
Tanzania Forest Service (TFS) is a semi-autonomous government
Executive Agency whose establishment is supported by the Executive
Agency Act (Cap. 245 Revised Edition 2009), the National Forest and
Beekeeping Policies adopted in March 1998 and administered through The
Forest Act (No. 14 of 2002) and Beekeeping Act (No. 15 of 2002) which
provides legal framework for the management of forests and bee
TFS will develop and manage forest and bee resources
sustainably in collaboration with stakeholders in order to deliver
sufficient and quality goods and services to meet local and
international socio-economic and environmental needs.
The specific role and responsibilities of TFS will be;
(i) Establishing and managing national natural forest and bee reserves;
(ii) Establishing and managing national forest plantations and apiaries;
(iii) Managing forest and bee resources in general land;
(iv) Enforcing Forest and Beekeeping legislation in areas of TFS jurisdiction;
(v) Providing forest and beekeeping extension services in areas of TFS jurisdiction;
(vi) Monitoring and evaluation of TFS activities;
(vii) Developing TFS Human resources;
(viii) Collecting Forestry and Beekeeping revenue;
(ix) Safeguarding TFS Assets and
(x) Marketing of forest and bee products and services.
Strategic Plan (SP) covers a three year period from the financial year
of 2010/2011 to 2012/2013 and is the first Tanzania Forest Services
(TFS) Strategic Plan. The process of developing this plan involved
situational analysis covering review of plans of Forestry and Beekeeping
Department (FBD) where main roles and functions of the Agency were
The process also included stakeholders’ analysis and SWOC
analysis with the aim of scanning the capacity of the Agency. The
situational analysis came up with areas for improvement and critical
issues that need to be addressed in the plan.
The critical issues identified in the situation analysis together with other FBD interventions were the basis for developing the mission, vision, core values, objectives, strategies, targets and key performance indicators.
Today we
announce jobs at Tanzania Forest Services (TFS). Read carefully jobs descriptions by downloading PDF File through the link below: