MWECAU | PDF Files - Selected Students at Mwenge Catholic University 2020/21 | MULTIPLE Selections | First and Second Round


 MWECAU Selected Applicants Batch 1 2020/2021. Mwenge Catholic University (MWECAU) grew out of a former Teachers’ College (TC) named St. Josephs Teachers College established in 2001 to train Science Teachers for Secondary schools. In 2005 the TC was elevated to a University College of

Education (MWUCE) affiliated to St Augustine University of Tanzania. In July 2014, MWUCE was, by TCU mandate, granted status of a Fully Fledged University named Mwenge Catholic University and abbreviated MWECAU.

The University is owned by Tanzania Episcopal Conference (TEC). Since its establishment as a teachers’ college, the University has been involved in active academic, research, and community engagement efforts to fulfil its mandate as a distinguished academic institution, as well as responding to the government policy of expanding education facilities and trainings to the private sector in Tanzania.

Mwenge Catholic University (MWECAU) Selection 2020/2021 | Single and Multiple Selection | First and Second Round
CLICK LINKS BELOW TO CHECK FULL LISTS OF SELECTED STUDENTS....Please download PDF files below....MWECAU Selected Applicants Batch 1 and II 2020/2021


NB: Applicants with Multiple admission should confirm via while single selected applicants click here to dounload Joining instructions


Joining Instruction for Selected Applicants at MWECAU for Academic Year 2020-21

Thank You for Choosing Mwenge Catholic University, Congratulations!!!

The following link contains full information that will help you to join Mwenge Catholic University, please read carefully and whoever needs admission letter for sponsorship purpose send your Form four index number, programmes selected and Names to 0758889984, 0755154215 or 0769403437

Click here download Joining Instruction for Certificate and Diploma

Click here to download Joining instruction for Undergraduate programmes

Click here to download Joining Instruction for Postgraduate Programmes

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