Matokeo Ya Kidato Cha sita 2020 Yanatoka Lini, Form Six Results 2020. Matokeo Kidato Cha Sita 2020, ACSEE Results, NECTA Results Form Six 2020 . matokeo form 6 2020, Form Six Results 2020/2021, Check latest updates on NECTA ACSEE Results 2020/2021, Tamisemi Matokeo Kidato cha sita 2020, Form Six Results 2020, Matokeo ya Ualimu 2020 and Matokeo ya mtihani wa kidato cha sita 2020. ACSEE Results from national examinations (NECTA), ACSEE Results 2020/2021, Tanzania. Get all the latest updated details regarding the NECTA ACSEE Results 2020/2021. We have collected necessary and important info related to the Form Six Results 2020/2021.
Check NECTA ACSEE RESULTS 2020 BY SMS. The National Examinations Council of Tanzania has introduced new system for checking ACSEE Results 2020 through short message Service (SMS) that cost 100 Tshs Per one Sms.
For Instructions below in English and Swahili
- Dial *152*00#
- Select number 8. EDUCATION
- Select the number 2. NECTA
- Select the service type 1. RESULTS
- Select Test Type 2.ACSEE
- Enter the Test Number and Year Example: S0334-0556-2019
- Select Payment type (Cost per SMS is Tshs 100 / =)
- Upon completion of payment you will receive a short message of the results
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Matokeo Ya Kidato Cha sita 2020/2021 | Form Six Results 2020
The minister of Education Tanzania professional Joyce Ndalichako has ordered the National Examinations Council of Tanzania (NECTA) to release Examinations Results before 30th August 2020 so as it can not affect the Academic Calendar of 2020/2021.Remember all form Six Examinations have to being done from 29th June to July 16 of this year 2020. Thus process of marking and arranging have to be done hurry so as they can publish Results on time without affecting academic year of 2020/2021
The National Examinations Council of Tanzania (NECTA) is Government Institution which was established by the Parliamentary Act No. 21 of 1973. NECTA is responsible for the administration of all National Examinations in Tanzania.
The decision to establish NECTA was a follow-up of an earlier move, in April 1971, when Tanzania Mainland pulled out of the East African Examinations Council (EAEC) to conduct her own examinations.
Matokeo Ya Kidato Cha sita 2020/2021 | Form Six Results 2020 And Other Examinations Results 2020/2021
- Check Here >>> FORM SIX RESULTS (ACSEE) 2020/2021
- Check Here >>> MATOKEO YA UALIMU 2020/2021
- Check Here >>> DSEE NECTA Results 2020/2021
- Check Here >>> GATCE NECTA Results 2020/2021
How to check Matokeo Ya Kidato Cha sita 2020/2021 | Form Six Results 2020 online?
Now students of Tanzania can check their Advanced Certificate of
Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE) Results 2020/2021 online. Check
below step by step guide to get the NECTA ACSEE Results 2020 online.
- Step 1 : visit
- Step 2 : Click on “Results” from the Main menu.
- Step 3 : The “Results” window will show all results available.
- Step 6: Select “Exam Type” as ACSEE.
- Step 5: Select your “Year” as 2020
- Step 6: Students can now check their ACSEE result.
- Students can save and take print of their result for future reference.
The Examinations conducted by the Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate then were the School Certificate and the Higher School Certificate Examinations. Matokeo Ya Kidato Cha sita 2020/2021 | Form Six Results 2020
The School Certificate Examinations was taken by the African Students for the first time in 1947 and that of the Higher School Certificate in 1960.
Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE) 2020.
This is offered to candidates who have completed two years of secondary education (advanced level) and have had three credits at CSEE level.The Examination Calendar
- The ACSEE is administered on the first week of May every year.
The objectives of ACSEE
The objectives of this examination are to assess the learner’s knowledge and ability to pursue with further education such as diploma and degree courses; to examine the extent to which the learners can use the skills gained to meet the social, political, economic and technological challenges for the individual and the national development at large. Therefore, candidates at this level are expected to possess the following skills in a broad range of activities: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.Eligibility of Candidates who Seats for the Examination
- This examination is offered to candidates who have completed two years of secondary education (advanced level) and have had three credits at CSEE level.
Examined Subjects/Courses
- The examined subject sat ACSEE are as follow: General Studies which is compulsory subject;
- other subject are grouped in combination, i.e., natural science which include Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM), Physics Chemistry and Biology (PCB), Physics Geography and Mathematics (PGM), Economics, Geography and Mathematics (EGM), Chemistry, Biology and Geography (CBG), Chemistry, Biology and Agriculture (CBA) and Chemistry, Biology and Food and Human Nutrition (CBN).
- Another category is Arts Combinations which Includes History, Geography and English Language (HGL), History, Geography and Kiswahili (HGK), History, Kiswahili and English Language (HKL), Kiswahili, English Language and French (KLF), Economics, Commerce and Accountancy (ECA) and History, Geography and Economics (HGE). Matokeo Ya Kidato Cha sita 2020/2021 | Form Six Results 2020