Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MoHCDEC) Jobs in Tanzania: The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare was a government ministry of Tanzania. Its central offices are located in Dar es Salaam. Its mission “facilitate the provision of basic health services that are good, quality, equitable, accessible, affordable, sustainable and gender sensitive”.Ajira wizara ya afya
Historical Background
The Ministry of Community Development, Gender and Children (MCDGC),
formerly known as Ministry of Community Development, Women Affairs and
Children (MCDWAC), was established in November, 1990 with the
responsibility to facilitate community development in Tanzania. Before
its establishment the Ministry was a department within the Ministry of
Local Government, Community Development, Cooperatives and Marketing.
All correspondence MUST reach the Ministry through Postal Office before 03:30pm on 04thFebruary, 2021 and channelled through the following address:
Permanent Secretary,Ministry of Health,
Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (Health), Government City Mtumba, Health Road,
P.O.Box 743,40478 DODOMA.
The MCDWAC was mandated to contribute at the the development of communities, women and children by setting up four core functional departments, namely Women and Children, Training and Audio Visual, Technical and Self help and HESAWA.
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However, a systematic review of roles, functions and operational structure of the Ministry of Community Development, Women Affairs and Children (MCDWAC) was carried out in 1997 during the Organization and Efficiency (O&E) Review done among all Ministries and Independent Departments under the Government’s Civil Service Reform Programme.
Following that review, the Ministry’s organizational structure was changed into two core functional divisions of Community Development and Women and Children. However, it was soon realized that children development related matters were not being given the prominence they deserved, hence the addition of a new division specific for children development was established in 2002. In the same year the Ministry changed its name into Community Development, Gender and Children.
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