University Of Dar es salaam ( UDSM-CAMPUS, DUCE & MUCE):Call for Undergraduate Programmes

The University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM): Opened Admission Into Undergraduate Degree Programmes 2019/2020
Maombi Ya chuo UDSM, UDSM Academic Year 2019/2020, UDSM Admission 2019/2020, Universities Application 2019/2020

Welcome To UDSM

We are delighted that you have decided to undertake your tertiary studies at the University of Dar es Salaam or are considering to do so. This website describes the range of our courses and different activities done at the University which will give you a flavour of life in our various campuses.

The University of Dar es Salaam is a unique community of students and staff dedicated to bringing out the best in all its members. Our aim is to provide the best possible environment for teaching, learning research and public services, and our track record of success is well known in East Africa, Africa and the rest of the world. We will continue to ensure that your years at this University will be filled with excitement and experiences that you can treasure for a lifetime. We also recognize that the quality of student experiences derives from more than academic study. That is why the University encourages students to join and actively participate in activities of the Students. Union and use the various sports and recreational facilities available, e.g. swimming pool,cricket, athletics and soccer fields. The University of Dar es Salaam is also at the interface of national and international higher education innovations and initiatives.
The University has taken all reasonable steps to make sure that the information on this website about course content, structure, teaching facilities and staffing are accurate and up-to-date. Students are however warned that the demand for certain courses and the availability of staff and resources means that the University cannot guarantee that all courses featured in this website will necessarily be offered. Some courses may have to be withdrawn, or combined with others, or their content changed as resources dictate or permit.
Students and/or prospective students must therefore understand the needs or pressures for change and must also understand when the University expressly states that it shall not be held liable for any claim for damages (including economic damage) or costs(including legal costs) to any student who complains or takes legal action because the course s/he expected or wished to pursue has become unavailable or changed in content.
Having made this disclaimer, I hope you will find this website helpful and interesting. Should you not find what you are looking for, please let us know and we will try to help.
We warmly welcome you, if you are already here, and look forward to hearing from you if you have not yet decided.
A renowned and highly ranked University in Africa, the University of Dar es Salaam stands as the most prestigious University in Tanzania. It is a comprehensive University that caters for the entire Eastern and Southern African region, offering a wide range of academic disciplines at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The University of Dar es Salaam is home to most qualified and internationally acknowledged scholars in Africa.
By this announcement, applications are now open to qualified candidates from Tanzania, the Eastern and Southern African region and beyond, who wish to pursue undergraduate degree programmes for the academic year 2019/2020.
Click links below for more details in PDF FILES and start your application: