriately on a weekly basis.
  • Work with the other program team to document innovations and knowledge acquired by the program during implementation and use it as part of learning platform for further improved service delivery.
  • Maintain a database of best practices by the program and ensure that they are clearly seen by the audience especially USAID using the various platforms including program websites and social media.
  • Support implementation of program governance activities with respect to communications at both headquarters and the region.
  • Develop creative and innovative branded program materials.
  • Support the implementation of events to ensure they run seamlessly and achieve the agreed upon end objectives.
  • Monitor perception and visibility of the program on a bi-annual basis.


  • Master’s degree in Communications, Media Studies, Public Relations, Journalism, or related field
  • A minimum of 5 years relevant working experience
  • Good stakeholder engagement skills
  • Excellent creative writing skills
  • Excellent communication skills (writing, presenting, listening)

POSITION:Monitoring Evaluation and Learning Manager (MEL Manager) based in Dar es Salaam.

Job Purpose

Work with Kizazi Hodari leadership team to provide technical support in results-based planning and budgeting, program monitoring and evaluation. Ensure that the MEL system is cost effective, resultsoriented and provides USAID and the program with the necessary information to assess the progress, effectiveness and outcome of activities.

Key Responsibilities

  • Lead and provide technical support in adaptation and implementation of programs monitoring, evaluation and learning framework including understanding and integrating set performance indicators.
  • Oversee data quality assurance activities across all supported areas by identifying key challenges, proposing, and overseeing strategies to address them.
  • Provide program summaries and work with field data teams to build capacity to provide summaries of the performance indicators each quarter.
  • Work with MEL officers to develop and present quarterly, semi-annual and annual program performance reports to program team and R/CHMTS during program review meetings.
  • Work in collaboration with PEPFAR and MoH to provide needed technical assistance in strengthening the national HIV/TB M&E system.
  • Coordinate reporting activities during reporting period.
  • Facilitate utilization of reports at community, facility and district level for program planning, management and evaluation.
  • Ensure ProDMIS is updated monthly and the availability and use of other data management systems (DHIS2, CTC2 Database and TrainSmart).
  • Ensure proper documentation of success stories and support abstract preparation for program staff on a quarterly basis.
  • Build the capacity of R/CHMTs, site manager and health workers to use program reports for decisions making more in annual financial planning and in quality improvement activities.
  • Provide training to the strategic information team and partners on M&E tools, data analysis, data management and reporting to enable better collection, monitoring and use of data for the program.
  • Support implementation of mHealth initiatives for the program (SMS Reminders, Unified Referral Case Management system and Viral Load Tracking System).
  • Work within the budget and proactively drive cost effective interventions across the regions.
  • Provide technical support to Kizazi Hodari project learning activities to contribute to an increased evidence base for OVC services.
  • Work in collaboration with M&E and technical staff to design, implementation of program learning activities.
  • Ensure the lessons learned are integrated into projects implementation to continuously improve quality of interventions and outcomes.
  • Participate in the design and conduct operations research as needed.

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  • Master’s degree in Public Health, Statistics, Economics, Sociology, Computer Science, Monitoring and Evaluation, Demography, Health Informatics or related field
  • A minimum of seven years with at least five years’ experience in monitoring and evaluation  related  to  health  programs
  • Demonstrated experience with data management, designing M&E systems and relevant working experience with three years at supervisor level
  • Experience in Orphans and Vulnerable Children projects
  • Advanced skills in use of MS Office tools and applications and statistical analysis tools
  • Strong knowledge in PEPFAR reporting system (DATIM), MER indicators and Tanzania HIV data management systems

If you believe you are the right candidate for the job, submit a cover letter including your current and expected remuneration, detailed CV, copies of your academic certificates and transcripts, and three referees to  For your application to be considered, it

MUST quote the job title, reference number and your preferred region on the email subject line. Submission deadline is 15th April 2022 at 4:30 p.m.

 Hard copy applications will NOT be accepted. This position is on a one-year renewable contract, subject to performance and availability of funding from the donor. The job offer is conditional to successful vetting, including professional reference checks and limited lifestyle audit.

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