UDSM Second Round Selection 2020/2021


 UDSM Second Round Selection 2020/2021, Majina waliochaguliwa UDSM Second Round Selection 2020/2021. PDF Majina waliochaguliwa UDSM Second Selection 2020, UDSM Second Round Selected Applicants 2020/2021. Are you applied for the second Round Application at University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) after either not Selected or other reasons like rejecting first round selection from unsatisfied choosen programmes or University. Here is right place to see your UDSM second Round Selection 2020/2021 results if you are selected or not.

How UDSM Second Round Selection 2020/2021 Will be Released..?

University Dar es Salaam will release second Round Selection in three form as follows below:-

  • Single Selected Applicants Round 2
  • Multiple Selected Applicants Round 2
  • Not Selected Applicants Round 2

UDSM Second Round Single Selected Applicants

When you talk about single admitted candidates are those Applicants who succeeded to be admit in one University only. They doesn’t required to confirm instead they can cancel or reject their Admission if they are not interested to study Selected courses or programs.

UDOM, MZUMBE, SAUT ( St. Augustine University of Tanzania), NIT (National institute of Transport), KCMC (Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College), MUHAS (Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences), SUA(Sokoine University of Agriculture), SFUCHAS (Saint Francis University College of Health) Selected Applicants 2020/21

But The Second round can be last one for this year 2020/2021 if you will cancel your Admission, must wait for the next academic year of 2021/2022 to apply again.

NOTE: If you have been Selected University or college that you are not interested to study there will be Transfer window that allow students to Transfer from one College to another or one program to another within university. The transfer will work only for those meet conditions

UDSM Multiple Second Round Selected Applicants Round Two

University of Dar es Salaam Multiple Selected Applicants round 2 are those have multiple Admission either Selected in University of Dar es Salaam with multiple programmes or Selected with other universities.

The applicants fall under this category must to confirm which University or programme she or he want to study in particular University.

Remember if you will not confirm your Admission will be invalid because they will cancel you Admission. Therefore you have to think twice before you take decision of confirming.

How to Confirm University of Dar es Salaam Second Round Selection 2020/2021

If you are Applicants selected University of Dar es Salaam following the following below steps to confirm

  1. Visit UDSM online Application System udsm.admission.ac.tz
  2. After open online Application System login in the system by filling login page using your  details during application include the following:-
    • Username
    • Password
  3. After able login in the System see you Selection results status, if Multiple Selected you have to request fro confirmation code that will be sent in your Email or phone number
  4. When you receive confirmation code fill them in the required space then confirm. You will be congratulated and get full admitted to University of Dar es Salaam. This you have to wait for further information to join University for the Academic year of 2020/2021.

Not Selected Applicants.

Other will be not Selected to join University of Dar es from various reasons but mainly are as follows below:-:-

  • Lack of qualifications in some courses. Some people use to apply programs that doesn’t not meet criteria due yo fact that they doesn’t not read carefully requirements from TCU Guidebook for paprticular year.
  • Higher competition in applied programs. Due to the highee applications system automatically Selected students of higher performance in their Examinations results.

How To check UDSM Second Round Selection 2020

When Selection released every applicants has desire to see what a selection results in order to know either Selected or not selected. The following are step by steps to see UDSM Second Round Selection 2020/2021.

  1. Visits official website of University of Dar es Salaam Salaam www.udsm.ac.tz
  2. Search for Announcement of UDSM Second Round Selection 2020/2021 then follow other steps
  3. However you can check you Selection results very easily by login in your Admission account by visiting UDSM online Application System udsm.admission.ac.tz


What next when you have being Selected?

For UDSM Selected Applicants Round Two 2020 have to get UDSM Current join Instruction for the academic year of 2020/2021 that will show you Important things that required to join with their institution. In join Instruction you can see some of useful information as follows below:-

  • College or University Location
  • Medical form
  • Any Hostels Instructions
  • Program fees structure
  • Registration Form
  • And other more information like reporting date

Conclusion UDSM Second Round Selection 2020/2021

Above are useful things to understand for the UDSM second Round Selection 2020/2021 academic year. Also University of  Dar es Salaam (UDSM) expects to release final draft of all students Selected to join with their colleges at Main Campus and other branches like DUCE and MUCE. If you are interested with our article drop your comment and share it with your fellows rather than copy and paste in your blog or website
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