Tanzania Livestock Research Institute (TALIRI) is a body corporate, established by Act No. 4 of 2012 that was published in the Government Gazette of 27 July 2012. This Act provides for functions and powers of the Institute in relation to the conduct of livestock research. Since its establishment, the Institute has been re-organizing itself through strengthening administrative and governance infrastructure despite carrying its core functions as stipulated in the Act. TALIRI has, so far, developed its Strategic Plan of 2013/2014 to 2017/2018, TALIRI Organization Structure and TALIRI Scheme of Service.
The Institute has seven research centres that are strategically located in seven agro-ecological zones of Tanzania Mainland. The centres are (in regions in bracket) TALIRI Mpwapwa and Kongwa (Dodoma), TALIRI Mabuki (Mwanza), TALIRI Naliendele (Mtwara), TALIRI Tanga, TALIRI Uyole (Mbeya) and TALIRI West Kilimanjaro (Kilimanjaro).
Functions of Tanzania Livestock Research Institute (TALIRI)
Section five of TALIRI Act stipulates the core functions of the Institute that include to:
- Carry out research in animal breeding, animal health, animal product processing, nutrition, pasture production and proper utilization of rangeland resources;
- Plan, undertake, aid, promote and co-ordinate research and its application in livestock production and allied sciences;
- Set national priorities and harmonize livestock research activities of the public livestock research institutes, civil society organizations, private sectors and farmers organizations;
- Develop mechanism for assessment of progress and updating the livestock research programmes;
- Provide guidelines, guidance and ensure delivery of quality livestock research by livestock research service providers;
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- In collaboration with other relevant agencies, provide policy guidance to local government authorities and other stakeholders on matters relating to livestock research;
- Provide, undertake and promote consultancy services in the fields of research, education, training and dissemination of information in livestock production and allied sciences;
- Keep and maintain a database of information relating to livestock research from researchers, institutions and other stakeholders;
- Plan and evaluate the human resources requirements in livestock research;
- Develop appropriate training programmes and collaborate with other organizations and institutions of higher learning for purposes of attaining high level scientific manpower in livestock production sciences;
- Coordinate formulation of research standards, codes of ethics, conduct and practice, and guidelines for delivery of livestock research services;
- Register potential livestock research service providers in the public and private sectors, and maintain a central register of livestock research and development;
- Keep and maintain gene banks for purposes of characterizing, evaluating and conserving farm animal and forage genetic resources;
- Promote the use of biotechnology and bio-safety measures to improve livestock productio
- Collaborate with national, international and regional institutions and stake holders in carrying out livestock research;
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In order to achieve the Institute core functions, TALIRI has five (5) strategic objectives that have been articulated in the Institutes MTSP of 2013/2014 – 2017/2018. The key strategic objectives are:
A: HIV/AIDS infections reduced and supportive services improved;
B: Effective implementation of National Anti-Corruption Strategy enhanced and sustained;
C: Technology development and dissemination enhanced;
D: Research planning, coordination, communication and networking strengthened;
E: Institutional capacity to deliver services strengthened.