Loan Batch 2, Waliopata Mkopo Awamu Ya Pili
The Higher Education Student Loan Board (HESLB) would like to inform
credit applicants for the 2019/2020 academic year that it has issued a
Phase II list of 11,378 first-year students with a loan value of TZS
35.06 billion.
A statement released today (Saturday, October 26, 2019) by HESLB's CEO
Abdul-Razaq Badru said this Batch brings the total number
of first-year students up to 42,053 and has received loans worth TZS
148.56 billion.
In the first phase list announced last week, 30,675 first-year students received loans worth TZS 113.5 billion.
Badru said in the financial year 2019/2020, the Government has allocated
TZS 450 billion for a total of 128,285 students. Of these, over 45,000
students will be first year and another 83,285 are undergraduate credit
students. In 2018/2019, TZS 427.5 billion was allocated to benefit a
total of 123,285 students including 41,285 first year students. "We
have greatly improved our systems, and now a student can open his / her
loan application for a popular loan like SIPA - Student's Individual
Permanent Account - and get his information including the credit rating
he received," said Badru.
Along with SIPA, Badru said all the names of the successful loan
applicants in the second phase are available on HESLB's loan application
( and the Board's website (
The Board would like to urge credit applicants to remain calm while the
credit planning process for qualifying students for the next phase is