Careers at Restless Development Tanzania

Position: Tanzania - Endline Evaluation Consultant
CLOSING DATE: 4th October 2019 at 17:00hrs (Tanzania time)
LOCATION: Tanzania 
Restless Development is a youth-led International Development Agency currently working in Africa, Asia, USA and the UK. In Tanzania, Restless Development focuses on delivering rights-based youth development initiatives in rural and urban Tanzania using peer-to-peer education. Restless development is using youth volunteers to achieve its mission of “placing young people at the forefront of change and in carrying the development banner”.
Restless Development in partnership with Tanzania Bora Initiative has been implementing Kijana Wajibika project; a three years project (2016-2019) targeting young men and women aged 15-35. Kijana Wajibika (Youth be Responsible) is a ground-breaking, initiative, which builds a movement of youth and women who are well informed on civil rights and actively engaged in political processes. The initiative uses our proven and successful youth-led, data-driven accountability model, which places young people at the centre of development and governance processes and provides a platform to empower youth and women in Tanzania to hold their government to account on their commitments, such as those made during the elections
We are seeking to recruit a qualified consultant to work with us to conduct Kijana Wajibika project end-line evaluation in 5 regions (7 districts) where Restless Development has been operating its programme since the launch in December 2016. These regions include Dar es Salaam (Temeke, Ilala and Ubungo), Pwani (Kibaha Urban), Morogoro (Urban), Iringa Rural (Two Wards) and Kilimanjaro (Moshi Urban). The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the impact of the programme and whether the project has achieved its expected outcomes as well as identify recommendations for strengthening future delivery of voice programmes in the organization. The collected data will be compared with baseline and midline in order to assess the impact of the programme. 
RESTLESS DEVELOPMENT ARE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES EMPLOYER We seek to recruit, retain and develop staff from all sectors of the community and will ensure that no applicant or staff member receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of gender, sexual orientation, marital status, social status, caste, race, ethnic origin, religious belief, age, HIV status, disability, or any other factor that cannot be shown to be relevant to performance. 

Interested candidates should refer to the detailed Terms of Reference (ToRs) for this assignment, and apply by 4th October 2019 (17:00 Tz time)
DOWNLOAD Terms of Reference HERE!
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