Rungwe is a District in Mbeya Region, Tanzania. It is bordered to the north by Mbeya Rural District, to the east by Iringa Region, to the southeast by Kyela District, to the southwest by Ileje District and to the west by Mbeya District.
Various Job Opportunities at Rungwe DC 2022
Background information
Rungwe District is one of the eight District Council which form Mbeya Region.
Council Vision
To be a highly competent and autonomous Local Government Authority which prepares and enables the community to act and achieve sustainable development.
Council Mission
Rungwe District Council is committed to improve the people standard of living through all stakeholder collaboration in utilizing available resources and other opportunities for development and deliver quality social and economic services.
Geographical Location
Rungwe District lies between Latitudes 80 30’ East at 9030’ South of the Equator and Longitudes 330and 340 East of Green wich Meridian. The District shares borders with Kyela District in the South, Ileje District in the West, Makete District in the East and Mbeya District in the North. The District headquarters is situated at Tukuyu which is about 72 km from Mbeya District along Uyole Ibanda Highway which passes Kyela District on root to Malawi.
Land Area
The District covers a total of 2,221Sq km of which 1,668.259 Sq’ km or 75 percent of total area is land. The remaining land is covered by 44.5Sq km of forest and 498.3Sq km is mountainous and residential area. The District covers 3.5 percent of the total Regional land area.
The climate condition of the District is a function of altitude. The District is mountainous with Rungwe Mountain and Livingstone ranges rising from an altitude of 770 meters to 2265 meters above the sea level. Rainfall average ranges from 900 mm in the low land areas to 2700mm on the highland. Temperature are generally modest and range from 180C – 250C Throughout the year.
Administrative structure
The District consist of 4 divisions namely Tukuyu Urban, Ukukwe, Pakati and Busekelo. There are 37 Wards and 162 registered villages. The village are further sub-divided into 742 sub-villages, popularly known as hamlets.
Population size and density
On the basis of the year 2002 population census, Rungwe District Council had 306,380 people out of which 161,344 equivalent to 53% were females and 145,036 equivalent to 47% were males. At growth rate of 1.9 percent per annum the District is projected to have 378,332 people by 2010.r
The district’s population density is 171 per sqm
Stakeholder analysis attempts to understand perceptions, expectations, and priorities of all those who have an interest either direct or indirect in an institution.
However, in order to identify key issues for Rungwe District, the Council undertook stake holder analysis exercise and its results are expressed as indicated in table 2.
District residents, businessmen, Traders, Council staff, Political leaders (Councilors, village Chairpersons etc) Donors, Financiers, Central Government/Regional Secretariat Public Institutions and Other service providers, Religions OrganizationGENERAL CONDITIONS
ii How to apply for Jobs using Tanzania Job websites/Blogs
iii New Tips to Win Government Interviews at Ajira Portal | UTUMISHI | PSRS
iv Sample of Application Letter and Detailed CV | MFANO WA BARUA NA MAELEZO BINAFSI
v How To Open Job Application Account at Ajiraportal | UTUMISHI | PSRS For Daily
vi UTUMISHI/PSRS: Instructions on How to Create Cv and Application Letter
vii General Conditions To Apply Jobs At Ajira Portal | Public Service Recruitment Secretariat
applicants must be Citizens of Tanzania with an age not above 45 years
of age except for those who are in Public Service and where specified;
must attach an up–to–date Curriculum Vitae (CV) having reliable
contacts; postal address/post code, e–mail and telephone numbers;
iii.Applicants should apply on the strength of the information given in this advertisement;
must attach their certified copies of the following
Diploma/Diploma transcripts;Form IV and Form VI National Examination
Certificates;Professional Registration and Training Certificates from
respective Registration or Regulatory Bodies, (where applicable);Birth
v.Attaching copies of the following certificates is
strictly not accepted:–Form IV and form VI results slips;Testimonials
and all Partial transcripts.
Read Also:
vii.An applicant employed in the Public Service should route his application letter through his respective employer;
viii.An applicant who is retired from the Public Service for whatever reason should not apply;
ix.An applicant should indicate three reputable referees with their reliable contacts
x.Certificates from foreign examination bodies for Ordinary or Advanced level education should be verified by The National Examination Council of Tanzania(NECTA).
xi.Professional certificates from foreign Universities and other training institutions should be verified by The Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) and National Council for Technical Education(NACTE)respectively.
ii How to apply for Jobs using Tanzania Job websites/Blogs
iii New Tips to Win Government Interviews at Ajira Portal | UTUMISHI | PSRS
iv Sample of Application Letter and Detailed CV | MFANO WA BARUA NA MAELEZO BINAFSI
v How To Open Job Application Account at Ajiraportal | UTUMISHI | PSRS For Daily
vi UTUMISHI/PSRS: Instructions on How to Create Cv and Application Letter
vii General Conditions To Apply Jobs At Ajira Portal | Public Service Recruitment Secretariat
xii.An applicant with special needs/case (disability) is supposed/advised to indicate;
xiii.A signed application letter should be written either in Swahili or English.