Internship Program Opportunities At Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS)


Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) is Tanzania’s sole Standards body, formerly established by the Standards Act No. 3 of 1975, which was repealed and replaced by the Standards Act No. 2 of 2009. It is a Parastatal Organization under the Ministry of Industry and Trade. TBS introduced internship programs for graduates from diverse academic backgrounds to have exposure in development issues and a first-hand impression of the day-to-day working environment of the Bureau.
The core functions of TBS are:

1. Formulation and promulgation of Tanzania standards in all sectors of the

country’s economy

2. Implementation of the promulgated standards through third party certification


3. Improving the quality of industrial products both for export and local

consumption through various certification schemes;

4. Promotion of standardization and quality assurance services in industry and commerce through training of personnel in Company Standardization, Quality Assurance and Management Systems, Quality Improvement, Laboratory Techniques and Accreditation, Packaging Technology and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP);

5. Undertaking testing of product samples drawn by TBS Inspectors in the course of Implementing standards (certification samples), requested by manufacturers themselves (type-testing samples), brought by consumers (consumer complaints samples) or for checking laboratory proficiency (proficiency testing samples);  
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