Employment Opportunities At TAG ZOE FM Morogoro


The Tanzanian Assemblies of God (TAG) plans to hold 2,000 Acts 1:8 conferences in the next three years, with the goal of leading 90 percent of church members to be baptized in the Holy Spirit.
These goals resulted from a four-day Acts 1:8 Conference last month in which more than 100 Tanzanian national evangelists and church leaders convened in Morogoro to learn how to conduct Acts 1:8 conferences, with the purpose of empowering the church to win souls.

Denny Miller, AG missionary and director of the Acts in Africa Initiative, led the December conference. He says Acts 1:8 conferences typically consist of a week of intercessory prayer, teaching on God’s mission, and lessons on strategy. Night and Sunday services welcome the public, and the Holy Spirit often moves in powerful ways. Miller and his Acts in Africa team have conducted Acts 1:8 conferences in Tanzania and in 25 other countries across Africa.
“The Tanzania Assemblies of God are possibly the most aggressive and notable church in Africa today,” Miller says.
Charles Porter of the AG Africa Communications Office says the TAG already encourages each Christian to lead one person per year to an opportunity to accept Christ as Savior. He says Spirit-empowered witnessing is the basis of the church’s mission.
“They feel like it’s critical to grow a church that’s not just numerically growing, but spiritually growing, and empowering witnesses through the baptism in the Holy Spirit,” Porter says.

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