Apply New Careers at Baylor College of Medicine (BIPAI)


Regional Project Officer

VACANCY – Regional Project Officer
Baylor College of Medicine Children’s Foundation – Tanzania is a non-government organization (NGO) dedicated to supporting the provision of high-quality, comprehensive HIV/AIDS care and treatment to HIV – exposed and infected children and adolescents in the Lake and Southern
Highlands Zones of Tanzania. Baylor Tanzania is affiliated with Baylor International Pediatric AIDS Initiative (BIPAI) Network which is headquartered at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA. Baylor-Tanzania is funded by the United State Agency for International Development (USAID), working to support the Government of Tanzania through Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children to improve provision of services for children and adolescent infected and living with HIV in the Lake and Southern Highland Zones.
Post:             Regional Project Officer
Location:        Mbeya
Position summary:
The Regional Project Officer reports to the Zonal Program Manager and serves as liaison between the COE and Scale Up districts. She/he advises field division management and requests clinical specialists based on facility needs. She/he also represents Baylor-Tanzania by serving on regional health committees and identifying activities for partnerships and appropriate commitment of resources
For details follow the following link:
Addressed to:
The Executive Director, Baylor College of Medicine Children’s
Foundation – Tanzania
P.O. Box 2663, Mbeya Tanzania
Applications should reach Baylor-Tanzania not later than August 30th, 2019.
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