Every University discipline or major has something hard in it.
Therefore, there is no absolutely “easy” course in any university, no
matter what you are studying. However, with regards to study in
Tanzania, some courses give more “headache” than others, posing more
problems and difficulties to the students.
Higher institutions in Tanzania, East Africa have made it to the top-ranked universities in Africa. A good example of these institutions include the University of Dar es Salaam, Mzumbe University founded in 2003, among many others. Hence, in making career decisions in Tanzania, it will interest you to know the 5 toughest courses only the bright ones can take on. Always note that you will become academically bright when you study hard and as such does not mean only the naturally bright ones.

Law is not something you coast through without great hard work and hard study on your part. You need to work harder than you have ever worked before, perhaps harder than your capacity. If you slack off and fall into a state of lethargy, you are going to get a rude awakening as finals approach……yes! You will be deprived of going to law school. Its workload is immense, “cramming” for law exams is nearly impossible. Upon graduation, you are required to go to law school in order to practice with confidence which is another challenging phase to get through with.

Medicine and Surgery encompass complex theoretical discipline mixed with practicals. The load of knowledge you need to grasp in a short period of time makes medicine and surgery one of the most challenging majors out there. You will be challenged to study more than you thought possible and understand everything you come across as it involves human life. At first, when you are admitted to study medicine, you will be excited, in some cases you make a fuss of it and you are even eager to study but as the months drag on, the studying gets old and you say to yourself, “I cannot wait until all this studying is over!”. Be ready to get used to sleeplessness, and the long relentless hours of studying if you intend taking on it.

With an exponential increase in demand for Actuaries, Actuarial science was introduced in Tanzania. This is a is a discipline that assesses financial risks in the insurance and finance fields, using mathematical and statistical methods. This course poses a great challenge to most students because of the huge mathematics involved. You must study all your textbooks diligently and have a good basic grasp of mathematics. If you can’t deal with computations, coasting through this course may be just a nightmare.
Higher institutions in Tanzania, East Africa have made it to the top-ranked universities in Africa. A good example of these institutions include the University of Dar es Salaam, Mzumbe University founded in 2003, among many others. Hence, in making career decisions in Tanzania, it will interest you to know the 5 toughest courses only the bright ones can take on. Always note that you will become academically bright when you study hard and as such does not mean only the naturally bright ones.
Here are Top 5 Hardest Courses To Study In Tanzania
1. Biochemistry
This is not just Biology and Chemistry as it is usually believed. You get to deal with a greater depth of chemistry and biology concepts. There is boat-load of information to grasp and tons of memorisation to do. Biochemistry is a laboratory-based science that explores the chemical processes within and related to living organisms. Taking on Biochemistry is like taking on a double major as you get to deal with organic chemistry and other branches of biology. By using chemical knowledge and techniques, the student taking on this course is made to understand and solve biological problems.2. Law

Law is not something you coast through without great hard work and hard study on your part. You need to work harder than you have ever worked before, perhaps harder than your capacity. If you slack off and fall into a state of lethargy, you are going to get a rude awakening as finals approach……yes! You will be deprived of going to law school. Its workload is immense, “cramming” for law exams is nearly impossible. Upon graduation, you are required to go to law school in order to practice with confidence which is another challenging phase to get through with.
3. Economics
This may surprise you, but Economics is technical and difficult. It is considerably harder than any business course in Tanzania. Taking Economics a course means you are set to study how societies, businesses, governments, and individuals allocate their scarce resources. The maths involved in the BSc is purely on a whole new level. In case your maths in A level is not up to scratch, better not try because you will find it more difficult. It may be unrealistic to pursue if you are not willing to put in loads of extra work. You need to have super ability to handle abstract concepts and apply them to the real world situation. You are given lots of rules to apply in real life, therefore it requires you to wrap your mind around it to really understand all the principles or rules. Economics is concerned with understanding how people think in everyday lives, right from deciding between noodle or rice to maintaining global trade relations. And getting into the mind of people is not going to be easy because they behave in a very complex manner with some logic deeply-rooted in their minds, these are not obvious sometimes.4. Medicine

Medicine and Surgery encompass complex theoretical discipline mixed with practicals. The load of knowledge you need to grasp in a short period of time makes medicine and surgery one of the most challenging majors out there. You will be challenged to study more than you thought possible and understand everything you come across as it involves human life. At first, when you are admitted to study medicine, you will be excited, in some cases you make a fuss of it and you are even eager to study but as the months drag on, the studying gets old and you say to yourself, “I cannot wait until all this studying is over!”. Be ready to get used to sleeplessness, and the long relentless hours of studying if you intend taking on it.
5. Actuarial Science

With an exponential increase in demand for Actuaries, Actuarial science was introduced in Tanzania. This is a is a discipline that assesses financial risks in the insurance and finance fields, using mathematical and statistical methods. This course poses a great challenge to most students because of the huge mathematics involved. You must study all your textbooks diligently and have a good basic grasp of mathematics. If you can’t deal with computations, coasting through this course may be just a nightmare.