Apply 250 Job Opportunities at Fire Service Army Tanzania

Jeshi la Zimamoto Tanzania  Fire services
in mainland Tanzania began during colonial rule immediately after the second world war in 1945, when at that time there was only one unit called the Police Fire Brigade under the control of the Police Force.Job Opportunities Jeshi La Zimamoto Na Uokoaji

In 1950 this service was divided into two categories namely Municipal Fire Management under Municipal Management, and Airport Fire Management under the Department of Labor. Due to the expansion of cities, airports and ports, other Fire Brigade forces were established and one of them was Zimamoto Ports under the supervision of the Ports Authority.

In 1982 the Fire Brigade service was placed under the Ministry of Home Affairs, while the Municipal and Urban Fire Brigade was placed under the Office of the Prime Minister and First Vice President, under the supervision of the Ministry of Regional Government Administration. and Cities.

Job Opportunities Jeshi La Zimamoto Na Uokoaji


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