Employment Vacancies at The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF)

Background Information
The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) is a private, non-denominational, international development agency promoting creative and effective solutions to selected problems that impede social and economic development in parts of Africa and Asia. AKF-Tanzania is part of the AKF-East Africa regional structure that supports programmes in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda.

AKF-Tanzania, implemented the Food Value Chain Development, also known as “Kilimo ni Biashara” from April 2016 to September 2019 in Lindi and Mtwara Regions under the GIZ’s E4D/SOGA program funded jointly by UKaid, Norad and the German Government. The purpose of this project was to create jobs and increase income of smallholder farmers and MSMEs by taping opportunities associated with the booming extractive industries in Lindi and Mtwara regions. The FVC project intervened in five districts in Mtwara region – including Mtwara Rural, Masasi, Newala, Tandahimba, and Nanyumbu; and three in Lindi region – which includes Lindi Rural, Nachingwea and Ruangwa. Across the three targeted value chains (Pulses, Horticulture and Poultry) and MSMEs, there was a particular interest on Youth and Women inclusion. Specifically, the project aimed to;
  • Increase cash income of 5,000 individuals (smallholder farmers and entrepreneurs) from sale of supported food crops/items by at least 10%.
  • Establish and/or strengthen 200 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) linked to supported food value chains
  • Create at least 1,020 new jobs through employment or self-employment for individuals engaged in targeted food value chains and MSMEs
  • Improve the livelihoods of 2,000 women (40% of the target beneficiaries) engaged in targeted food value chains and MSMEs.
By June 2019, the FVC project had reached 8,838 smallholder farmers in pulses, horticulture, and poultry value chains across the 8 districts of operations in Lindi and Mtwara regions. Youth aged between 15 to 24 years and women, makes up about 6 and 43 percent of the total reach. Moreover, the project built the capacity of over 200 micro and small entrepreneurs by facilitating the provision of Business Development Support Services in partnership with ANZA. The FVC project also supported the construction of a modern Poultry Market, Poultry Abattoir and Poultry shop at Masasi Town and strengthened the management of Chidya Horticulture Post-Harvest Collection Centre in Masasi. These market infrastructures contribute significantly to the creation of new jobs and increase in incomes of smallholder farmers and MSMEs as targeted by the project.
The Consultancy Opportunities
The Aga Khan Foundation Tanzania invites highly qualified and experienced consultants to undertake either one or both the below assignments, either way the proposals should be submitted separately.
  • Assessment of the Impact of Business Development Support Services on Practices, Performance and Growth of Micro and Small Enterprises in Lindi and Mtwara Regions.
The Aga Khan Foundation in partnership with ANZA under the Food Value Chain (FVC) Project, piloted Business Development Support (BDS) services for over 200 agro-related MSMEs in Lindi and Mtwara region. The purpose of the BDS service was to build capacity of the targeted MSMEs on business skills and mentor the adoption of those skills. The capacity building program officially known as ‘Business Accelerator Program’, included in-door trainings and one-on-one mentorship which took place at their business premises, with modules on basic bookkeeping, marketing, business planning and management. The whole course took approximately 8 to 10 months to complete. The first batch of 100 MSMEs graduated from this program in February 2019 while a 2nd batch is expected to graduate in October 2019.
The purpose of this assignment is to assess the impact of the BDS services on business practices, performance and growth of the targeted Micro and Small Enterprises in Southern Tanzania. The consultant will work in close collaboration with the MERL team of Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) in Tanzania, under the guidance of the Country MERL Manager.
Qualitative Research and Learning Pieces
The Aga Khan Foundation is looking for a competent and highly experienced individual, group, or firm to undertake two qualitative studies in order to document the impact, challenges and lessons drawn from the FVC project interventions on Youth and Women; and the Market Infrastructures. This consultancy therefore is expected to produce two, high quality (international publishing standards) learning pieces on the following titles as outputs;
  1. The Role of Rural Market Infrastructure in Income and Jobs Creation – A Case Study of Masasi Poultry Market and Abattoir and Chidya Post harvest Collection Centre in Masasi District.
  2. Youth and Women Inclusion in Horticulture and Poultry Value Chains – Most Significant Change Stories, Challenges and Lessons from the Food Value Chain Project in Lindi and Mtwara Regions.
The assignment involves a critical review of relevant literature including project narrative reports, qualitative and quantitative data collection, data analysis, report writing and presentation. The consultant will work in close collaboration with the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) in Tanzania, under the close guidance of the Country MERL Manager.
Key Deliverables
Below is a list of expected key deliverables from the consultants for each of the two assignments.
  1. A detailed Inception Report, clearly indicating their understanding of the assignment, contextual literature review, study methodology, proposed data collection tools, Data analysis plan and Reporting guidelines. The draft inception report MUST be submitted to AKF for review and approval at least 10 working days prior to the commencement of the field work.
  2. Data Quality Assurance plan and research Clearance from responsible authorities.
  • A detailed budget and work plan with specific dates and duration.
  • Draft reports/learning pieces to be submitted to AKF in soft copy by 8th September 2019 for review
  1. The final documents to be submitted to AKF in both soft and hard copies by 25th September 2019
Qualifications and Experience of the Consultants
AKF is looking for a competent and a highly qualified consultant with extensive experience both qualitative and quantitative research methods, project evaluations and documentation of learning pieces. The consultant may be an individual person, a team of individuals or a firm, with the following minimum requirements,
  1. The consultant must have at least a master’s degree in any relevant social sciences disciplines (PhD preferred) plus extensive experience in similar consultancy assignments.
  2. Extensive experience in conducting qualitative and quantitative research, project evaluations and documentation of learning pieces on similar subjects.
  3. Knowledge of Gender Inclusion Frameworks/Approaches in general and gender inclusion in value chains and agro-enterprises in Tanzania will be a highly desirable advantage.
  4. Application Procedure
All interested applicants must submit the following documents in a folder, to Aga Khan Foundation Tanzania through email to akftzprocurement@akfea.org by close of business on Monday 5th August, 2019. Please mention the title of the consultancy in your email subject.
  • A detailed proposal describing their understanding of the assignment, research questions, study design and methods and a work plan with timelines.
  • A detailed financial proposal indicating all expenses associated to task and professional fees
  • The applicants’ relevant experience on similar assignments clearly outlining their relevant experience in studies related to the subject; including competencies in qualitative data collection, analysis and reporting. If a team of consultants are making a submission, CVs for each member of the team should be included.
  • For a consultancy firm, copies of relevant legal documents mandating existence and operations such Registration Certificates, Business license and Tax Certificates will be required.
  • Two samples of relevant previous work demonstrating both technical and theoretical competency undertaking qualitive research of similar nature.
For further details of the requirement, kindly contact akftzprocurement@akfea.org or visit our office address AGA KHAN FOUNDATION , Plot 371 Haile Selassie Road | Oysterbay, P.O. Box 125, Dar- es – Salaam, Tanzania .
Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Applications without all relevant documents will not be considered.
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