Dar-es-Salaam is popularly known as the “HARBOUR (HAEVEN) of PEACE”, the name being originated from the Arabic word “Bandar-ul-Salaam” which means in Swahili “Bandari ya Salama”. Dar-es-Salaam was declared a Township in 1920 and in 1949 it was upgraded to a Municipality under the first appointed British Mayor Mr. Percy Everett. When Tanganyika became independent in 1961, Dar-es-Salaam Municipality was elevated to a City status and continued to be the Headquarters of the then Independent Tanganyika and later the United Republic of Tanzania. Dar-es Salaam remained a Capital City till 1970s when the Government announced the shift of Capital City to Dodoma and Dar-es-Salaam remaining a commercial City.
The City of Dar es Salaam is located between Latitudes 6.36 degrees and 7.0 degrees to the South of Equator and Longitudes 39.0 and 33.33 to the East of Greenwich. It is bounded by the Indian Ocean on the East and by the Coast Region on the other sides. The City experiences a modified type of equatorial climate. It is normally hot and humid throughout the year with an average temperature of 29ºC. The hottest season is from October to March during which temperatures may be up to 35ºC. It is relatively cool between May and August with temperature around 25ºC. There are two main rain seasons; a short rain season from October to December and a long rain season between March and May. The average rainfall is 1000mm (lowest 800mm and highest 1300 mm). The City is divided into three ecological zones, namely the upland zone, the middle plateau, and the low lands. The main natural vegetation includes coastal shrubs, Miombo woodland, coastal swamps and mangrove trees.
250 Jobs at Dar Es Salaam City/ILALA 2022
ii How to apply for Jobs using Tanzania Job websites/Blogs
iii New Tips to Win Government Interviews at Ajira Portal | UTUMISHI | PSRS
iv Sample of Application Letter and Detailed CV | MFANO WA BARUA NA MAELEZO BINAFSI
v How To Open Job Application Account at Ajiraportal | UTUMISHI | PSRS For Daily
vi UTUMISHI/PSRS: Instructions on How to Create Cv and Application Letter
vii General Conditions To Apply Jobs At Ajira Portal | Public Service Recruitment Secretariat
ii.Applicants must attach an up–to–date Curriculum Vitae (CV) having reliable contacts; postal address/post code, e–mail and telephone numbers;
iii.Applicants should apply on the strength of the information given in this advertisement;
iv.Applicants must attach their certified copies of the following certificates:–Postgraduate/Degree/Advanced Diploma/Diploma/Certificates;Postgraduate/Degree/Advanced Diploma/Diploma transcripts;Form IV and Form VI National Examination Certificates;Professional Registration and Training Certificates from respective Registration or Regulatory Bodies, (where applicable);Birth certificate;
v.Attaching copies of the following certificates is strictly not accepted:–Form IV and form VI results slips;Testimonials and all Partial transcripts.
Read Also:
vii.An applicant employed in the Public Service should route his application letter through his respective employer;
viii.An applicant who is retired from the Public Service for whatever reason should not apply;
ix.An applicant should indicate three reputable referees with their reliable contacts
x.Certificates from foreign examination bodies for Ordinary or Advanced level education should be verified by The National Examination Council of Tanzania(NECTA).
xi.Professional certificates from foreign Universities and other training institutions should be verified by The Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) and National Council for Technical Education(NACTE)respectively.
ii How to apply for Jobs using Tanzania Job websites/Blogs
iii New Tips to Win Government Interviews at Ajira Portal | UTUMISHI | PSRS
iv Sample of Application Letter and Detailed CV | MFANO WA BARUA NA MAELEZO BINAFSI
v How To Open Job Application Account at Ajiraportal | UTUMISHI | PSRS For Daily
vi UTUMISHI/PSRS: Instructions on How to Create Cv and Application Letter
vii General Conditions To Apply Jobs At Ajira Portal | Public Service Recruitment Secretariat
xii.An applicant with special needs/case (disability) is supposed/advised to indicate;
xiii.A signed application letter should be written either in Swahili or English.