Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (TAWIRI) New Jobs

 Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (TAWIRI)
Transfer Jobs 2022 Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (TAWIRI) is a parastatal organization under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism responsible for conducting and coordinating wildlife research in the United Republic of Tanzania. TAWIRI Head Office is located at Njiro Hill, Arusha.

The Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (TAWIRI) was established by Act of Parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania No. 4 of 1980, under the name “Serengeti Wildlife Research Institute” (SWRI), with the overall responsibility of carrying out, coordinating and supervising all wildlife research in the country.


The Act of Parliament No.10, to give its broader meaning and mandate on wildlife research throughout the country, changed the original name of the Institute from SWRI to TAWIRI in 1999. 

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VISION It is the vision of TAWIRI to attain high level of excellence in advising and providing scientific information on wildlife conservation and management. MISSION The mission of TAWIRI is to facilitate an effective provision of wildlife research findings and acquisition of sufficient wildlife information in collaboration with all stakeholders.

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