Consultancy Services
Salary and benefit Survey 2021
Introduction and Background
Partners for Health Services and Research Foundation (PHSRF) are a nongovernmental organization that originated from the demand-driven reasons for saving lives of Tanzanians. Formed out of former key Angaza Zaidi program staff , who lead the countrywide HIV and AIDS prevention and sensitization program under USAID that was implemented since 2001.
PHSRF has accumulated over 15 years of hands-on experience in implementing HIV/AIDS, STI and TB prevention, sensitization and awareness raising projects across the country. PHSRF has also accumulated experience in gender mainstreaming in projects and have worked with Government of Tanzania in developing Gender Based Violence Training package. The PHSRF mission is to improve health and quality of life for every Tanzania by empowering community from within and supporting them to put knowledge into practice PHSRF mission statement provides for clear guidance for all our works. It is the spirit of our brand and thus it puts our priorities in order. It makes our decision-making process easier and more effective by aligning our actions with our goals. It is a practical tool of inspiration that we use each day in making a difference to the communities that we are serving in Tanzania while its vision is Vision Statement Creating a world with vibrant communities who enjoy good health.
The PHSRF salary structure has not been reviewed since its inception in 2016 .For the past four years there has been a considerable changes in general economic conditions – inflation rate, changes in the cost of living and that prompted PHSRF to conduct salary and benefit surveys to collect information about employee compensation that including salary and benefits. The survey results will help the PHSRF management in making decisions on how to remunerates its staff for the coming financial year if funds will be available It is anticipated that well remunerated employees is the key to retention of talents, increases moral as well as productivity.
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- Consultations
- Desk review
- Data collections from comparable organisations
- Key informant interview/Focus groups discussions
- Tailored questioners
- Data Analysis and report writing.
- recommendation
- compile and suggest to PHSRF a list of employers which may be considered as comparators, for the purpose of establishing salary and benefit remuneration
- Identify and reach out to appropriate comparator employers for data collection
- The individual shall collect the following information from each of these Comparators
- Job descriptions of the positions similar to those identified in the HR manual for the purpose of Job matching on the nature, complexities and responsibilities of each position of existing SC levels;
- Collect and analyze the salary structures and associated benefits (including typical allowances and benefits package both monetary and non-monetary) of the selected comparators organizations for existing Service Contracts Job descriptions.
- Summary information on the comparator employer (size, number of employees, length of time present in the location, etc
- The individual shall present a draft analysis report to PHSRF and make recommendations on the proposed salary scale.
- The individual shall prepare a Final Report, incorporating comments from PHSRF
- Inception Report
- Details and Summary of data collected from the Comparators showing the evaluation of their remuneration package;
- The Minimum and Maximum Remuneration values of all job matches obtained from the comparators;
- A report on final survey findings with comparison and analysis of the survey results, recommendations related to remuneration packages.
- A proposal with options for a revised remunerations scale – at the40th, 50th and 60th Percentile levels
- All completed questionnaires together with relevant salary scales and all relevant Documentations and correspondences received from the respective comparators.
The consultant will report to Human Resources officer/Chief Executive officer
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Expected duration of Assignment
The timescale is currently envisaged to be between Februarys –March 2021(10 working days).
It is highly expected from the selected individual to maintain the highest level of confidentiality to the information provided before, during and after the completion of the assignment. He/she shall practice highest standard of professional and ethical values and norms in providing this
Consultancy services
- The successful candidate shall meet the following minimum criteria:
- Minimum of Bachelors Degree in fields related to human resource management, statistics and related fields.
- Proven track record in the area of compensation and benefit analysis, preferably for Local NGO in Tanzania
- Experience in the field of human resource management or Human Resource Capital Past experience in undertaking salary survey for non-profit organizations will be an asset.
- Familiarity with Tanzania labor market issues.
- Ability to render consulting services in the most professional, effective and efficient manner
- Fluent in English and the local language.
- Excellent writing and presentation skills (all required reports shall be written in English).
- Back ground of Legal aspects will be addition advantages
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Consultants interested in this role should provide
- A brief cover letter (no more than two pages) outlining their experiences against and their quote (TZS) to complete the work in
- CV describing relevant experience for this role including examples of previous work in relation to the TOR
Please send your expression of interest by email to:
Titled: “Consultancy for PHSRF Salary and Benefits Review 2021”
Deadline for proposals: 28th February 2021