MoHCDGEC & TAMISEMI:715 New Government Jobs at Health Sectors (AJIRA MPYA SEKTA YA AFYA)

Learn More about TAMISEMI Health Staff Recruitment 2019 only here at Health Staff Recruitment System – ajira. TAMISEMI Health Staff Recruitment Login, TAMISEMI Health Staff Recruitment Online Application. Ajira mpya za Afya TAMISEMI July 2019 (Apply though Afya Tamisemi OTEAS Online Application System).

Tanzania’s PO-RALG works in partnership with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare to delivery public health services. Independently, the PO-RALG manages district and regional health services, including the regional and district councils. The Ministry of Regional Administration and Local Government oversees regional development management and administration by coordinating rural and urban development management policy and strategies and the activity of Regional Secretariats. It helps to builds the administrative capacity of local governments and to strengthen channels of communication between national and sub-national bodies to further devolve power to the local level in Tanzania.
Regional Governments and Local Authorities are a full ministry which is under the Presidency and managed by the Minister of State assisted by two deputies as managers. There is also the Secretary General who is the Chief Executive Officer of the Government's activities.
 One of the tasks of this Ministry is to coordinate all regional development plans with Local Authorities under the presidential office. The administration of this Ministry is under the Minister who is also a member of the Cabinet of Tanzania.



163 New Jobs at the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children

 I63 New Vacancies The Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC) is charged with the t...  Multiple More Jobs at The Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC)
The Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC) is charged with the task of providing lea...