HESLB Allocate Loan To 2,009 New Students | Loan Beneficiaries Batch 4 2020/21| WALIOPATA MKOPO AWAMU YA NNE

Higher Education Students’ Loans Board was established by Act No. 9 of 2004, inaugurated by the Hon. Minister for Higher Education, Science and Technology on the 30th March 2005 and became operational in July 2005. The objective of the Board is to assist, on a loan basis, needy students who secure admission in accredited higher learning institutions, but who have no economic power to pay for the costs of their education.

The Board is also entrusted with the task of collecting due loans from previous loan beneficiaries in order to have a revolving fund in place so as to make the Board sustainable


To provide loans and grants to needy and eligible Tanzanian Students for Higher and Tertiary Education.


To be a reliable and sustainable revolving fund in financing eligible Tanzanian Students for Higher and Tertiary Education.

View more information below

 HESLB Loan Beneficiaries Batch 4 2020/21 


How to check majina waliopata mkopo 2020/2021

When Higher Education Students’ Loans Board (HESLB) release (majina waliopata mkopo 2020/2021) the list of students who have qualified for study loans for the 2020/2021 academic year. HESLB List of Successful Loan Beneficiaries will be available here for download and on the official website of HESLB www.heslb.go.tz.

Also you can see you loan allocation by using your OLAMS account that was used to apply for loan when window opened for the academic year of 2020/2021

NOTE: Names are not yet released but will be available here soon when announced by HESLB on 10th November 2020

What to do if you are not located for loan..?

If you will not be succeed to get loan when names released don’t give up because there is a lot of students in Tanzania Universities study without HESLB loan. Thus have time to participate your parents and other relatives so as they can get prepared to take you University for their own cost.

But there will be HESLB appeal window for those who didn’t not allocated for loan though have all qualifications or criteria. You can take this opportunity to appeal so as you can get allocated for loan

Equity: We value inclusiveness, fairness, transparency and justice that we want to see persist, and because of our main existence, we place a particular focus on reflecting the need of the disadvantaged, low-income communities most impacted by our work.
Delivery: We strive to individualize the client experience, provide high quality services that meet the expectations and requirements of our clients and suppliers. We seeks to add value to our clients’ career through tailored higher education financial support.