The University of Dar es Salaam is the oldest and biggest public
university in Tanzania. It is situated on the western side of the city
of Dar es Salaam, occupying 1,625 acres on the observation hill, 13
kilometers from the city centre. It was established on 1st July 1970,
through parliament act no. 12 of 1970 and all the enabling legal
instruments of the constituent colleges.
The Humanities Research Centre in collaboration with the Re-centering AfroAsia Project,a multi-institutional project housed at the University of Cape Town, South Africa( are pleased to announce two Doctoral scholarships open
for students who have successfully completed their Masters and are
interested in researching the cultural connections between Africa and
the Indian Ocean world, within the period of the 1st millennium to 1500AD, in areas of Archaeology and Musicology.
Click the attacment for more Information.Attachment: 20190815_104205_UDSM_Doctoral Scholarships.pdf ads2
UDSM:Scholarships Opportunities in Cape Town, South Africa